One fine morning, the faithful lackey, who has hitherto identified completely with his master, leaps on his oppressor and slits his throat. RV

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Bristol, England - BT smashed and painted

uk indymedia

30.06.2010 15:41
Multiple windows were broken and three paintbombs thrown at the BT premises on Stapleton Road, Easton, at 1am on Wednesday, June 30th. 'NO BT, NO PRISON, NO WAR (A)' was also sprayed on an electrical box in the compound.
The records show that in 2008 BT had £59m invested in the arms trade, as well as continuing to supply the telephone connections for the prison complex, charging inmates seven times the average rate to speak to their loved ones. It is for these reasons for which we have attacked, expressing our solidarity with the remaining defendents in the recent EDO/ITT decomissiong case, as well as those imprisoned for their 'crimes' in last years Gaza demonstrations. These facts aside, for their fundamental role within the capitalist framework of exploitation and oppression, all corporations are worthy of attack.
Solidarity means attack

Brighton, England - 5 Gaza Bomb Factory Decommissioners NOT GUILTY!

uk indymedia

30 June 2010 - The jury in the trial of seven activists who decommissioned a Brighton arms factory to prevent Israel war crimes in Gaza in January 2009, have found [five of] them not guilty of Conspiracy to Cause Criminal Damage by unanimous verdict in Hove Crown Court.
Simon Levin, Tom Woodhead, Ornella Saibene, Bob Nicholls, Harvey Tadman have all been acquitted. Two others Elijah Smith and and Christorpher Osmond await a verdict.
The court sits again on Friday where the last two verdicts are expected to be announced. A press conference will be announced on Friday when the final two verdicts are expected.

Chile - The January 22 Collective, four days into their hunger strike

this is our job

From Hommodolars Contrainformación (June 29, 2010):
From the January 22 Collective to all anarchist social networks in Chile and the rest of the world:
Brothers and sisters,
We have begun the struggle for anarchist dignity, enduring four days on hunger strike inside Santiago Prison Death Camp, A Wing. Our strike can only be resolved by transferring us to Santiago Maximum Security Prison and ending all prison injustice. All the arguments we’ve made have fallen on the deaf ears of the Chilean Police, who collude with a fascist state that endorses every violation of human rights and uses brazen deception in order to capture anarchist social fighters. Brothers and sisters, we think that struggling—sure of our convictions—to maintain our dignity as warriors for life makes us part of a reality that will always be alien to the entire capitalist system. We are calling for mobilizations in every street so that people can be free from misery and injustice. In here, we are fighting to tear down the walls of the prison system. Let’s unite to gain more space for anarchists. Police are on alert to stop us from struggling on their turf, where we are now captive. We denounce every injustice and prison rape.
—January 22 Collective (Sergio Vasquez Barrientos & Alberto Olivares Fuenzalida), Santiago Prison Death Camp, A Wing

Liniers, Buenos Aires - Police wounded and seven arrested after eviction of illegal stallholders

la razon

29.06.2010 - Four policemen were injured and seven people were arrested. There were burning tires and confrontation with staff. The illegal outposts were located on Avenida Rivadavia, including between José León Suárez and General Paz. Four Metropolitan Police officers were injured and seven people were arrested this morning during the evacuation of several illegal street trading posts in Liniers. It all started around 4:30 in the Rivadavia Avenue, between José León Suárez and General Paz. About 50 policemen came to the scene to report on the eviction of the stallholders, who are located in the sidewalk bordering the Sarmiento railroad tracks and along two blocks.
But the situation became tense. Workers burned tires and threw stones, eggs and tomatoes at police and then, when they placed the metal fences, the incidents began.
Speaking on Radio 10, the Chief of Staff of the Government Porteño, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, explained the procedure. He said the local homeless "did not have permits, did not have" minimum security conditions. "

Hemet, CA - Pre-dawn fire sets off ammunition at a police evidence building

social rupture

Another attack on police building -- Hemet, CA
A pre-dawn fire that set off ammunition at a police evidence building was likely linked to six booby trap attacks on law enforcement officials in this small Southern California town, authorities said Monday.No injuries were reported in the fire inside the unmarked building. Arriving firefighters also had to deal with heavy smoke and security locks.The fire was doused in less than 30 minutes."This makes us think whoever's behind this is letting us know they're still out there," police Lt. Duane Wisehart said. "It just doesn't end. We're doing everything we can."Detectives were trying to determine how much of the burned evidence was involved in cases awaiting trial.Police Chief Richard Dana said none of the evidence came from the previous attacks on police in Hemet, located about 90 miles southeast of Los Angeles.Investigators were proceeding on the assumption the fire was the seventh attack in the past six months targeting police and city property.Police have not identified any suspects in the attacks.On Dec. 31, a natural gas pipe was rerouted into the headquarters of an anti-gang unit. The building filled with flammable vapor, but an officer smelled the danger and the building emptied before anyone was hurt. In another attack, a ballistic device strapped to a fence at a gang task force compound sent a bullet within inches of an officer's face. There also have been several other suspicious fires, including one at a police rifle range and another in March that burned four city trucks in a parking lot several blocks from the Police Department. No one has been injured.

Some recent news from Belgium

suie e cendres

Rocailles - Fire at technical school
ROCAILLES – A fire destroyed the place were the teachers eat and another part of the building of a secondary technical school. Firemen were fast there to avoid further burning of the school. Damage is considerable.17.06.2010
Herstal - Attacking the City Bank with an excavation machine
HERSTAL – Unknown persons stole an excavation machine on a site at the Boulevard Ernest Solvay. During the night they drove it next to a City Bank Agency, driving into it next to the vault. The alarm went off and police came immediately. The criminals had already fled, without taking any money. Damage to the bank is considerable.16.06.2010
Louvain - Flag burned inside rightwing offices
LOUVAIN – 35 year old Anton H. risks 6 months' jail for burning a flag in the offices of the rightwing catholic student group KVHV in Leuven, on the 24th of April this year. Justice says he stormed into the building, put the flag on fire and than ran off. According to the prosecutor, the man has an anarchist background. The comrade didn’t show up for the court case.17.06.2010
Brussels - Riots during hip hop concert
BRUSSELS – After a hip hop concert in the neighbourhood of Molenbeek, clashes erupted between police and youngsters. Police intervened when the extreme right citizens committee “Vigilance Citoyenne” who to protested against the concert was chased away. The last concert was annulled due to the clashes.20.06.2010
Charleroi - 22 buses destroyed by fire
CHARLEROI – A fire destroyed 22 buses of the public transport company TEC. Fire erupted at 2h30 in the morning. At the TEC, several wild strikes have been going on over the past months.24/06/2010
Brussels - Cops injured during arrest of escaped prisoner
BRUSSELS – Three cops were injured during the arrest of an escaped prisoner in Brussels. When police stormed into the house of his family, the brothers and sisters opposed themselves. People from the neighbourhood also came to support and resist the cops. Finally, the escaped prisoner was arrested.25.06.2010
Steenokkerzeel - Construction yard of new detention centre occupied
STEENOKKERZEEL – Dozens of people occupied the construction site, run mainly by the companies BESIX and EIFFAGE, of the new detention centre for immigrants in Steenokkerzeel, 15km for Brussels. They blocked the entrances to the site with lock-ons and went on the roofs of the construction site. Police and mayor conceded they would tolerate the occupation till the end of the day. All works at the site stopped. The activists hung banners saying “No border, no nation, stop deportation” and “Never a 127 tris” (127bis is the name of the already existing detention centre just next to the construction site). All occupants were able to leave the site without any identity check.25.06.2010
Brussels - Rail road traffic sabotaged
BRUSSELS – Tuesday 22th of June, the railroad traffic in and around Brussels was heavily disturbed after five acts of sabotage. For three hours, no rail traffic was possible. The railroad company doesn’t want to provide any details about the sabotage, fearing a “copy cat effect because once you know how to do it, it’s not so difficult.” After rumours about sabotage of the brakes, the railroad company declared this was not the case and that there was no danger at any moment for the passengers.28/06/10
Tournai - Death in prison cell
TOURNAI – An individual arrested on the night of Wednessday to Thursday died in a cell in the police post of Doornik. The death is claimed to be “accidental”.The man was arrested (police say he was drunk) around midnight and put in the cell of the police HQ in the Rue du Becquerelle in Tournai. In the morning, the man was found dead in the cell. Justice claims police is not to blame at all and that the cops’ hands are not blooded.17/06/10

