One fine morning, the faithful lackey, who has hitherto identified completely with his master, leaps on his oppressor and slits his throat. RV

Thursday 30 December 2010

Buenos Aires, Argentina – Explosion outside the Greek Embassy


30 December 2010 - Shortly before the bombing in Athens, a smaller explosion occurred outside the Greek Embassy in Buenos Aires in the middle of the night.

“According to the initial findings of the Argentinean police, the blast was caused by a Molotov cocktail thrown by unidentified assailants,” the Greek Foreign Ministry said in a statement, referring to a crude incendiary weapon comprising a glass bottle filled with flammable liquid.

Athens, Greece - Potent bomb damages court building


30 December - ATHENS — A powerful bomb detonated outside a court building near central Athens on Thursday morning, causing significant damage but no injuries, the police said.
The authorities found the device and cordoned off the area around the Athens administrative court after calls to the private television station Alter and the daily newspaper Eleftherotypia at about 7:40 a.m. warned that a bomb would go off there in 40 minutes.
“In both cases, the caller said the device had been strapped to a scooter outside the courthouse and gave the scooter’s registration number,” said an officer at the Athens police headquarters who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment publicly. “The explosion occurred two minutes after the deadline,” the officer said, adding that police bomb disposal experts had gathered the remnants of the device and the vehicle and were examining them.
A local resident told the private television station Skai that he had seen two men dressed in police uniforms pull up near the court building on a motorcycle about 6:30 a.m. The witness said he greeted the men, who told him they were abandoning the scooter because it had engine problems. According to the witness, the pair then got into a white van parked nearby and were driven away by a third person.
The explosion damaged the facade of the court building as well as several cars, and also blew out windows in nearby apartment buildings.


The caller who provided the warning in the Athens bombing was described as a man speaking clearly in Greek. The blast occurred in a densely populated area in the city’s Ambelokipi district, shattering windows and nearby shop storefronts in a 200-meter (yard) radius, and seriously damaging at least 10 cars. It sent up a cloud of smoke that was visible across the city.
Police said the bomb was stored in a hard luggage case in the back of a motorcycle reported stolen in a nearby area of Athens several hours earlier.
An initial examination of the site, suggested that the explosive Anfo — a mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil used in construction but also in improvised explosive devices — was used, police investigators said. The material has been used in the past and seized in police raids in recent months on suspected militant safehouses.

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Rochester, Kent, UK - Riot breaks out at Cookham Wood Borstal


A prison riot led to an eight-hour stand-off between guards and teenage inmates.
The incident at HM Cookham Wood in Borstal began just before 6pm on Monday and was not brought under control until 2am the following morning.
Police have confirmed 13 inmates, who are aged 16 to 18, gained control of one of the wings and threatened staff.
A police spokesman said an intelligence officer was sent to the scene but the incident was dealt with by prison staff.
Five fire crews were on stand-by outside the prison after the youths threatened to set alight to the wing, but they were not needed and were stood down at 2.30am.
A Prison Service spokesman said: "At 5.50pm yesterday (December 27) there was an incident of concerted indiscipline at HMYOI Cookham Wood. Specially trained prison officers were called to the prison and all the prisoners were returned to their cells at 2am. No injuries were sustained by either staff or prisoners."
The latest disturbance follows an all-day riot in October, in which thousands of pounds of damage was caused to the education block.

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Madrid - Anti-clerical action by Anarquistas Amorales


Enjoying the taste of the Christmas traditions, we retrieved the memory and wanted to contribute to this noble intent by giving our opinion on the values and goods that accompany these festivities, in which we continue to feel humiliated and imprisoned by the State.
Burning wood, burning the door of the Church of Majadahonda we recovered our dignity and sent a clear message to the church enterprise: we cannot stand its morality or endure their wallets full of banknotes stolen from the people.
Worship what you like, but not a usurious and thieving institution.

Winterthur, Switzerland - Houses of delegates from the UDC (Swiss People's Party) targetted

cette semaine

ATS, December 27, 2010 - Unknown persons threw pots of paint against the homes of several members of the Right-wing populist, National conservative UDC (Union Démocratique du Centre) Winterthur Region (ZH) on the night of Sunday to Monday. The National Councillors Natalie Rickli and Jürg Stahl are among the victims.

