One fine morning, the faithful lackey, who has hitherto identified completely with his master, leaps on his oppressor and slits his throat. RV

Tuesday 29 December 2009

Belgium: Four cranes and a number of diggers destroyed by fire on the Valens-Infrabel building site

Le 29 décembre 2009

ITTERBEEK - In a building site of VALENS - INFRABEL in rue Herdebeek in Itterbeek, four cranes and a number of excavators were seriously damaged by fire. The fire began at about 4am and it is probably a case of arson. Train services were not influenced, but work on the Express Régionale network will have to be temporarily suspended.
[VALENS, which belongs to the Eiffage group, is participating in the construction of the new detention centre for illegal immigrants at Steenokkerzeel. [INFRABEL, is the company that manages the infrastructure of the Belgian rail network]

28.12.2009 From the media &

Belgium: Jesus kidnapped - against the new detention centre at Steenokkerzeel and for the destruction of all prisons

28 décembre 2009

Hoeilaart - Jesus kidnapped - against the new detention centre at Steenokkerzeel

HOEILAART - Persons unknown have stolen the statue of Jesus from a Christmas nativity scene after forcing their way in. They left a letter explaining that they had kidnapped Jesus and that they are asking for the cessation of the costruction of the new detention centre at Steenokkerzeel and the destruction of all other prisons.

from cette semaine

Monday 28 December 2009

Athens: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire claim National Bank bombing

from occupied london

On Monday night, the group conspiracy of cells of fire posted a communique on Athens Indymedia (greek original here) claiming Sunday night’s attack on the national bank and insurance agency on Sygrou Avenue in Athens. The explosion was very strong, marking an upgrading in the group’s capacities – as they themselves note in the communique. They send “comradely greetings” to anarchist bank robber and prisoner Yiannis Dimitrakis, to Chilean anarchists Freddy Fuentevilla and Marcelo Villaruel, to Gabriel Pompo da Silva (who went on hunger strike on December 20 in the prison of Aachen, Germany) as well as Ilias Nikolaou, Polykarops Georgiadis (another two anarchist prisoners in Greece) and finally, Charis Chatzimichelakis and Panayiotis Masouras, as well as the third person in pre-trial detention in connection to the conspiracy of cells of fire case, who they name by initials only.

Santiago - Christmas icons attacked

translated fromn Informa-azione
On the night of December 22 we installed an incendiary device in a nativity scene (life size) and a chirstmas tree about three metres high inside railings put up by the government. The device was composed of:
a 1.5 litre bottle of petrol
a bag full of cotton wool
sulphuric acid
crushed matchstick heads without the wooden part (about one spoonful)
a condom.
The bottle was inside the bag, wrapped in cotton wool. At the moment of installation a condom filled with sulphuric acid was introduced and this in turn was inside a bag containing the match heads. In this way when the condom burst there would be contact with the powder and so the flames would set the bag full of petrol on fire.
We attacked the crib and the Christmas tree for being symbols of power that has religion in its alienating and oppressive work.
We repudiate their disgusting festivities, which are pervading everything over these days,while the domesticated zombies rush en masse to buy the latest mobile phone, designer clothes, a new tv, the car of the year, the latest videogame, etc.... anything to quell the desire for opulence, feeling good by having something that others don't have. This action is in solidarity with all the imprisoned comrades on hungerstrike, showing that prison has not bowed their heads and that the struggle continues and is spreading. This is also greetings of courage for all the comrades that have been struck by power, like in the latest raids against social centres and squats of Santiago, showing the State's desperation at its incapacity to put a stop to the attacks. A salute also to the comrades in Mexico who are accused of actions of the earth liberation front, and the comrade Tamara in Spain, accused of sending a letter-bomb.
For all of you comrades, greetings of strength and conviction, because in the war against power nobody is alone and every blow will be returned.
With the installation of this incendiary device on the night of the 22nd we remembered punky Mauri, 7 months after his death... Comrade you are present in every action for the destruction of power and order. And to you Diego, this is our way of encouraging you and embracing you, just as you do to us with your communiques.
A message also to those working to find you. Be aware that the explosions, the fire and more can aim at your bodies..