Athens - news from the general strike

from the greek streets

At least 13 detentions in the Athens demonstration alone, six of which have turned into arrests (that is, these people face charges). There are already e-mails circulating, denouncing the unprovoked arrest of Dimitris Aggelis Dimakis, a student of European History at the University of Athens. Any updates on Dimitris’ case, or any other of today’s arrestees, will be published here.
The general strike demonstration largely lacked in numbers (anything between 30,000 and 50,000 might be a good estimate, that together with the demo of the stalinist PAME, which is always separate). The reasons could be anything from the numbness so many feel from the cataclysmic changes happening all around us, to the May 5th aftermath, or simply that we’re entering deep summer. In any case, what we lacked in numbers we had in the passion of some people who were out on the streets. When a couple of riot police units tried to cross through part of the demonstration at Syntagma (just opposite parliament) they were evidently surprised to see the amount of abuse they got from “ordinary” demonstrators who attacked them with empty water bottles and their bare hands, to send them out of the demonstration. More photos from this incident here.

Earlier, at Syntagma square again, the thugs of the “Delta” motorcycle police force were only too eager to confirm the old Greek saying, “stupidity is unbeatable”. Two of their motorcycles collided with one another. The result? (see above)

This sums up the main incidents from Athens today. The mainstream trade union, GSEE, has already announced there will be another strike next week – the date is yet to be confirmed and will appear here as soon as it is known.

Monte da Caparica, Almada, Portugal - confrontations between GNR (militarized police) and local residents

29 June – Bairro do Asilo (Monte da Caparica).
The confrontations began when a GNR patrol interfered, at 23h00, in a dinner/party residents were having in the street. The cops were received with insults and stones, and called for reinforcements; 50 GNR and PSP riot cops arrived at the scene.
The streets were immediately blockaded by burning garbage bins and tires, while stones kept being thrown at the police.
The police regained military control at 2h in the morning, with 19 persons arrested, 3 of them remaining in custody of the authorities. Several shots (some with live ammunition, according to residents) were fired by the police, and houses were broken into, supposedly for the police to search for residents who were throwing bottles at them from the balconies.
Many residents were wounded by the beatings and the shots, leaving blood on the stairs of the buildings, and house doors were simply smashed in.
5 GNR cops were injured, at least 5 police vehicles were damaged and this one more state intromission in people’s lives didn’t pass unchallenged.


Tuesday 29 June 2010

Sopore, Kashmir - Police attacked after killing 2 boys and wounding many demonstrators with bullets and teargas

kashmir times

June 28: Two boys were killed in CRPF firing at Sopore and Delina today while excessive force including firing, tear gassing and lathicharge was used by both police and CRPF to foil the march to Sopore. At least 20 persons received bullet injuries in firing by cops at five places. Over 100 persons were injured in the clashes.The Srinagar-Baramulla road was virtually turned into a battle field between the men in uniform and protestors recreating the Muzaffarabad Chalo scene of 2008 on the highway. While the cops fired bullets and teargas shells at will, the protestors attacked them with stones, rocks and lathis. At some places the men in uniform had to run for their lives but they finally succeeded in dispersing the march near shrine at Narabal.Amid a spontaneous general strike the separatist leadership including Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Mohammad Yasin Malik, Javid Ahmad Mir and Shahid-ul-Islam were either arrested or placed under house arrest.Thousands of people took to streets in old city and some Civil Lines areas of Srinagar in the late afternoon and evening hours and held demonstrations against the killings. At some places, police and security forces had to use force to disperse them. Tajamul Bashir Bhat, 20, son of Bashir Ahmad of Wadoora village of Sopore was critically injured when CRPF troops opened fire on protest demonstration outside the Kapra Cinema, the headquarters of CRPF, this morning. A bullet hit Tajamul in the throat. He was rushed to hospital, but succumbed to injuries on way. Reports said that CRPF opened fire on the procession of the people who returned after the burial of Bilal and killed Tajamul. Earlier, CRPF troopers and police used force, burst tear smoke shells and fired hundreds of bullets in the air at Seelo village on the outskirts of Sopore to disperse a protest rally. The protestors were on way to curfew bound Sopore to participate in the funeral of Bilal Ahmad Wani who was shot dead by CRPF last evening in Sopore. At least fifteen people were injured in the incident.

Monday 28 June 2010

Newhaven, England - Conservative Club destroyed by fire

the vast minority

MYSTERY surrounds a fire which destroyed a Conservative Club in an English seaside town over the weekend.The BBC reports that Sussex Police have launched a probe into the blaze that swept through the building in Newhaven, near Brighton, over Saturday night.
It took more than ten hours for fire crews to bring the fire under control and the club was wrecked. Said the report: "The crews' efforts were hampered after the roof of the property caved in."
It is not yet clear whether this was a deliberate attack, but there is plenty of motive for arson after the Conservative-led government declared war on the oridinary people of Britain with its first raft of neoliberal "austerity" measures.

London - Police attacked by crowd of young people in Whitechapel following anti-fascist rally


According to the police, the ‘very volatile’ group of young men, numbering up to 300, had assembled outside the East London Mosque in response to rumours of a rally by the controversial right-wing group the English Defence League.
Despite no EDL presence, the protesters became agitated and ‘surged up and down’ the Whitechapel Road. According to the police statement, there were ‘concerted efforts by the crowd to attack people at random.’
Police officers themselves were also attacked by the crowd ‘at points throughout the afternoon.’
Stewards and representatives of the mosque attempted to control the situation, police said, making ‘continued excellent attempts’ to pacify the crowd and even risking their own safety, but were unsuccessful.
In response to the ‘risk of serious disorder,’ and in order to prevent injuries to officers and bystanders, police isolated the area with a series of ‘filter cordons,’ which remained in place for around two hours.
An earlier anti-EDL rally in the area, held by Unite Against Fascism, was conducted peacefully. Police estimate participant numbers at around 1,500. Demonstrators suggest that the number was closer to 5000.

Portland, OR - Police Union HQ smashed up again

social rupture

If it ain't broken, don't fix it? Or perhaps if it ain't broken, break it?
The communique:"PPA office smashed up the night of June 23rd.
Fuck them, from defending murderers, to demanding hidden contract meetings, they deserve worse!
Dear Portland Police Aliance,Your office was smashed last night because it fills us with rage that the police exist. You have always worked tirelessly in the interest of white supremacy and the rich at the expense of everyone else.
Now, without even the flimsiest of punative measures for cops who kill, beat, taze, and terrorize the marginalized people of portland, just to spit in the eye of this city you demand closed negotiations for your next contract.
We're letting you know that when you hold negotiations in seclusion we will try to open them any way we can (for now with rocks through windows).
We think that you, the PPA, should dissolve yourself, but in leiu of that elect a glazier in your upcoming union presidential election, as trend seems to indicate that you will be having a lot of open air meetings in the future.
Rocking the vote,Scott Westerman"

Switzerland - Experimental GM field attacked in solidarity with Marco, Silvia Costa and Billy


In the night between Wednesday 23 and Thursday, June 24, the experimental field of culture of GM corn was attacked with herbicides with the aim of destroying plants and preventing GM research.The opposition to genetic engineering is part of a wider opposition to total control of society and of the living that is being created thanks to the development of nano and biotechnology.
It is for these reasons that we also wanted to express our solidarity with those who oppose this technoscientific capitalist system with concrete actions and in particular with Marco Camenisch, Silvia, Costa and Billy revolutionary prisoners who are imprisoned in Switzerland because they understood that words are not enough and that action is needed to create radical change, even though this might mean the risk of being deprived of one's freedom.