Slogans such as "Natalie we'll get you"or "Class struggle in place of racism" were also sprayed. Contacted by the ATS, Ms. Stahl and Mr. Rickli confirmed information. "These people obviously do not understand anything about democracy," said Stahl.

Announcement from the 3 imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle organisation about the attacks on embassies in Rome.

from greece

About the letter bombs which were sent to the embassies of Chile and Switzerland in Rome on 23/12/2010, resulting in the injury of two officials where the responsibility was taken by the organisation "Federazione Anarchica Informale - FAI - Revolutionary Cell Lambros Fountas", we have to state the following:

As Revolutionary Struggle we always chose to do actions with a political aim. We were always aiming at the status - quo, the structures and those who represent and protect them. We organised them (our actions) in such a way as to avoid injury to the people who were not among our political targets and we would never have carried out actions which could result in the injury of a random embassy official,
for example, as happened in the cases with the letter - bombs.

The above framework has always been a principle of action for us all and of course a principle of our dead comrade - member of the organisation, Lambros Fountas. For this reason we ask for actions of such a kind not to happen in the name of our comrade.

Pola Roupa, Nikos Maziotis, Kostas Gournas

Trento, Italy - Italian Confederation of Workers’ Unions (CISL) headquarters window smashed

local press

22 Dec. 2010 - TRENTO.
"CISL the bosses' servants." After Naples, Padua, Caserta, Terni, yesterday it happened to Trento. Yet another act of vandalism (the first in the province) in respect of the union whose "only blame is to have opened a dialogue with the employers" said the alarmed secretary of the CISL.
In addition to writing in black paint, there was also broken glass.
An increasingly tense atmosphere, manifested by inflamed local assemblies of metal workers, while at national level one culminated with candellotti [sticks of dynamite? tear gas? smoke bomb?] launched in September at the national secretary Raffaele Bonanni.
The incident happened at about two am in Trento during the night between Monday and Tuesday, when the window was smashed in the apartment building, probably with a club, where the headquarters of CISL services and pensioners section have their headquarters in via Verde.

Algiers - Police attack protesting residents at overcrowded Diar El Baraka estate.


27 December 2010 - ...
The Diar El Baraka estate in Baraki, a suburb of Algiers, is angry.
The clashes between elements of riot police and local residents began yesterday, early in the morning.
"We started to scream our anger at five o'clock in the morning. The police arrived and the riots began, "said another young rioter. It is 10am. Young people set fire to tires.
Police receive reinforcements. Some of their responses set fire to the powder. Young people are fuming with anger. They are ready to fight.

Police block the estate at its three entries. Stones are thrown back and forward. "It's amazing! The police attacked us with stones. We are demanding our rights. So why the crackdown? "A young rioter, his head surrounded by the Palestinian
kufiya, is surprised. The police opposes ... kids. They resist for a moment. The police return to the charge. Children flee. And panic. The residents are worried about them. Finally, there was more fear than harm. The boys were not arrested. This did not quiet the minds of the rebels. "Five people were arrested and there were over 20 injuries among residents and police," said Rachid Boudina, a member of the Committee on relocation of the inhabitants of the city Diar El Baraka. The age of people arrested between 22 and 42 years.
Initial information gathered at the scene were the arrest of nine people. "There were four children who were later released," is said.
.. "Our city has more than 2,200 families crammed into 700 homes,"members [of rehousing commission] have waited for an official response from the administration. Nothing in sight. "We are waiting since last June and you see where this expectation has led us," Yesterday, a large resettlement operation was conducted by the services of the wilaya of Algiers. It affected about 1,600 families (1586) occupying slums and informal settlements.
..Elements of the police are visible on the roofs of homes that threaten to collapse. They shoot into the crowd a shower of stones. They make no distinction or age or sex. The law-enforcement and security also launched a torrent of insults on the citizens of the city. The latter responded with slogans against the government. Poverty wrote bleeding lines on the walls of dilapidated houses. Houses of two rooms contain between two and three families. ... At the entrance are grouped in families. But the number of policemen is higher than that of citizens. Among families include social housing applicants and those victims of national tragedy. "We have records of requests for housing dating from 1982. Basta! That the authorities stop lying to people, shouted one of these citizens.
Housing riots may sound the tocsin of a general social revolt. The scuffle that occurred at Baraki follows those of the estates of Palmiers, Bachdjarrah, and
Glacière. Algiers is a powder keg.