Banda desquiciada incendiaria Punky Mauri

(ramshackle incendiary gang Punky Mauri)

* It's important to be careful with sulphuric acid because it is highly corrosive . Carry only what you need and in glass containers.

**It depends on the kind of condom, the time it takes to break and set off the explosion.

p.s.: The incendiary device did not work as hoped, because it seems that somebody saw the flames and managed to put them out. That is why the fire was not complete, but even so the threat was made and continues to exist.

Monday, 28/12/2009 – 15:59

Bombing claimed: Seasons greetings, Banco Santander

From Hommodolars Contrainformación translated by This is Our Job

December 26, 2009

Sent via e-mail

Tonight, we’d like to salute Banco Santander as yet another partner in consumerism and misery, and we wish them a most catastrophic 2010.

Merry Christmas, bourgeoisie!!!!!!

Vengeance for our comrade prisoners in this social war, which is only apparent to those who consider themselves warriors against the everyday, against the existent, without forgetting for one second how surrounded we are by the enemy. Complicity with those who feel the severity of repression. Greetings to Gabriel, Pablo, Matias, Marco, Marcelo, Esteban, Axel, Flora, Marcelo, Fredy, Cristian, Zisarro, Cejita, and all the world’s prisoners, who―limited by prison―still continue the constant rupture with everything that stinks of power.

And for the destruction of authority and all institutional society, fire to the state, the jails, and the jailers!

While there is misery, there will be rebellion!

Sunday 27 December 2009

Santiago: arrests and wounded cops after an anarchist demo

translated from Cette Semaine

entodaspartes, 24 décembre 2009

A group of around 70 anarchists caused incidents in the centre of Santiago, during which some people were arrested and a number of policemen wounded.

The young people that caused the incidents were demonstrating in relation to a movement of prisoners on hunger strike in Germany, Spain and Chile.

The demonstrators took to the streets north of the Alameda, in the direction of the Poniente area forcing the Forces Spéciales de Carabiniers to intervene.

Clashes lasted a few minutes more and included attacks on a finance agency and a fast food restaurant.

Two carabiniers were apparently wounded, according to the declaration of the chief of the 3ème central police station of Santiago.

Seven people were arrested during the demonstration of these young anarchists in solidarity with their comrades in prison.

Here in Chile, especially concerning the case of Matías Castro, 20 years, and Pablo Carvajal, 18 years, in prison awaiting trial for the incendiary attack on the quarters of the Homicide Brigade of the PDI last September.

Adolescent bites policeman's finger off

translated from Cette Semaine

Events go back to 6pm Tuesday. In the Jussieu quarter a police rapid deployment force of the Yvelines département was going about a simple ID control on young people outside the stadium. Among them 16 year old Sydney objects. Some policemen throw him to the ground. During the action the adolescent bites the finger off an officer, pulling it off. Yesterday the town of Jussieu was agitated by this presentation of the events. Various sources in the area reported direct witness accounts of the scene evoking 'a rough and humiliating control'. One source also recounts a kick in the back.' Sydney declares that he bit the policeman in order to free himself. 'Police told the young people to kneel down in the snow, hitting those that refused to do so with truncheons'. The policeman has had plastic surgery to have his finger reattached.

Arson at Chilean consulate in Seville

From Klinamen via Barcelona Indymedia
translated by This is Our Job

December 26, 2009

In the early morning of December 24, we threw two Molotov cocktails at the Chilean consulate in Seville.

A few days earlier, comrades Freddy Fuentevilla and Marcelo Villaroel were extradited from Neuquen prison in Argentina, where they were serving a sentence for weapons possession, to Chile, where they are facing state repression and imprisonment for their expropriations and revolutionary activity.