Thessaloniki, Greece - Firebombs target 2 unionists' and a policeman's homes


Police in Thessaloniki yesterday were seeking the perpetrators behind three bomb attacks, two on unionists and one on the home of a policeman, none of which caused injuries. A homemade explosive device planted outside the eighth-floor apartment of Sotiris Zarianopoulos, the general secretary of a local labor union, near the city center, detonated shortly before 2 a.m. At around the same time, a similar device went off outside the home of a policeman in the district of Ambelokipi. Shortly after 11 a.m. another homemade bomb went off outside the home of a former unionist in central Thessaloniki. The target of the attack was Dimitris Gousidis, the former head of the union representing journalists in Macedonia and Thrace. All three attacks caused limited damage but led to no injuries.

Spain - a branch of Ibercaja bank attacked


The night of June 25 a branch of the bank Ibercaja was attacked in the form of a large ball of fire in response to the Nazi demonstration to be held on the afternoon of the 26th.
We do not want the same institutions that feed the neo-Nazis to monitor or illegalize their manifestation. You cannot continue to deceive us, fascism can only be stopped by everyone clashing actively.
For social revolution, which spreads chaos and overcomes this degenerative society in which we live badly.

Setúbal, Portugal - unknown persons burn down police officer's car


21 June - An officer of the PSP of Setúbal has been the target of threats and violent attacks carried out by unknown persons in the Bela Vista neighbourhood, considered by the authorities to be the most problematic in the city. In the latest attack, on Monday at dawn, someone set the agent's private car on fire, a Peugeot parked in the Rua do Antigo Olival, where the officer lives.
At around 1am, the car was engulfed in flames. According to CM, this 25 year old officer is a member of a Fast Intervention (EIR, riot cop squads of PSP) Squad and has apparently been “marked” in the course of one of the many PSP operations that have taken place inside Bela Vista.
The fire brigade confirmed the fire in which the car was completely destroyed. PSP refuses to make any declarations concerning the case. However, this is not the first time this officer has been a target. Three months ago someone slashed the tires and vandalized the same car, besides several threats made to the officer.
Following the fire, several agents of PSP were in the street trying to locate the authors, but too late. They all got away.

Sunday 27 June 2010

Koekelberg, Belgium - Disruption of high mass in the Basilica

cette semaine

Friday, May. 25, 2010 at 1:45 PM - On Thursday, high mass at the Basilica of KOEKELBERG, which had the honour of hosting a delegation of 70 priests, was somewhat disrupted. Archbishop Monsignor Leonard unfortunately was unable to participate in this great celebration, but this did not prevent a small group of people from coming to interfere with the solemn and silent procession of the Eucharist, the ritual moment of communion with God. Condoms filled with shampoo were thrown through the flocks of the faithful, red dye coloured the water in the sacred font, slogans were yelled, and on leaving the hostile assembly two helium balloons with alarms suspended from them were released and soared to the heights of the basilica. They rested against the ceiling and were to resonate their sweet melody long after their stealthy appearance.

The following text was is also dispersed in the air above the crowd:
My body, I want to feel and satisfy it, listen to its needs, desires and its cries of distress. Because they are mine.
And if I am hungry, I will not prostrate myself, I will not pray for redemption, I will not await paradise. I hate hunger, cold and suffering, so I will steal from shops, churches, the rich.
If I feel attracted to someone of the same sex, I will not confess and atone, I will not be ashamed of my love and desire. No, I will enjoy myself and voluptuously taste my body and that of my lover.
If I do not want a baby and I end up pregnant anyway, I will not feel guilty. I will not try to hide myself in the eyes of any god. No, me, if I want, I'll remove the fruit of my body and live in harmony with my decision concerning my future.
No, I will not beg, I will not pray, simply because I want neither mercy or pardon. I hold my life in my own hands and no one is worthy of my kneeling down to.
Because I have a head, and with my head I can think. I have a body, and with my body I can feel. I can be myself, develop my own thoughts, clear my own path. I set fire to the Bible, all holy books and legal codes with the sulfur of my individuality.
And by that I am now able to dream and fight anything that stifles my reveries. I can enjoy my body and my erotic imagination. I do not want to get married, ever. But I want to kiss and fuck a lot. Develop relationships based on freedom, based on a mutual understanding of desires and ideas, not on the prison bars of a compulsory eternal union.
Today I am here. I came here to block your words. Because I do not accept your lies about gods, devils and paradise. I do not accept the deadly disease you preach; the chains you forge; the hypocrisy which you smother your actions and those of your peers ; the power you wield and draw profit from ; the blood with which you build churches and palaces ; the countless wars that you've waged and continue to wage on behalf of a dead Christ and an authoritarian god. I do not accept the fables that are used for caging and destroying people.
Yes, I sin, and I shout it high and loud. It is not the devil that seduced me, but rather the hot blood that boils in my own body ; and my own thoughts that I give form to every day with what I see, experience, hear, read and sense. Religion is the death blow to life, all religions and all their preachers are responsible.
If I come today to spit in the face of one of these preachers, Bishop L. , it is because of his poisonous breath, which spreads the submission of women in books, reinforcing the position of the pious against abortion, is now the head of this patriotic institution.
I'm not afraid of the words of such a miserable mean guy.
I won't resign myself to aggressions of my being, whether they come from religion, or they come from this world that constantly brings oppression. I refuse to play the game. So, I dance to the rhythm of my life, the rythm of revolt that despises the symphonies of death.
On behalf of myself.

Lyon, France - technical premises of the police up in smoke, eight police logistics cars burnt


Le Progrès, 23.06.2010 4:00 A fire destroyed buildings and cars SGAP Espérance, a logistics site of the National Police in Lyon, in the 3rd district. On the border between Lyon and Villeurbanne, the establishment is set between apartments, small houses and industrial buildings in a quadrangle formed by Antoine Charial Paul-Bert, St. Eusebius and l'Espérance. Around quarter past three, a local resident was awakened by some explosions. Two cars were in flames in the yard. "The hangar in front of which the Twingo was starting to catch fire, a car was burning in front of another building, which began to go up in flames through the back, probably because of a third car that I did not see" said the witness who was struck by the violence of the accident. Firefighters were called by residents, but their response was complicated by difficulties of access to the site, closed by a heavy metal gate. Using four lances, they struggled until 9:00 yesterday morning, because of cutting operation. They gave way to the forensic technicians and investigators of the brigade of general affairs Police. According to a preliminary investigation, the trail of a deliberate act appears preferred.
...22.06 - A fire destroyed the premises of the technical police on the night of Monday to Tuesday. Eight unmarked cars used for logistics were set ablaze. The investigators are treating the case as arson. The fire started at 3:20. It swept the 300 m2 of offices of the Secretariat General of the police administration (SGAP). Eight logistical cars parked in the courtyard were burned. The site houses the police clothing department, a sewing workshop, two union offices and a carpentry workshop containing a large stock of wood. An investigation is being conducted by the security department. "We consider this a criminal attack", says an investigator. The hypothesis was evidenced by the fact that the interior alarm did not activate. "No violations were found," says the prefecture said in a statement.