Monday 27 December 2010

Rome, Italy - The boy wounded at the Chilean embassy is Cesar

from informa-azione

we have received and are forwarding a few lines of an e-mail received in recent days:

"The Chilean boy wounded by the letter bomb is Cesar. A comrade and a friend involved with the experience of Ciclofficina Popolare (people's bike workshop) of the Ex Lavanderia (the former laundry).

We found out today.

Suddenly, for us, the natural compassion for an injured person is no longer tempered by anonymity.
Behind this story of national importance there is a person whose name, face and voice we know.

Now Cesar is in hospital, with two fingers less and we are angry.


Associazione Ex Lavanderia
Lun, 27/12/2010 – 17:51

Las Vegas - Community Counselling Centre near Maryland and Sahara set on fire


27 Dec. 2010 - LAS VEGAS — Arsonists attacked the Community Counseling Center near Maryland and Sahara. The center has been the target of malicious threats and vandalism the last few weeks but administrators say the fire is the last straw.Around 7 a.m. Sunday, a Metro officer patrolling around the area saw the smoke and called for help. When fire crews got to the scene, they found five offices and a group therapy room engulfed in flames. Holes were cut into the center’s roof and fire officials believe someone did it on purpose.

A rope was found on the roof and the center believes it was used by a homeless person to get up there and commit the crime. Incidents involving homeless people hanging around the area have intensified the last three weeks. The Executive Director found three of his tires slashed and the building’s power was shut off two separate times. The policy has always been to politely ask any homeless hanging around the area to leave.

The fire was put out within 30 minutes but there’s smoke and water damage throughout the center, which gives drug, alcohol and mental treatment to 300 people a week. Damages are estimated at nearly $150,000. The center is closed on Monday for the holidays but the staff says it will work around the clock to open as planned on Tuesday.

Rome, Italy - Suspect package disabled at Greek embassy


27 Dec. 2010 - Police said the bomb at the Greek embassy resembled those which exploded in Rome last week, wounding an employee at the Chilean embassy and also a Swiss embassy staff member.

"The package was similar to the ones at the other embassies," Maurizio Mezzavilla, an official of the carabinieri, Italy's paramilitary police, told reporters outside the embassy, and said that anarchist involvement "could not be ruled out."

Police were called to the Venezuelan, Danish, Monaco, Kuwaiti and Albanian embassies and the Finnish embassy to the Vatican but found only harmless parcels.

But the discovery at the Greek mission highlighted a real threat.

"A suspect package arrived. We immediately informed the carabinieri who arrived immediately and neutralized the bomb," Michael Campanis, the Greek ambassador to Italy told reporters.

He said the package, addressed by hand, arrived in the embassy on December 24.

"We had not received any threats previously. The packet arrived on Friday afternoon when the embassy was already closed. The staff member found it this morning but security measures had already been stepped up," he said.

Last week, an Italian anarchist group called the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) claimed responsibility in a note for the parcel bombs at the Swiss and Chilean embassies.

Paris, France: arrest and incarceration of Bruno

Indy Nantes, December 22, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010, Bruno was arrested in Paris.
He was indicted in the "smoke bomb case" since January 2008 under anti-terrorism investigation, accused of "transport and possession of incendiary devices or explosives, " in the case of the smoke bomb when he went to a demonstration outside the Detention Centre of Vincennes (see
He had been jailed for 4 ½ months in early 2008, then chose to evade judicial control since July 2008. So he was under arrest.
While the investigation should be terminated at the end of 2010, he was jailed on Tuesday December 21 at Fresnes prison.
More info soon.
Freedom for all!
Solidarity is a weapon!