This attack is part of the international week of struggle advocated by Gabriel Pombo da Silva from Aachen prison in Germany, which began on December 18 with a hunger strike joined by other prisoner compas in different states, for whom we decided to take action in the streets.

While the citizenry, disconnected from reality, was celebrating another year of runaway consumption and capitalist misery, we—who have nothing to celebrate but much to destroy—took advantage of the occasion to throw two Molotov cocktails. One of them got into the building while the other exploded against the wooden front door, but we don’t know how much damage they caused. We also left a clear message to the Chilean state on the walls: FREEDOM FOR FREDDY AND MARCELO.

With this action, we aspire to nothing other than direct confrontation with the enemy, using the means we have at our disposal and continuing the journey that others began. As Marcelo Villaroel shouted while the state’s henchmen took him to be extradited: WHILE THERE IS MISERY, THERE WILL BE REBELLION. SUBVERSION MAY SLUMBER, BUT IT WILL NEVER DISAPPEAR.

For Freddy, Marcelo, Pombo, Amadeu, Tamara, and so many others who keep fighting.

Attack on Earth-destroying property in Mexico

From Liberación Total, translated by This is Our Job

December 24, 2009


On the cold night of December 22, our Earth Liberation Front cell once again attacked the property of one of the companies destroying the ecosystems of Mexico.

For the third consecutive time this year, another arson shook the CARSO company. Our strategy was simple. We circled the construction site, after which we found a steamroller in the darkness. One of the cabin windows was broken, and we placed an incendiary device inside. Taking advantage of the fact that the guards were in front of the site and the workers were toiling hard, we activated our device and left the scene.

After a few minutes, the spark of eco-vengeance appeared in the darkness and started to burn the machine. Inside the cabin, a great burst of flame was shining, created once again by the ELF. Then, while the moon smiled beside the stars, a large cloud covered the whole site and alerted the guards, workers, and bosses, filling this peaceful night of their tedious lives with chaos and confusion.

While the lackeys of the Earth-destroyers began to extinguish our fire, we exited the stage.

This is a new messages for companies like CARSO: We will not be stopped. Even when you imprison our comrades or catch us, the actions will continue. Each time stones or Molotovs are thrown, butane gas bombs are placed, cars are burned, animals are freed, or graffiti is left behind, our idea will be there, breaking your order, your peace, your tranquility, and your laws in order to defend our desires. We can’t leave the planet in the hands of businessmen and politicians. It’s up to us to try to change things. The COP15 in Denmark was a complete farce, and we know the COP16 in Mexico will be the same, so we are preparing the counteroffensive in defense of the Earth!

A greeting of solidarity to the people recently imprisoned by the Mexican state. Breaking up one cell won’t stop us!

- ELF Mexico State

Friday 25 December 2009

BRUSSELS - Action against 12 magistrates in solidarity with the Greek comrades

translated from cette semaine
24 December 2009

Last Friday twelve magistrates were unable to work for a while thanks to some artfully glued locks . A message was left nearby : While the Greek State has arrested about 150 people without trial, we are presuming that the judiciary was going to strike again here today. Prison, fines, various alternative sentences ; these are the punishments they are inflicting on us every day. That's why we decided to block them before they began.

Solidarity with the Greek comrades and with the different comrades who are soon going on trial for having struggled against the State and Capital.

Thursday 24 December 2009

3 Tigers Escape from Circus in Southwestern Mexico

email this pageprint this pageemail usAssociated Press

December 24, 2009

(Circo Aquilar Hermanos)
Morelia, Mexico — Authorities say three tigers escaped from a circus caravan in southwestern Mexico.

The Civil Protection agency says one of the tigers was quickly caught. But the other two escaped into a mountainous area about 30 kilometers (19 miles) from Morelia, capital of the Pacific coast state of Michoacan.

The tigers escaped Wednesday when their cage burst open while the caravan of the Circo Aquilar Hermanos drove along a highway.