DHAKA, Bangladesh - Thousands of Bangladeshi garment workers clash with police; dozens injured, factories shut


June 19, 2010 - Thousands of stone-throwing garment workers clashed with police in a manufacturing hub outside the Bangladeshi capital Saturday as they swarmed the streets and factories to demand higher wages.
Police fired rubber bullets and tear gas to regain control and by evening, the crowds in Ashulia had dispersed, according to local police chief Sirajul Islam.
About 50 factories in the area shut because they feared attacks by workers, an official of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association said. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.
The protest began when 7,000 employees of one shop walked off the job to demonstrate on the premises. Thousands more workers from surrounding factories later filled the streets, Islam said.
He would not say how many people were injured in scattered clashes, but one protester, Abdus Salam, said at least 100 people were hurt and many of his colleagues were taken to hospitals.
A police official later said that about 40 policemen were among the injured. He would not give his name, citing official policy.
Salam said the workers are demanding that the minimum wage rise to 5,000 takas ($73) a month. The current average monthly salary hovers around 2,000 takas ($29).
The garment industry, which employs 2 million people in Bangladesh and is a mainstay of the impoverished country's economy, has been hit hard by the global recession. Workers have staged a series of violent protests in recent months to demand higher pay.
Manufacturers say they're being squeezed by a slump in demand abroad and higher production costs at home due to a power and gas crisis and poor infrastructure.
Bangladesh exports about $12 billion in garments each year, mainly to the United States and Europe.

Thursday 24 June 2010

Athens - Explosion in Minister's office in Athens


24/6. time around 20:00
According to the media a heavy bomb went off in Mihalis Chrisohoidis (minister of citizens protection) office on the 7th floor of the ministry building around 20.00 tonight local time. According to the same sources, it was a parcel bomb that was sent to his office. The parcel managed to pass through metal and explosive detectors in the capital's safest building as they call it. From the explosion part of the building collapsed. The explosion occured when the minister's adjutant was unwrapping the parcel. He died from the explosion. Its the first of this kind of attacks in Greece as there was no warning phonecall.

Athens - update on comrade Simos Seisidis


Yesterday, the doctors of "Evaggelismos" hospital (orthopaedic department) discharged comrade Simos, assuming that he is now fine and can be transferred to prison!!! The fact that his recovery is not complete, and of course that the prosthetic leg needs a long time to be fitted and even longer for someone to learn how to use, doesn't seem to intimidate these worthy agents and slaves of the "anti-terrorist" police. They gave no attention to the continuous pressure from the family, his lawyer, and also their colleagues that were stressing how important it is, and obvious, that he must stay in the hospital. For now he remains in "Evaggelismos" thanks to a few good doctors of the hospital (from another department), who went and kicked up a fuss, but it's very possible they might move him one of these days. As for the cops and the justice ministry, to solve the problem as they think, have booked him for Koridallos prison hospital, from ...Malandrinou (new high security prisons) that they wanted to send him originally, believing that this way the demand to be hospitalised is being satisfied. Saint Pauls hospital... good joke but we know better ones..On thursday, his lawyer will apply for his release, while Monday he will appear before the persecutor regarding the case of snatching the weapon of the guard Kedikoglou, an accusation that is solely based on a supposed identification with an illegally taken d.n.a. sample (a stray hair)... There's been a lot of jokes being said. But we don't laugh, or forget, or abandon...

Barcelona - Attack in the Camp Nou Stadium


The night between Tuesday and Wednesday, 23 June in full media fervour for the pathetic victory of the Spanish team, we placed an incendiary device - consisting of several gallons of gasoline and two camping gas cylinders, against a subsidiary of La Caixa, located in the Camp Nou Stadium in Barcelona. Although this is one of the few bank branches in the city that does not accept a homeless person, that is not why we chose it for this action which was not dictated by chance. We chose to attack it in practice because it belongs to the facilities of Camp Nou, which we consider the ultimate objective of the action.
In the face of this choice some will no doubt be scandalized. There will be those who, shaking their head, wonder why this mix between football and "political". On the contrary, we find it strange that no one expected an attack specifically directed against this world. Despite the climate of defeat and the reigning Social drowsiness, the nerve with which our enemies believe they can deceive us constantly it never fails to surprise us.
The big fish of the government and the bourgeoisie who with great enthusiasm promote the market of football ... seriously expecting to be able to maintain thousands of unemployed, thousands of fucked, slobbering and staring at a ball bouncing from one port to another without wanting to guess the trap? Did they seriously believe that not one of us would spit all their rage on the spectacle, resigning ourselves to applauding and smiling in front of the screen, while the noose tightens around our necks?
The social function carried out by the lousy market of modern football, the Spanish team and Barcelona is deeply political. We attacked the Nou Camp for being our particular and updated Roman circus, for its power of distraction and alienation in a time of increasing poverty. We attacked with a special rage, also aware that hitting a symbol, a "sign" international attraction that plays a significant role in the transformation of Barcelona into a huge plastic extension sold to speculation and tourism.... (more later...[ntr])


Rovereto, Italy - demonstration of anarchists in solidarity with prisoners


Tense moments in the prison of Rovereto, Trentino, a demonstration of anarchists against overcrowding in the prison - currently there are 100 prisoners for a capacity of 51 places - which was echoed by prisoners inside the prison, who started banging plates and pots against the bars of the cells. The anarchists then sprayed on the wall of the prison and threw firecrackers into the sportsground and courtyard. A delicate situation that caused the reaction of the independent prison union, who made a statement denouncing the incident. "The demonstration of anarchist groups outside the prison in Rovereto is symptomatic of the growing tension in the country's prison system. Although there have been no recorded incidents we believe it is appropriate to maintain pressure, stepping up security measures to ensure the safety of those working inside the prison, and also the public. " Secretary general of the Independent Police Review Prison (Sappi) made a statement on the event which involved "a hundred people, mostly belonging to anarchist groups. "The event began with loud music and shouting slogans against the government and the prison administration, prison overcrowding and health care - said Capece - This resulted in a heavy reaction of the prison population, which started beating plates, pans and anything against the bars and reinforced doors of the cells for about twenty minutes. Outside, some protesters daubed the wall with spray paint and then threw firecrackers inside the playground and the courtyard. On seeing the Penitentiary Police personnel in service, only a few, the people who threw firecrackers fled at about 20.30 and calm was finally restored. "
He stressed "manifestations of intolerance towards the penal institutions are unfortunately becoming more frequent and increasing overcrowding does not help to calm tempers. 31 May in Rovereto we had a hundred prisoners (about 60% of them foreign) against the 51 regulation beds.
Finally he proposes "to use the military for external security services of prison." (23 June 2010)

Santiago de Compostela, Spain - arson attack against construction machinery

from ai ferri corti, translated by thisisourjob

June 23, 2010
Weighed down by the pitiful popular reaction to the extremes of non-life capitalism drags us to, with most of the population more concerned about Messi’s goals than the misery surrounding them.
Indignant about the union-backed farce that was the June 8 “strike.”
Infected by the insurrection carried out by the Greek rebels, we decided to take action through a new act of Sabotage.
On the morning of June 17, we set fire to a cargo tractor at an important construction site for upper-class housing in the southeastern part of Santiago de Compostela. The damage was substantial. The construction site is partially subsidized by the Spanish state, a state in which hundreds of thousands of people don’t have a place to live and hundreds of thousands of homes are empty, a state in which there are almost five million unemployed and nearly 100,000 abducted and exploited prisoners. Our choice is struggle, the attack against the interests of the powerful, the extension of a liberating social war that isn’t being shown on TV. We know the crisis is nothing more than one of the consequences of the capitalist system. We therefore want to totally change that system, which is the authentic root of the world’s current social inequality.
For all these reasons and more, we have acted and will continue to act.
For an antiauthoritarian insurrection against the powerful and their false opponents
—Antiauthoritarian Commandos Against the Capital-State