NB: see: by Bruno

Milan, Italy: multiple microphones and cameras found in home of comrades

cette semaine

* communique from Panetteria
21.12.2010 - After the microphone found in the electric metre at the Panetteria (squat Milan), in November, at the home of some friends devices with 300 MHz microphone and transmitter (in a cupboard, a cooking vent and a cathode TV) with a range of 200-300 metres. In one case, plus a remote control activation at several hundred meters distance and in the other also a micro camera connected to a UHF transmitter to the same scope.
This is not the first time and of course not the last that friends find out they are receiving special attention from the judiciary, law enforcement and special services, but we nevertheless emphasize that the presence of a surveillance camera in one's own home is a particularly heinous form of violence.
It should not surprise us that with the current situation, marked by crises and the old antiproletarian recipes of the bosses the work that comrades are carrying out with determination takes on more importance both in the proletarian camp, and consequently, in that of the State.

Carquefou (Nantes), France - Eight school buses burnt out

cette semaine

Ouest France, 22 December 2010 - Fire broke out in the night of Monday to Tuesday in the area of Briords that serves as a depot open to school buses. The origin of the fire is criminal. A motorist alerted the fire brigade around 4 am Tuesday morning. She was on her way to work and saw flames not far from the road. Firefighters of Carquefou, whose barracks are located a few hundred meters away, arrived immediately. Of the twenty school buses parked in the area, eight were on fire. Five belonging to the Querard company and three to the Brodu society.
A fire expert commissioned by the prosecutor visited the site yesterday and found evidence of a crime. According to initial findings, the fire was lit inside one of the vehicles in the centre, then spread to other vehicles, all parked next to each other. Why was this act committed? The question remains, and the investigation promises to be long, the fire destroyed fingerprints and any traces. There were no witnesses and no surveillance cameras on the parking. No gas can was found on site, the hypothesis of a theft of fuel which went wrong is not privileged.*


cette semaine

22/12/2010 - La Depeche - "Neither God nor master", "no sovereign", "religion denies the individual" ... these messages in the form of large tags on three walls of the facade of the church of St. Julien.
On the night of Sunday to Monday, the pastor's house had been targeted by taggers, but the messages were written with gold powder. "The Santas were also thrown in my garden. I managed to remove the tags. Those of place of worship were written more savagely, black, à la bombe".
A resident of Rectory Street said: "This has certainly happened at 2 o'clock on the night of Monday to Tuesday. Because there were noises outside and saw a crowd of young people at that side of the church where the walls were painted. "
Throughout the day yesterday, the technical services officers have been deleting messages on the three walls of the landmark and historic nineteenth century parish. With a pressure hose, they somehow managed to blur the provocative messages. The authors of these degradations are actively being sought by the gendarmerie.

Sunday 26 December 2010

Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia - tensions boil over as teenager shot dead in riot


25 Dec. 2010 - TUNIS — A Tunisian teenager died on Friday and ten others were injured when protestors attacked a national guard post in a region gripped by tensions over youth joblessness, students and the government said.
Mohamed Ammari, who was 18, died when he was shot in the chest during a confrontation with security forces in the town of Menzel Bouzaiene, in the central Sidi Bouzid region, said student representative Mohamed Fadhel.
Several thousand people took part in the protest, which quickly turned violent, said Fadhel.Protesters set fire to three police cars, a train locomotive, the local headquarters of the ruling Constitutional Democratic Rally party and a national guard post, whose guards had to seek shelter in a mosque, Fadhel said.
Police had surrounded the town and were not letting people travel in or out, and many arrests had been made, he said.
The government confirmed the incident, and said two members of the national guard were in a serious condition with burns.
"The groups involved in these acts of violence and trouble encircled and attacked a national guard post by throwing fire bombs and stones," a source at the interior ministry told AFP.
After attempting to disperse the crowd by firing warning shots, security forces opened fire in self defence, said the official.
"This incident led to one death and two injured among the attackers. Several national guard agents suffered burns, including two who are in a coma," said a government statement published by its information service.
Tensions have been simmering in the region since the attempted suicide on December 17 of 26-year-old university graduate Mohammed Bouazizi, who was forced to scratch out a living peddling fruit and vegetables because he could not find a job.
When police confiscated his produce because he did not have the necessary permit, he doused himself in petrol and set himself alight, said the Tunisian League for the Defence of Human Rights.
Bouazizi was transferred to a hospital in capital Tunis with severe burns.
The incident prompted violent demonstrations in which protestors burned tyres and chanted slogans demanding jobs.
The government said the violence was isolated and had been exploited by the opposition.Tensions heightened on December 22 when another young man, Sidi Bouzid, climbed up an electricity pylon and electrocuted himself on the cables, saying he was fed up with being unemployed.