Police and circus employees are searching for the two missing tigers.

Mexico has a problem with dangerous animals escaping from their caretakers. Tigers, an elephant, a lion, buffalo and camels have escaped around the country over the past year, with some of the animals attacking people before being caught.


Hondos heist nets thousands

'Robbers who raided a Hondos Center cosmetics store in Kallithea, southern Athens, on Tuesday night are believed to have made off with more than 100,000 euros. Police said yesterday that two armed robbers entered the store via the roof of the neighboring apartment block after it had closed. They went to the accounting department on the fourth floor and threatened staff with Kalashnikov assault rifles. Police said the robbers escaped via the roof, where they left behind some tools used in the break-in.'

source: Kathimerini

Kidnapping trial

from Greek daily Kathimerini

'Four main suspects and seven alleged accomplices are to stand trial in connection to the abduction of businessman Giorgos Mylonas in Thessaloniki in June 2008, according to a ruling by a council of appeals court judges in the northern city. One of the main suspects is Vassilis Palaiocostas, the fugitive who has been on the run since he escaped from Korydallos Prison in February. The three men accused of helping Palaiocostas carry out the Mylonas abduction are in custody. The accused are to face seven felony charges and 17 misdemeanor charges. Mylonas was held for 15 days by his kidnappers, who released him when a ransom of almost 11 million euros was paid.'

Wednesday 23 December 2009

The prisons, main French client of Sodexo

translated from cette semaine
(Le 23 décembre 2009)

AFP, 17 novembre 2009

The ministry of Justice is about to become the first client of Sodexo, the French group of collective restauration and public service enterprises, after the signature of a contract leading to the management of 27 penitentiary establishments.

...Managing director Michel Landelannounced after signing a contract on Monday for 'almost one billion euros' over 6 years with the ministry of Justice. This contract must take effect on January 1, 2010. That takes from 45 to 145 million euros, the annual turnover realised with Sodexo with the ministry of Justice , and put she Chancellery at the level of main French client.

The ministry has delegated the 'global management' of 27 prisons , as well as 9 establishments already managed by Sodexo, i.e. the 'catering' for the prisoners, their leur accomodation, but also 'the improvement of their professional training' and 'their re-insertion into society', M.Landel stressed. It is also a question of 'organising family visits, visiting rooms", M. Landel added.

Present in 80 countries, Sodexo employs 380.000 people and had a turnover of 14,7 billion euros in 2008/9, an increase of 7,9%.

Pipeline sabotage halts oil exports from northern Iraq

(AFP) – 4 days ago

BAGHDAD — Oil exports from northern Iraq have been halted by a sabotage attack on the pipeline to the Turkish port of Ceyhan, oil ministry spokesman Assem Jihad said on Sunday.

"A 55 kilometre (34 mile) section of the pipeline was damaged in the attack, causing a large oil spillage. Exports have stopped and technicians from the northern oil company (NOC) have gone to the site to survey the damage," Jihad told AFP.

The attack took place around 325 km (200 miles) north of Baghdad.

"We are asking the multinational forces to carry out more patrols to protect the pipeline, which was sabotaged for the fourth time in six weeks. We will not know when exports will resume until we have surveyed the damage," the spokesman added.

The pipeline usually transports between 420,000 and 450,000 barrels per day of oil, although it has the potential to ship 600,000 bpd, according to Jihad.

Total Iraq exports stand at around two million bpd of crude oil, and all its exports from the north flow through the pipeline to Ceyhan.

Improved security along the pipeline has limited the number of attacks in recent years. But after an 18 month period of calm, sabotage resumed on October 26.

A week ago, contracts for the exploitation of seven oil fields were awarded to international consortiums in Iraq's second auction since the US-led invasion in 2003, bringing to 10 the total number of contracts that have now been awarded.

The oil ministry said that together these should allow Iraqi oil production to rise to 12 million bpd, from 2.5 million bpd now, a level that would rival the world largest oil producer Saudi Arabia.