Santiago, Chile - deafening bombs against CRA and CTE of Gerdarmeria

Source: Liberacion totale, via culmine

At 2:20am on Friday, June 18 we placed two deafening bombs on Calle Blas Cañas 431, where the Readaptación Abierto and the Centro de Educación y Trabajo de Gendarmerie de Chile are located. One was left at the entrance and the other was thrown inside the fence. Leaving the word: Fuego a la prision. We know that this gesture did not cause any harm either material or physical, it was not our intention. To play a prank on the guards and hit these torturers in their workplace with these explosions, that was our objective. To show in deed that this kind of action is necessary to wage war to power. The torturers know that the loud noise they heard is not a coincidence, they know it is in response to the endless humiliations that they serve to other beings in exchange for a dirty salary.
Our aim was also to offer a gesture of solidarity to fellow prisoners, because we do not forget the search in the cell of 22 de Enero Colectivo in the former Penitenciary where the police humiliated and robbed the comrades of material that were preparing to commemorate a year of Mauricio Morales death, or rather a banner and a letter.
Nor do we forget forget the beating suffered by Esteban Huiniguir by five policemen after this comrade responded with a powerful punch to the persecution he was submitted to by another policeman.
We do not forget these and the other torture that the police realize constantly and with total impunity against prisoners and family members and friends. That is why every jailer must feel someone lying in wait for him and expect to walk the streets with fear, because in the streets his courage is not the same as his ostentatiousness in prison. It is in the streets that the shadow of vengeance could make him fall, exacerbated by conviction and sure like every action.
We welcome and are in solidarity with the proposal of the comrades of Colectivo 22 de Enero, so that all prisoners in war be transferred to the Carcel de Alta Seguridad Santiago.
Strength and Sergio Vasquez Alberto Olivares, comrades of the Colectivo 22 de Enero, who have been on liquid hunger strike since June 21, as a way to fight the enemy and as a means to obtain the transfer and be placed in the CAS section.
Almost a year after your escape, we salute you comrade Diego Rios and may those who seek you know that is a matter of an eye for eye, a tooth for tooth.
In solidarity with the convening of the international week for human, animal and earth iberation. We, who recognize in power the operator of all exploitation and domination, are fighting for its destruction.
Judges, police, prosecutors and police can never close the anti-authoritarian offensive!
Fire to the prisons, but with all the guards inside!
Anticarcelario Veintidós grupo de Mayo

Santiago, Chile -arson against the police

from liberacion totale translated by thisisourjob

June 18, 2010
We claim responsibility for the arson on the night of Friday, June 11 in front of the Social Reinsertion Center—an office of the Chilean Police—located at 821 Avenida Macul in the Ñuñoa neighborhood.
No great masses were needed in order to perpetrate the attack. A few individuals formed a group just for this action. We declare:
1. We ask ourselves why this office continues to operate across from the former Teaching Institute of the University of Chile—an institution that should also be destroyed, even if we can’t deny its historic street-fighting days.
2. We remember Mauri with this action, with this fire, by attacking the same institution he wanted to blow up on the day he died.
3. We will not allow our imprisoned compas to be beaten the way Huini was beaten inside Santiago Maximum Security Prison last week. Police: This is a warning. Every abuse of our brothers and sisters will be paid for as we see fit.
No Prison, No PrisonerCruel death to the PoliceDeath to all Jailers
—United Arson Squad

Chile - Comrades from January 22 Collective decide to begin hunger strike

From Liberación Total translated by thisisourjob

June 18, 2010
To all social fighters in Chile and the rest of the world:
The January 22 Collective, via this communiqué, wants to let everyone know that we are commencing our social struggle. Beginning on Monday, June 21 of this year, we will be going on an indefinite liquid hunger strike and assuming all the costs such struggle implies within our environment. Despite everything, we are totally convinced of the extreme need to combat the enemy in all its forms.
We now hope all anarchists immerse themselves in our struggle: to live with dignity in this permanent isolation currently maintained by the prison system in order to keep us in a constant state of repression. We therefore do not accept, nor will we accept, the crushing of our own or anyone else’s physical and psychological dignity.
The path is already laid out. All that remains is for us to join forces for the destruction of the fascist system inside Chilean prisons.
For the destruction of the prison system
Social War Now!!
—January 22 Collective (Sergio Vasquez Barrientos & Alberto Olivares Fuenzalida), Santiago Prison Death Camp, A Wing
Note: Our comrades were thinking about beginning this strike for a long time, but they made their decision after what happened to comrade Esteban Huiniguir. Therefore, the strike is also a form of solidarity in the face of the beatings and torture suffered by Esteban. Another request made by our comrades in the January 22 Collective has to do with being transferred out of their current cell block. Right now they are in the A Wing of Santiago Prison along with a number of rapists, but they have kept up a constant struggle to be transferred to Santiago’s Maximum Security Prison in order to be together with the other social fighters located in that particular dungeon.

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Some brief news from Portugal

19 June, Santa Maria da Feira – this morning unknown people hurled an explosive device against a commodities transport van. The police (GNR) says only material damage to the van and the merchandise resulted from this attack, giving no more information.
19 June, Fragosela, Viseu – at 3 in the morning two cars, a BMW and Ford Focus, were set on fire. The Judiciary Police (PJ) is investigating.
18 June, Linhó, Sintra – four prisoners in the prison of Linhó suffered injuries last Friday, and also a prison screw. The authorities say some problems aroused “among a few inmates” but order was promptly re-established and disciplinary measures are being taken against the prisoners… at the moment it’s hard to know what really happened; recently there were several protests inside and outside this prison by and in solidarity with the prisoners.
15 June, Lisbon – solidarity concentration at the 'Justice Campus' against the trial of those arrested at an anti-authoritarian demo in 2007. Banner reading “not afraid of your courts, we’ll continue struggling in the street. Solidarity 25 April 2007” hung on a square where hundreds were watching the World Cup.
14 June, Amadora – PSP (police) tortures 2 more youths, this time in Amadora, on the outskirts of Lisbon. 2 rap singers were chased by gun-toting PSP agents, then beaten, arrested (accused of assault on cops…), tortured and their lives threatened in the cop station of Casal da Boba.
11 June, Abrantes – the high school ESMF was vandalized. The Judiciary Police closed the school, but it is known that classrooms were vandalized, and that interactive boards, PC “projectors”, books and dictionaries were destroyed. “What worries me most and leaves me expecting the worst is the fact that this act didn’t have, it seems, the aim of stealing for future selling, but the single aim of damaging for the sake of it”, a blogger complains.
4 June, Castanheira do Ribatejo – the school D. António Ataíde was vandalized Friday at dawn, being closed down the whole day. It wasn’t revealed what had been damaged, but it is known that both the GNR and the firemen were at the place.
4 June, Setúbal – at 8pm a fire was set next to the Volvo installations. At 1.30 in the morning garbage bins were set on fire, on another part of the city. At 3 in the morning a car was destroyed by fire.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Paris - Some reflections still hot from the reactionary riots in Belleville on Sunday