Thursday 23 December 2010

Athens, Greece - Giannis Dimitrakis trial update. Sentence announced


Today the final sentence for comrade Giannis Dimitrakis was announced at the Court of Appeal. The sentence after the fusions is 12,5 years imprisonment (less than the 35 years he got at the first trial!).
Altogether he was found guilty of the robbery in the National Bank on Solonos str, (7 years imprisonment), guilty of mental concourse in the attempted homicide of the guard of the bank (6 years imprisonment), guilty of participating in a gang (4 years imprisonment), guilty of using a gun (2 years imprisonment). He was not given mitigation but with the fusion of the sentences the final sentence is 12.5 years. The percentage of sentence he has to serve is 3/5 so Giannis Dimitrakis has to serve 7.5 years. He has already served almost 5 years.
The courtroom was full of supporters that burst out in slogans and clapping after the announcement of the decision. The presence of the cops was discreet without EKAM (Greek special forces) and masked ones as at previous trials. The speeches and points made by the defence lawyers were remarkable and they didn't speak of a "victory" of course but of a "proportional sentence that corresponds to the charges"
The comrade was led again to prison with his fists raised and in the next days he is expected to be transferred to Domokos prison from Koridallos where he has been held temporarily for the trial.

Sabotage in (Vancouver) Coast Salish Territory


18/12/10 FROM
In the early morning hours
The community policing station on Commercial Drive had its locks glued.
The probation office on Commercial Drive had its locks glued. (Incidentally the same one John Graham was forced to report to before his extradition to the United States.
The TD Bank on Broadway and Naniamo had its ATM'S smashed out. These small acts of sabotage were inspired by the street revolts all over Europe. How much we all yearn to express our desires and solidarity openly on the streets.[another clarion call for the world we desire. a world without working doors, and only broken windows]
Also by our collective anger for the existence and imposition of prison and prison world on our comrades.
Destroy the banks! Sabotage the systems of social control!

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Wedel, Germany - 9 December, arson attack on Astra Zeneca (AZ)

found on

“in the night of 9 december 2010 an arson attack took place on a building of Astra Zeneca(AZ) in Wedel, Germany. After cutting through the fence, four petrol bombs were placed at strategic points around a wing of the schooling building.

Astra Zeneca is one of the most important clients of Huntingdon Life Sciences(HLS) a contract lab that tests products on animals for any company that pays them for it. this sick company is notorious for their animal abuse. some abuse filmed by under cover people is workers hitting beagle dogs in the face and monkeys that wake up while their rib cage is being cut open. HLS has to close, by any means necessary.

This attack is meant as a warning to Astra Zeneca, and any other company using HLS. Drop HLS or deal with us.

this action is dedicated to all SHAC prisoners.

Militant Forces Against Huntingdon”

$hile – Prisoners' demonstration and Solidarity at Antofagasta


22 December 2010 -

Protest by inmates of Antofagasta prison inside the prison and riots outside the prison
As can be expected, the bourgeois press reported that this protest corresponded with a prison riot by inmates, when in fact it was a protest denouncing the conditions of the prisoners in this particular jail. (As tensions increased the protest augmented and within hours the prisoners announced a prison riot, with family members participating outside the jail.)
At about 12:00 noon, a group of prisoners broke with the established order and routine and scaled the wall and prison bars leading to the roof the prison, once on the roof the prisoners dropped banners and shouted slogans relating to the poor infrastructure of the prison and the treatment that prisoners receive at the hands of the prison pigs.
At this time visitors (mostly niños/as and adult women) were already waiting for the visiting hours to start. As the number of family members augmented they began to demand that they visit the inmates as to find out about the state of their jailed family members, that they were ok, and to find out what exactly was going on inside the prison. That's when the pigs started to get aggressive. Contrary to the what the press reported, until this moment none of the filthy pigs that represent the prison assassins had appeared. The press said that, the authorities were on the scene and that and everything was under control.