But security and dilapidated infrastructure remain key obstacles to Baghdad achieving that target.

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Rome - Robbery in solidarity with prisoners on hungerstrike

translated from informa-azione
received and published from an email sent from a public telephone


Buenos Aires - Luxury vehicle torched

source: Ai Ferri Corti, 22.12.09
translated from informa-azione

Tuesday morning at dawn a luxury van was torched in the bourgeois area of Villa del Parque de la Ciudad, Buenos Aires.

The action was realised through recourse to the renowned molotov, which in an instant illuminated the black night of this polluted city overpowered with the abominable exhaust from automobiles and their drivers.

The fire did not only burn the vehicle, it has also enriched the pratice of rebellion that so many comrades are carrying out all over the world.

This is a call to action that has received it reply and we hope that other comrades that are struggling day after day for freedom, for anarchy, will also respond.

For the destruction of civilisation and all its friends.
Fire to everything that makes us slaves.

Paris : Solidarity action: Eiffage works bulldozer burnt

from Cette Semaine
17 décembre 2009

indy nantes, jeudi 17 décembre 2009

Last Thursday, a bulldozer of an Eiffage (prison builders) building site was set fire to. You can still see its charred carcass on the building site of the tram at the level of porte Saint Mandé in Paris. In solidarity with the prisoners in struggle here and elsewhere and with those accused of the torching of the retention centre in Vincennes.

Bombing at Chilena Consolidada insurance company claimed

From Hommodolars Contrainformación translated by This is Our Job

December 21, 2009

Sent via e-mail

Through the following e-mail, we want to claim responsibility for the bombing carried out last night against the Chilena Consolidada (a member of the Zurich [economic] Group) building. Said action marks the beginning of the December 20–January 1 international hunger strike for political prisoners called by Gabriel Pombo Da Silva from the prison death camp of Aachen, Germany.

The attack against this company—an exponent of Chilean finance capitalism allied with Swiss capitalist interests—is a gesture of solidarity with Marco Camenisch, revolutionary prisoner of the Swiss capital-state.

Although words heal nothing, we regret that someone experienced slight hearing trauma, despite the fact that the low-strength charge was designed to only damage the infrastructure of capital.

This is a call to burn black powder and continue the unforgettable offensive.


- Agustín Rueda Sierra1 Autonomous Group; Santiago, Chile; Monday, December 21, 2009


1Agustín Rueda Sierra was an anarchist who was tortured to death by guards in Carabanchel prison when he refused to snitch on his escape companions.

Bombing at insurance company in Santiago, Chile

From Liberación Total translated by This is Our Job

December 21, 2009

Early Monday morning, an explosion caused serious damage to the facade of the Chilena Consolidada insurance company building in the gentrified Providencia municipality, leaving one person with hearing trauma.

The explosion damaged the company’s windows, broke the glass enclosing a Transantiago bus stop, and hurt the hearing of a man waiting at the bus stop.

The event occurred after 12:30 a.m., with the strength of the explosion―which could be heard over a 10-block radius―causing much concern among the people who live in the area.

GOPE (Police Special Operations Group) agents arrived at the scene of the explosion in the company of one of district attorney Francisco Jacir’s minions in order to apply their expertise.

Also last night, a fake bomb warning forced GOPE to evacuate one of the largest bus stations in Santiago, causing a great deal of chaos and frustration among officials and citizens.

Solidarity with Greek revolt: Bank set on fire in Barcelona

From Klinamen via Indymedia Barcelona translated by This is Our Job

December 21, 2009

In solidarity with the Greek comrades and their revolt, we set fire to a bank in the Poble Nou neighborhood of Barcelona on Saturday night.

In this way, we show our best weapon of solidarity—direct action—to the many arrested, imprisoned, and judged, in Greece and everywhere.

Against this world and its chains.