On Sunday June 20 the largest demonstration ever of Chinese people in France took place, 8,500 people according to some estimates, for which 5,000 tee-shirts and stickers saying 'Security for everybody' had been distributed by the organisers. Some anarchists happened to pass by, here is what they have to say...
translated from cette semaine
Anarchist database, Sunday, June 20, 2010
Coming back from a not very country walk, we went into the Belleville quartier in Paris. Hours earlier, a demonstration had started to denounce, in the words of the organizers: "The chronic abuse suffered by the Chinese community". The reason: Bags snatched, assault, etc. A demonstration with quite reactionary overtones, as evidenced by the slogans shouted and inscribed on the banners and placards: "Safety for Everyone", "Long live citizenship", "stop crime", French flags, Chinese and European anthems. It is not clear what violence they are talking about (having been more accustomed to the phenomena of violence within the community which will be discussed later), but we will understand later what was behind this event.
After the official end of the demonstration, the atmosphere is very hot there, people are flocking, trucks of cops arrive en masse. On all sides we hear the sound of fighting, then a torrent of violence is unleashed on the cops attacked in a melee by hundreds of unarmed people, they throw eggs, stones and glass bottles. Cars are overturned, CRS [anti-riot cops] are charged and are forced to retreat. Faced with this explosion of anti-cop violence, we almost enter the dance, but wait, out of "ethical prudence".
All of a sudden people start running. We believe that everyone is fleeing yet another load of cops, but we realize very quickly that it is something else. Demonstrators are chasing kids, that they are calling "blacks and Arabs", by throwing glass bottles. One of the kids falls down, and tries to hide under the porch of a doorway. Running to their side, we have to calm the fury of the lynch mob. They let go this time. We understand, listening to conversations: that "the cops don't do their job, leaving thieves at large, the protesters have decided to take matters in hand and avenge themselves." We also understand that everything started from the theft of the handbag of a demonstrator by a kid in the neighborhood, then the attempt by protesters to deliver the kid to the cops, who did not want him. It is from here that the demonstrators unchained their violence against the cops. Unrestrained violence, such as one was not used to seeing. Violence to punish the cops for not doing their job well enough.
The cops decide to retreat, flooding the place under a thick cloud of teargas fired into the crowd. More than fifty cop vehicles disappear in the blink of an eye, just as the violence was beginning to reach a peak. Clearly, the cops decided to abandon the place to let the inter-community violence unfold, while an hour earlier it was against the cops that everyone was insisting. This then led to a ballet between three to four hundred members of the Chinese community and some black and Arab kids, sometimes beaten to the ground by dozens of people and accused in a rush of being thieves, in front of thirsty journacops having smelt the smell of blood and large-titles, good scavengers that they are. But at the time of writing, nothing definite has yet emerged in the media about what really happened. We have seen some sort of makeshift militias, bringing together over a hundred Asians, to the neighbouring estate to beat up black and Arab people in a man-hunt reminiscent of the pogroms.
During the riots, we felt in Chinese rioters a fierce hatred against the "thieves". For example, after an unmarked police car was overturned, and its lights broken off, people began searching the trunk, immediately taken to task and being lynched, accused of being thieves by the very people who had upturned car. Suffice it to say that we didn't understand anything at this point.
This hot afternoon, and the events that marked it, seem to foreshadow a civil war scenario that is developing here and there, in these times of "crisis". The attitude of the police reinforces this impression, they left the scene when they felt the anger against them was being replaced with ethnic hatred between people. We can imagine that for the prefect a good racist riot is preferable to a riot directed against the cops and other State symbols and capital (banks and McDonald's are intact). Basically what need is there for a police presence in a riot against "offenders"? Note that every week, Chinese people are round up in dozens by the cops, to general indifference, without a single demonstration being called. Similarly, we never hear any of protest against the exploitation of Chinese people by other Chinese. That violence there, exploitation, is never denounced. Powerless and sad in the face of this shameful spectacle, we still want to express some clear positions.
This day showed that not all riots are good, despite what some a few hooligans and nihilists still believe, by their advocacy of civil war.
In addition, we believe it is necessary to abandon the war between the poor, between ethnic groups and between all imagined communities, between all equally imaginary social roles "honest Chinese workers" against "Arab thieves".
The social war is not war of all against all, but the war of who has always opposed power over all those who are against it.
Again and again, we will have to fight against nationalist, ethnic, communal, religious and political cancers.

Nuoro, Sardinia - comrades Antonella, Paul and Ivano setences increased to 7 years 10 months!


10 months and 7 years: this is the penalty imposed on Antonella, Paul and Ivano, accused of an attack against an AN (Alliance Nazionale) premises.
Today June 16, 2010, the Court of Appeal of Cagliari reconsidered sentences imposed on three comrades in Nuoro, deemed too small by the Supreme Court in relation to the accusation for which they were finally convicted.
Based on the above, the defence determined that the most stringent punishment should reach 3 years and 7 months.
But after three hours of debate, just an hour later, the Court ruled a scandalous: 7 years and 10 months to retrace the same line by prosecutor De Angelis and going beyond the demands of pg.
The fury towards the three comrades has therefore not ended and today's sentence is bitter confirmation.
Between the lines of the judgment issued to date, the clear intent to condemn ideas is outlined, as claimed by pg and the presiding judge in their speeches.
Let's not abandon comrades who suffer repression every day.
We won't let them steal our lives.
We assert our and their freedom.
(leaflet following)

Belfast - Arson attack on city car dealership

local press

June 16 2010 - Police are investigating an arson attack at a car dealership overnight in south Belfast.
Nine cars were deliberately set alight at around 1am at the premises on the Falcon Road, off the Boucher Road.
Police remained at the scene on Wednesday morning.

San Paolo (Brasile) - Incendiary attack against a Land Rover dealership


Communique: We, the Earth Liberation Front, assume responsibility for this action that occurred during the night between Thursday and Friday at 1.20, against a Land Rover dealership the side of the bridge Eusebio Matos. Eight vehicles were destroyed, causing approximately 1.6 million reales of damage. This action was carried out in relation to the International Week for Animal Liberation (human and nonhuman) and Earth. The objective was chosen simply because Land Rover is one of the major brands in charge of construction, sale and promotion of the purchase and use of SUVs. A highly polluting car and damaging to the environment. The effectiveness of the action is thanks to the Molotov cocktails is launched directly against the SUVs. Simple, economical and efficient destruction. The material used cost under $ 10. We will not stand still witnessing the destruction of the planet and its species. In the same way as we set fire to these cars we will do with other cars, houses, trucks and factories that exploit and harm the Earth and animals. It 's already time for the pillars of civilization to come down. This action was taken on behalf of all prisoners for total liberation. We are with you!

Montréal - Attack in Solidarity with the 3 Arrested in Ottawa


Sat, 2010-06-19 - Yesterday morning the police arrested 3 people in Ottawa, saying that they are our dear ones, the FFFC.Yesterday evening, we broke windows and wrote our solidarity on the wall of the RBC on Sherbrooke, corner Victoria.Innocent or guilty, we are in solidarity with the arresteds.Fuck the banks. Fuck the police. Fuck the prisons.No repression without response.Solidarity means attack.
-The Support Committee – Night Tendency

Ottawa - three arrests for firebombing at Royal Bank of Canada branch in May


From The Canadian Press
Less than a week before the G8 and G20 summits, Ottawa police say they have made arrests in the firebombing of a local Royal Bank of Canada branch in May.
Three Ottawa-area men were arrested during raids on Friday, police sources said. They have been linked to an “anti-establishment” group which has been operating for some time.
The names of the suspects are being officially withheld because they haven’t been charged, said Carole Lavigne, manager of media relations for the Ottawa Police Service, early Friday evening.
But later, the Ottawa Citizen identified them as Mathew Morgan-Brown, a well-known activist in his 30s, Claude Haridge, 50, of Stittsville, and Roger Clement, 58, a retired federal public servant. The report said they had been charged with offences ranging from arson to mischief to careless storage of ammunition.
The blast, which occurred at 3:30 a.m. on May 18 in the RBC branch in the Glebe neighbourhood, was first reported as a suspicious fire.
But a day later, a video of the bank-front erupting into flames appeared on a local website, posted by an activist group calling itself FFFC-Ottawa.
The video of the firebombing, filmed from across the street, appeared with a statement of protest against RBC, which the group said was a strong sponsor of the 2010 Vancouver Olympics that had taken place on “stolen indigenous land.”
Police carried out an intense investigation. In late May, they seized a getaway car, a rented 2010 SUV equipped with a GPS device. In the past weeks, investigators continued to close in and remained confident that arrests were imminent, Chief White said.
The bank suffered about $500,000 in damage, he said, far more than originally reported. The branch is still closed.