Thanks to the support from the outside and the call to revolt from within the prison, prisoners screamed nonstop slogans against the pigs, the press and Power.
At about 2 pm, the journalists arrived and began to ask questions that had nothing to do with the reality that was going on at the moment. The journalists were insulted and finally expelled from the area where the family members were protesting.
It was then that the people protesting outside the prison had had enough, they began to throw rocks, sticks, bricks and anything they could find at the pigs they found before them. The pigs in the water tanks and the submissive firefighters also received some presents from the crowd. On top of all that the prison walls were decorated with slogans in solidarity with the prisoners.


Solidarity in Antofagasta
An informal walk through the centre of Antofogasta on Monday, December 20 was held in solidarity with prisoners. With the help of a microphone we were able to make our voices heard, screaming chants against the prison system and infavour of prisoners' "rights" as basic human rights and commenting on the abusive and humiliating things that visitors are subjected to. We also screamed chants against the criminalization of anarchists and social warriors in general. We screamed that, as comrades, we are all sequestered, murdered and disappeared by the state, that the state hasn't ceased with its tortures and that political prisoners didn't disappear along with the dictatorship of "Pinoshit."
In the same protest we informed the public about the torture of Mapuche children and the montage the state/press is constructing to hide the reality of the continued raids, torture and disappearances the Mapuche have had to live through. We also spoke about the repressive situation in Rapa Nui where the Chilean government is reclaiming hectares of land and of the immigrants who in the majority are trafficking drugs, prostituting themselves and begging for money.........

We also spoke about the current situation of our 14 comrades/friends/brothers, 6 of whom are out on bail. Black flags of anarchy, the red and black flags of the anarcho-communists, and the green and black flags of the anarcho-ecologistas, flew high during the entire walk. During the speeches we remembered our fallen comrades and those assassinated by the Chilean state, comrades like; Claudia Lopez, Alex Lemun, Rodrigo Cisternas, Jonny Cariqueo and others. Also, we painfully remembered with rage our comrade and friend Mauricio Morales Duarte Punky Mauri who died in combat against authority.

The walk in and of itself lasted 3 hours, beforehand no one was arrested but after the act two people were detained and interrogated being set free a few hours later.

translated by antonia

Buenos Aires, Argentina – A bomb explodes at Banco Frances


AFP 21 December 2010 - The explosion of the homemade device occurred around daybreak at an automatic teller machine of Banco Frances, breaking windows and damaging the entrance of the bank branch, police said.

Officials were using bomb-sniffing dogs at the scene of the explosion, and said that so far no one has claimed responsibility.

Authorities said the upscale neighbourhood where the blast occurred is home to numerous embassies.

Another bomb exploded before dawn on Monday outside a bank in downtown Santiago, the capital of neighbouring Chile, breaking windows but causing no injuries.

Police were investigating who may have placed the Santiago bomb, as well as another that damaged a police funeral parlour early on Monday.

About 100 small blasts have been set off across Chile in the last five years, many claimed by anarchist groups.

more about this:

West Bank prisoners on hunger strike draw attention to the misery of their situation


22 December 2010
A Cairo University political science professor has criticised the Palestinian Authority for continuing to hold political prisoners. Professor Hassan Nafaa said that the current hunger strike by detainees in PA jails constitutes a protest about their mistreatment and draws attention to “the misery of the Palestinian situation”. The detention of those who resist Israel’s military occupation is, added Prof. Nafaa, part of the PA’s commitment to the Zionist state and the US.

“It is known that the PA cooperates with the Israeli occupation on security [matters],” he said, “and we know that this is under American supervision and detention is part of this deal.” According to Prof. Nafaa there is a commitment by the PA to control the security situation in the West Bank which, it believes, will lead to a reasonable peace agreement. “However, what is happening is that while the PA does what is required of it, the Israelis do not fulfil their obligations; this is the dilemma the Palestinians face.”