Action in solidarity with Greek rebels

From Klinamen via Indymedia Barcelona translated by This is Our Job

December 21, 2009

On the night of December 15 to December 16, we attacked a real estate agency at the intersection of Calle Toledo and Calle Constitució in the Sants neighborhood of Barcelona, in solidarity with the Greek rebels.

Domination is everywhere, but so is insurrection. We’ll see you in the streets.

Letter from Gabriel Pombo Da Silva to Diego Ríos

From Hommodolars Contrainformación via Culmine translated by This is Our Job

December 19, 2009

Dear Diego,

The complicity and affection awakened in me by your letters (communiqués) from underground is inspiring me to write these words. Not just your letters, but your rebellious attitude in a world/society that becomes more uniform and submissive every day . . .

The smell of the air in prison is nothing unusual; prison generally smells like cheap disinfectant, rancid tobacco, and the nauseating sweat of some “piglets” who are allergic to soap or showering.

The only ones here who “perfume” themselves are the guards, social workers, psychologists, and priests. We prisoners are forbidden to “perfume” ourselves, I imagine for reasons of “conformity” or “security.”

Fortunately, the fresh air and the rain (still) know nothing of prohibitions, and that’s why―for one hour each day―I can feel them enter my asthmatic lungs, causing a delicious tickling sensation . . .

Apart from the rain and the fresh air, prison is no more than an architectural construct designed to discipline and control the movements/existences of those taken captive by prison society . . .

The only pleasant smell in prison comes from the little brothers and sisters who come to see us, or when everything buns in the fire of a riot. How beautiful, comrade! The smell of the burning mattresses, the smoke filling the cell blocks, the “perfumed ones” terrified and “imprisoned” (what a paradox . . .), and the freed prisoners writing banners, securing positions, turning each tool into a weapon and each burning object into a “Molotov” . . .

Insurrection is beautiful when it breaks out. It is uncontrollable (like freedom) and subversive. In those moments, the prisoner is not a prisoner, and the consequences mean shit.

No matter how long it lasts, insurrection is something that remains etched in fire on the soul. The beatings, the torture, the isolation, the vindictive destruction of your things (photos, letters, books, clothing, etc.) will always be the bitter consequences of defeat, but the images, moments, sounds, and smells of insurrection will accompany you for life . . .

Their system of discipline and control, their administration of torture and slow death will stay on its feet as long they are able to divide us with “privileges and punishments” (like out there), but not when we are united and totally determined.

Other things we experience during insurrectional rebellion are the ties between rebels, the friendships that usually last all your life.

Cast those stereotypical images of prison out of your mind, compa, and―with subversive pleasure―discover freedom (which is nothing other than insurrection) . . .

By losing our fear (which has contaminated us since we were “little ones,” and especially as “adults”), we become great and free, and that is much more than any of them (jailers and politicians) are willing to “tolerate” from prisoners and “citizens” . . .

Let’s be insufferable and subversive!

From the dungeons of northern Europe, a freedom-filled embrace for you, Diego . . .

- Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, Aachen, 26.11.09

Collective hungerstrike of prisoners in struggle begins

from 325 nostate

From the 20th December 2009 to the 1 January 2010, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, anarchist imprisoned in Aachen, Germany, has declared a hungerstrike which prisoners from at least three jails in Chile including Axel Osorio have stated they will join. Marco Camenisch (in Switzerland), Jonatan (Sweden), Juan Carlos, Francisco, Honorio and Alberto (Spain), Diego (Argentina), Sergio, Mike, Evelin, Luca and Pasquale (Italy) have also said they will participate. Many other prisoners are expected to join, in solidarity with the struggle of Gabriel and in a common collective refusal of authority and the prison system. Gabriel hoped it might make the Christmas celebrations seem even more ridiculous than usual.