Bariloche, Argentina

pic from culmine

for news:

Berlin - An autonomous group claim responsibility for an attack with stones and hammers

"June 18, international day of action against the prison system, we destroyed the windows of two companies. Our objectives were:1st: The station of SICHERHEIT NORD, in Berlin-Lichtenberg. Private security services are an expanding element in the insurgency architecture. They will fight the coming revolt of the underclass, where the police presence is no longer sufficient. NORTH SAFETY supplies the judiciary with rioters and burglars. 2nd: ELECTRIC SERVICE KRUGER in Berlin-Kreuzberg. This company carries out the control of electrical devices for prisoners of the Berlin prisons. So they serve the jail system, excessive pricing and damaged equipment are their trademark. KRUGER cracks the PIN of mobile phones seized from prisoners and supplies the obtained private data to the jail authorities. Prisoners are made to pay for this "Service" with 150 Euros in accounting.
We salute Seisidis, Seirinidis, Stratigopoulos, Bonanno, Masouras, Hajimihelakis, Karakatsani, Roupa, Gournas, Maziotis, Kortesis, Stathopoulos, Nikitopoulos, Georgiadis, Dimitrakis, Voutsis-Vogiatzis, Nikolaouin in the Greek prisons. Their liberation and that of all other prisoners is our goal.
One of many autonomous groups. "

Saturday 19 June 2010

SAN SALVADOR - clashes between Salvadoran police and street vendors

18 June, 2010 – At least a score of people were arrested and 15 were injured in clashes between Salvadoran police and street vendors here Thursday during protests against the city’s plan to tightly regulate the peddlers, the deputy chief of the Salvadoran national police said.
Mauricio Ramirez Landaverde told reporters that the arrested people are accused of public disorder and some are also being brought up on charges of damaging property.
Starting early on Thursday, dozens of vendors blocked several capital streets as part of a protest against the removal of peddlers that San Salvador Mayor Norman Quijano ordered in recent weeks.
Groups of demonstrators with their faces covered threw stones at city hall and broke street lights, after which riot police intervened to bring those activities to a halt.
Police precinct commander Gersan Perez told Radio Nacional that what began as a day of peaceful protests devolved into chaos because of the involvement of suspected gangmembers.
“They are not vendors, they’re mobs, they’re gangs … who are causing disorder in downtown San Salvador,” he said.
A source with an independent group that provides medical assistance told Efe that their emergency crews attended to 10 people, among them five children, who had been poisoned by tear gas fired by police, while four others were transported to a hospital with head wounds.
Last Monday, a grenade was thrown at municipal police headquarters and exploded, injuring three people.

Santiago, Chile - Road block in Cordon Macul at almost one year from the escape of comrade Diego Rios


Communique: Almost a year after the escape of comrade/brother Diego Rios, his mockery of the police and his insurgent action. We assert his action in the streets, on the barricades, claim it with fire, lighting the flame of revolt.
At the beginning of the week, the Interior Minister, Rodrigo Hinzpeter, criticized in the bourgeois press those in charge of the "Bombas case" for the slow pace of investigations, since 2006 they have not found any "responsible" for the more than 100 bomb attacks occurring in the territory called Chile.
Today, Thursday 17, we erected barricades and threw petrol bombs at the Special Forces of Carabineros. We knew at that moment the prosecutor Peña was meeting with the Minister of Interior, with four known judges and the police to draw a new line of investigation and to seek new tools such as: to make "legal" infiltration of agents to ' internal anti-authoritarian groups'. It also why we took to the streets, to give a welcome to the prosecutor Peña, saying that we are not afraid of his threats, we have not given up and we will not do so. We have the imagination to create multiple forms of destructive and combative struggle. We are firm in our convictions and with them face to face we show our teeth to the enemy.
For the total destruction of the prison society.

For the freedom of Camenisch, Bonanno, Dimitrakis, Da Silva and all the prisoners in the world. Greetings to friends / brothers in Mexico, Greece, Argentina, Italy and all places where the insurgency is extending.

"At daggers drawn with the existent, its fake defenders and false critics"
Kordon Makul Activo, Kombativo y en la Kalle!!!

Germany - Cars in flames, bank attacked


18 June 2010 - Spandau. A Corvette and a Volkswagen Passat were set alight. Unknown persons set fire early Friday morning, to two cars in Spandau. The Corvette and the Passat were both burnt out, the police reported. The sports and the middle class cars were both parked in the district Wilhelm city, but around two miles apart. Whether it was a politically motivated act was initially unclear. 16 June 2010 - Berlin. On Wednesday night in old James Street two cars of the rail company DB were burnt. A parked Opel Astra Deutsche Bahn was set on fire on early Wednesday morning in Kreuzberg been by unknown persons. An adjacent VW Caddy was damaged in old James Street, as police said. 15 June 2010 - Hamburg. In the early hours of Tuesday unknown perpetrators set fire to eight cars in the Hohenfelde district. Another car was damaged by the heat radiation, as a spokesman of the Hamburg Fire communicates. No one was injured, according to the information.
Only on Monday also unknown set three medium size cars on fire. The cars were completely burnt out. Another vehicle was damaged by the flames. In these fires, no one was injured. Overall, this year more than 70 cars have been burnt in Hamburg, last year, about 150 cars were set on fire. 12 June 2010 - On Saturday morning unknown persons damaged a bank branch New Roßstraße, in the middle of the entrance and pelted it with by bottles filled with paint. A passerby alerted police at 3 o'clock.
In total, four windows were damaged by a small paving stone thrown at the entrance. The State Security Police at the State Office of Criminal Investigation has taken over the investigation.

Friday 18 June 2010

San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina - One dead after residents attack police station for murder of 15 year old by policeman

Indymedia Argentina - Friday, Jun. 18, 2010 at 12:31

Violent clashes between police and protesters left a toll of the death of a man of 29 years and one serious injury. It was when residents attacked a police station after the death of a 15 years old at the hands of a policeman.
The cold evening in San Carlos de Bariloche was shaken by violent riots that left one person dead and several arrests. It all started around 16 hours when a group of about 150 people, mostly teenagers, shouted "justice" for the death of a young man of 15 who died after being shot at while being chased by police. The alleged victim of trigger-happy Bonefoi was named Dario. The tension during the demonstration was to increase until the riots started. Black River Police fired teargas and rubber bullets against the crowd, while the group of protesters set fire to one vehicle that was parked outside a supermarket. Injured in the scuffle a 29 year old man, surnamed Cardenas, who died just after 18 hours at a local hospital. In addition, eight policemen were wounded, including the chief superintendent of Station 28.
Judge Martin Lozada, called for the alleged abuse by police, came to the home the first of the victims where the wake was taking place the boy and the family of the victim severely rebuked him. "I do not mind that guy has a criminal record, I care who killed him. It's a shame this happens, the police can not control a situation with teenagers," said a neighbor in the very face of the judge. At that time the mayor came to the scene but, in the face strong public questioning, had to retreat quickly.
Meanwhile, the father of Bonefoi called on people to stop what it called "a war." "Please, let's stop the violence, let us watch over the body of my son in peace," he said.
The riots began around near the Escuela 278, San Carlos de Bariloche Five districts were affected by the riots and rioters torched a car parked outside a supermarket.
City residents say there have been no similar acts of violence in the city Rio Negro.