Athens, Greece - Letter from the Special Basement of the 6th Wing of Koridallos prisons

Signed K. Gournas, S. Nikitopoulos, N. Maziotis

22 December 2010
Since the 29th of November, we the three political prisoners of the underground special wing 6 of Koridallos, defendants for the case of Revolutionary Struggle, participated in the mobilizations of the prisoners of all prisons who either with prison food abstention, or with hunger strikes are fighting for the improvement of certain provisions of the C.C. (Correctional Code) regarding the leave days, the probations and disciplinary matters, decent treatment and improvement of the conditions of detention, the abolition of certain draconian penal provisions, special detainment conditions, reduction of the life sentence as well as the release of disabled prisoners and cancer patients.
In the frames of these demands it is also claimed that the special antiterrorist legislations that occasionally have been voted are abolished, with the most recent that passed in August which the “progressive” Kastanidis passed secretly and where it's allowed for anonymous witnesses to testify in trials of cases of armed revolutionary organizations and “organized crime” as well as the penalization of violent action of demonstrators in mass mobilizations as “terrorist actions”.
The situation in which they passed these two provisions is not accidental since the present minister of “Justice” Kastanidis participates in a government of traitors of the Greek people that executes the commands of the lenders of the international economic elite.
It is natural that along with the application of the Memorandum, there is State repression for the defense of the regime since they await social explosions that can put at risk its very existence.
Also among the demands of the prisoners is the abolishment of the special regime of detention of political prisoners whether it's the special wing in the F.P.K. (female prisons of Koridallos) where those sentenced for the 17N (17November organization) are detained, or the basement of the 6th wing.
The 6th wing is an isolated small wing and the basement in which we are kept has 8 cells of 2 people.

read full letter:


source: culmine



Florence, Italy - Tramway, track 'chained' and anarchist writings


source: Tuscan press 21:12:10 - This morning, as disclosed by a communication from the ATAF, tracks of the tram line no. 1 were found 'chained': persons unknown had in fact chained together two traffic lights at Cascine.
In addition to blocking the way of the tram with the chain, they also left
a sign with anarchist content along the tracks. Police are investigating the incident. The tram service was suspended for a few minutes.

Monday 20 December 2010

$ hile - Adjudication bombing of the department of Carabineros computer technology in Independencia


With this explosion we remember and avenge the brothers fallen in the massacre of St. Miguel and in solidarity with their families and with different brothers encountered through demonstrations inside the prisons.
With this explosion we are showing our hatred and contempt for the nefarious institution of the cops, detonating a device last night at the place where they look after their dead the place of the radio of the cops.
Our insurrectional greetings go to the brothers and sisters accused in the so-called caso bombas and all the brothers and sisters kidnapped by the state-capital throughout the world.
This is also a call to continue multiplying attacks seeking revenge for the 83 brothers killed and all those being trampled by this disgusting society.

Revenge for the killing of San Miguel

Prisoners of August 14 in the street

Contempt and hatred of prosecutor peña and his chief hinzpeter

down with the jails of the assassin State

Comando Vengativo 8 de Diciembre

Lisbon, Portugal - Swiss Embassy attacked in solidarity with Costa, Silvia, Billy and Marco


informa-azione 20.12.2010 - mail from anonymous

"On the night of December 14th a group of ninja-ginja" attacked
the Swiss embassy with paint bombs, graffiti and cold-welded the front door.
finding on a quiet Lisbon morning the words: "SOLIDARITY WITH ANARCHIST PRISONERS."
they put a patrol at the entrance ... ... ...
solidarity is stronger than their security
freedom is stronger than their prisons ... ...
... .. now they are scared even in portugal!"

Santiago, Chile - Two bombs during the night


Chilean media,20.12.10 - The Police Special Operations Group (Gope) and the Police Forensic Laboratory (Labocar) are investigating two bombings that took place this morning in the capital, which affected a bank branch and a uniformed police precinct.
According to records, at about 00:15 am, a noise bomb exploded at a branch of Banco Santander, Vicuña Mackenna with Victoria, south central sector of the capital, a few metres from Megavisión tv channel.
The explosion caused damage to the windows of the facade and, reportedly, there were no pamphlets, no one has sent a claim.
Then 15 minutes later, another bombing occurred at a police station, in Retiro corner Vivaceta 647. Also, it was a homemade noise device and no pamphlets were found.

Santiago, Chile - Bombing against a branch of the State Bank


from the Chilean press 18/12/1910 - This morning a bomb exploded inside a branch of the State Bank, located in the commune of Renca in Santiago, causing considerable damage.
The device was homemade, and would have been made with industrial-grade explosives caused damage to part of the Bank ATM smashing the windows and the cash machine, and there was also damage to the concrete wall.
Police of Labocar, OS-9 and GOPEo arrived at the site, located on Avenida Eduardo Frei Montalva 2250, who claimed that the target of the explosion was stealing money from the ATM, but as a result of the blast much of the money was burned and they would have taken only about 700 thousand pesos.
In the branch of State Bank, which has security cameras, there were no pamphlets or tags alluding to any cause. And so far no group has claimed the bombing.

Madrid, Spain - 40 banks and 10 real estate agents sabotaged in Carabanchel

cette semaine

Indy Madrid, Mon 20/12/2010 - The night of Thursday 16 to Friday 17, about 40 banks' cashpoints and 10 locks of estate agents were put out of use in the Carabanchel area of Madrid in response to the threat of eviction of the squat (CSOA) Mercado Puerta Bonita.

May the anger spread ........... (-A-)

Sunday 19 December 2010

Santiago, Chile - Serious incidents inside the ex-Penitentiary


17 Dec 2010 - Inside the Santiago Penitentiary former, there have been serious incidents between prisoners and the gendarmes after an exhaustive review of the cells.
According to figures released by the Prison, riots left 54 prisoners and 12 troops injured, but according to the prisoners the figure is much higher among prisoners alone there are over one hundred wounded.
The information contradicts that delivered this morning by the Minister of Justice, who stated that there were 60 police injured controlling the unrest, without referring to the prisoners.
One of the prisoners, through a telephone conversation, said the biggest problems are found in the gallery number 8, where there would be 15 serious injuries that have cuts and dog bites on their faces, also said that several people would have lost blood as a result of injuries and that some lost consciousness. He also said that several of his comrades had begun a hunger strike.
The incidents in the ex Penitentiary began yesterday afternoon when Gendarmerie sent about 350 prisoners of the towers 10 and 8 to the gymnasium as they had decided to inspect the cells .
During the riots there were fires, barricades were erected and the prison antiriot squad were present.
There are various versions about what happened yesterday afternoon. Just at 22:30 order was restored, while more than 200 relatives of the prisoners were demonstrating outside the prison walls.

Santiago, Chile - A communique from anarchist prisoner Mónica Caballero on the situation in the extermination centres


17 Dec 2010 - Even before the bodies of the prisoners of San Miguel have gone cold the show by the guardians of order
to hide what happened has already begun.
More prisons seems to be the most feasible solution for those who profit by imprisonment. How many lives have the prisons taken away, how many dead stain the uniform of the guards?
The deaths of the 81 prisoners add themselves to a long list of crimes that have gone unpunished, which the State is solely responsible for. Inside many prisons, many have decided to face the torturers and take action. Here, in the women's detention centre, every day the number of women who join the Hunger Strike of thousands of prisoners is
increasing in all the territory dominated by the Chilean State. Many have also stitched their mouths and are isolated in the punishment sections.
If anyone who dares to put
the laws of the powerful in question is a criminal, then I assume that denomination.
As I finish writing these words, they are searching the former Penitenciario. The news reports that there are 1,500 prisoners on hunger strike, the revolt must be punished. The fire made its presence both inside the Extermination Centre
and outside, by their families.
You don't embellish cages, you destroy them!
For the end of this and any other society.
No more Anti-terror Laws.

Mónika Caballero, Anarchist Prisoner, Special High Security Section

Female Extermination Centre, Santiago, Chile