New Jersey - South Brunswick High School gets spray-painted before award ceremony

A $600 reward is being offered to catch vandals who spray painted phrases on walls and windows on all sides of South Brunswick High School in what officials say may have been a senior prank.
The year "2010," an apparent reference to the class graduating on Monday, was painted on the truck trailer used to store school band equipment in the school parking lot. On the building were letters 4-feet high spelling out phrases such as "Smoking Is Allowed." Some of the phrases were obscene.
School custodial staff members spent more than 100 hours cleaning off the front and one side of the school in preparation for parents expected to attend an award ceremony tonight. An outside firm was contacted to remove the rest of the paint. Police estimated the damage at $6,000.
The vandals were caught on tape by surveillance cameras, and officers are working to enhance those images, authorities said.

Westminster, central London - Vandals target motorbike parking signs

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Most of the vandalism is 'paint related'
Around 1,700 signs enforcing Westminster Council's motorbike parking charges have been vandalised.
Since 2008 motorcyclists have been charged £1 per day to park in the borough, leading to regular protests by the No To The Bike Parking Tax group.
Referring to the signs, it said on its website: "Do not pay the parking tax if the bay is obliterated, the bay is non-enforceable and therefore free."
Westminster said their signs provided "vital information".
Now the authority is vowing to monitor "trouble spots" in an attempt to catch the culprits.
Council officers say they have seen statements on the internet referring to the attacks as "liberating bays" and urging motorcyclists to "fight back now".

Thursday 17 June 2010

Madrid - incendiary attack against the pharmaceutical industry academy

Source: culmine:
15:06:10 Last night we torched the entrance of the academy EPHOS, place of learning for future killers. In this Academy future leaders in the pharmaceutical industry are taught to kill our brother animals and the earth without pity. We left the inscription: "Here the land is ravaged and animals are murdered."
Let's let them know that there is no place for them, let's attack them mercilessly. The land devastated, our minds destroyed ... and us fighting for one more piece of absurd deception (increase in salaries, reduction in working hours, better contracts ...).
We do not believe in the crisis because we are in crisis from the day we are born: indoctrinated at school, in the family, exploited at work and murdered in a hospital or a prison.
Our crisis is lack of freedom, not lack of money and goods that we want to destroy.
Freedom for all animals (human and nonhuman)
Maurico Morales, your struggle is an example, this is for you.
Tierra Salvaje

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Santiago, Chile - arson attack against McDonald's

Source: culmine

Thursday, June 10, at night, we attacked with Molotov cocktails a local McDonald's on the corner of Avenida Pajaritos and Calle Las Torres, in the municipality of Maipu.
We launched about 10 full bottles of sulfuric acid, gasoline, and in contact with the bottles, chopped heads of matches. As we were carrying out the operation, the law enforcement appeared from the darkness of the parking lot of the nearby pharmacy. For this we quickly removed ourselves from the area. Unfortunately, they managed to control the fire and avoid the place being burnt down.
With this incendiary gesture we wanted to remember our comrade Punky Mauri, killed in action May 22, 2009, claiming his way of acting, embracing it and wishing that the destruction of that space be complete.
We repudiate the daily torture practiced in prisons all over the world, as demonstrated by the video recordings made at the prison in Villarrica, with the same disgust we repudiate the more than 578 million invested in surveillance cameras, as announced by the government to preserve order.
We take advantage of this fire to greet Estela Cortez, prisoner at Antofagasta, Axel Osorio, Karina Germano and the 5 accused of having attacked the Greek Embassy in Buenos Aires, Sergio Maria Stefani held in Switzerland, Marco Camenisch in Italy and Gabriel Pombo da Silva in Aachen, Germany and all prisoners in war.
We also encourage the flight of Diego Rios about a year from onset of his insurgent decision, as we solidarize with Diego Alonso who has gone into hiding in Mexico.
At this time we give our strength to Esteban Huniguir, comrade held the Carcel de Alta Seguridad and tortured few days ago by the contemptible personnel of the Gendarmerie. That they know that he is not alone and that the punch that Esteban launched against the jailer is an invitation to respond with energetic violence to the humiliation served up by prison screws all over the world.
We solidarize with Esteban with multiple actions, so that they will think a hundred times before touching a comrade. When is now!
For the destruction of the prison society
Make anarchy live

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Bogotá, Colombia - Hooded attackers destroy giant screen installed to see the World Cup


June 12, 2010 - A giant screen installed by the private company Telefonica was attacked with potato bombs and molotovs apparently by students of the Pedagogical University.
According to witnesses, "a group of masked men came out of the Pedagogical University and pump started throwing potatoes and firebombs at the giant screen just off the Avenue shopping centre Chile."
Police intervened and pushed back the hooded people that damaged the giant screen that had been set up for the people of Bogota to enjoy the 2010 World Cup matches.!

Thessaloniki, Greece - Anarchists invade supermarket

from actforfreedomnow

14 June - About 30 anarchists with helmets and hoods went into the supermarket near the university of Saloniki and destroyed the security system! They took the foodstuff from the shelves and also took the money from the cash desk and burnt it outside the supermarket! Then into the street they try to give the food to the pepole, bad luck cops came and the comrades start throwing the stuff at the cops and ran away, nobody arrested!!

Barcelona - Three bank branches attacked

cette semaine

June 14, 2010
At dawn on June 8, we used hammers to attack three bank branches in Santuario street in the district of Caramel. All windows and ATMs were broken.
We are not fighting against the crisis, but against capitalism.
We are not fighting against the crisis because we believe that as they speak of it, our situation will worsen. We are not fighting against the crisis, because if we did, we would end up returning to normal work, normality to pay for everything to normality to be governed etc.
We are not fighting against the crisis, because it is the form in which capitalism strengthens its dominance. We are not fighting against the crisis, because it is a consequence.
We are fighting against capitalism which is the cause of all the crises we face.
We are fighting against the State that is responsible for defending capital, maintaining social peace.
We wanted to attack the banks because they are one of those responsible for our misery. Although we wanted to do damage, this action was largely symbolic. We wanted to attack them, but also to specify the way we act.
Several tags explaining our reasons accompanied the attacks. We are aware that this world will not fall with words alone, and that's why we are attacking. But at the same time, we understand that in keeping our attack to ourselves there would be few results, and it is necessary to share this struggle with others, and for that we want understood not only the content but also the forms of our practices.

Chile - comrade Esteban Huiniguir beaten in prison!


We show strength in solidarity and respond!
Communiqué Presxs a la kalle
"They walk around in their uniforms and do so with complete impunity" -Mauricio Morales, in anti-prison debate.
We learned with deep sadness, our veins swollen with rage, of the new beating dealt by the beasts in uniform. Comrade Huiniguir Esteban, a former member of the MJL (Lautaro Youth Movement - NDT) falsely convicted for growing marijuana (3 years and 1 day in prison) and limited dealing (541 days in jail), following the raids which led to the arrest of other comrades March 29, 2008. Esteban, kidnapped in the CAS (Carcel de Alta Seguridad) is feeling the weight of their laws again. On June 10, tired of constant harassment by the captors, Esteban launched a well-aimed punch at the miserable uniformed "Olivares" ... Revenge of the jailers was swift in coming. They pounced on the comrade, and locked him in a security cell. Here, handcuffed, they beat him up systematically.
Mercenaries of various ranks (among them a major and a lieutenant) beat him, throwing tear gas in his face and then left him in a solitary cell with injuries of varying magnitude, without any doctor having visited him since then.
Our response can not wait, we salute the gesture of Esteban in resisting, opposing and defending himself in front of those wretched subjects.
We know that neither convictions, bars or rigid prison regimes can bend the instinct to clash with authority.
The call that comes is to actually show our solidarity with the comrade, giving free rein to the many responses against the scoundrels in uniform and showing our blunt response against enemy attacks.
Today, solidarity must set fire to their disgusting prisons and know that that punch was not launched by Esteban alone, but by all of us who want to destroy this system of death.
We will not allow them to torture our fellow comrades in peace.
Presos la calle
Calles para la insurrección!

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