In a recent solidarity action on 30 November in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, by Anonymous Anarchist Action, 28 police vehicles were torched out of use. The action was dedicated to “the International Week of Agitation and Pressure in Solidarity with the Prisoners Seized by the Chilean State, and in support of comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva’s call for a hunger strike as a means of revolutionary struggle for our comrades in prison. Our action is in solidarity with comrade Emmanuel Hernández Hernández (prisoner in Mexico City), Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, Marco Camenisch, Juan Carlos Rico Rodríguez, Sergio María Stefani, Francesco Porcu, Alessandro Settepani, Leonardo Landi, Pablo Carvajal, Matías Castro, Axel Osorio, Diego Petrissans, Amadeu Casellas Ramón, Alfredo María Bonanno, Christos Stratigopoulos, and all the anarchist prisoners of the social war.”

Solidarity means attack! Destroy all prisons!

Bombing at Colbún thermoelectric plant in Concepción, Chile

20 12 2009

From Liberación Total translated by This is Our Job

December 19, 2009

A homemade explosive device went off early this morning on the outskirts of the Colbún thermoelectric plant located alongside Route 160 in Concepción.

The explosion happened at around midnight, and it affected a security post housing a water meter located more than 200 meters from the plant entrance. The explosion also destroyed a water conduit valve.

Upon hearing the explosion, company security guards alerted the Carabineros, who turned to GOPE personnel in order to investigate the situation.

The tyrants confirmed the presence of an explosive device, adding that they found black powder residue, which had been detonated with a slow-burning fuse at the scene.

Solidarity action in Barcelona related to anarchist arrests

19 12 2009

From Klinamen via Indymedia Barcelona translated by

December 19, 2009

Early on Friday morning, as two small acts of solidarity, we set fire to two banks in Guinardó (Barcelona).

First, we want to claim this action in support of Tamara, the young Madrileña arrested this week and accused of sending a letter-bomb to the director of Prison Services―the politician responsible for the current situation of prisoner Amadeu Casellas.

Regardless of whether she is the perpetrator of this act, we know that this arrest signifies an attempt to stop all demonstrations of support for Amadeu. This assertion is corroborated by various reports that the Mossos have been presenting in order to sound the alarm about the dangerous connections being woven around the anarchist prisoner’s hunger strike. It is in this sense that we understand her arrest, and it is in this sense that we understand our solidarity.

Second, we want to show our most heartfelt support to the comrades arrested in Chile. Our enemies may not understand borders―as evidenced by the Italian collaboration with the Chilean police―but neither do we as internationalist proletarians. You are not alone!

Where there is struggle, there is repression!
Where there is repression, there is solidarity!

Iraqui insurgents pirate American drones

Iraqi insurgents have reportedly intercepted live video feeds from the U.S. military's Predator drones using a $25.95 Windows application that allows them to track the pilotless aircraft undetected.

Hackers working with Iraqi militants were able to determine which areas of the country were under surveillance by the U.S. military and video feeds from drones in Afghanistan also appear to have been compromised.

Saturday 19 December 2009

Santiago - Arson attack on building site and a luxury car

Liberación Total

Yesterday Wednesday 16 December, protected by the darkness we decided to embrace chaos. We armed ourselves with petrol and molotovs and prepared to attack. Our objective was one of the many buildings under construction in the city of Santiago (those that prevent you from seeing the sky) (we are not giving the exact address so as not to give information to the police), with the intention of setting fire to the building or at least some building equipment, but not succeeding in the first we concentrated on the second. After surveying the area for an hour, we decided to enter but saw that there were still people working there. That is why we decided not to set fire to the building and and turned to the works site to find something that would catch fire.

We found wooden beams. We moved them to a place far from the group of workers, poured paint and two tanks of petrol over them and set fire to them. This struck the workers who rushed to the place , but the fire had already devoured all of the beams and more still. However, we still had a molotov with us in a rucksack and as we were leaving we came across a beautiful surprise: a car, but not one of those that you see in the outskirts of Santiago. We approached, broke the windows and threw the molotovs into the car, at which the alarm went off and we fled from the scene.

This is not a gratuitous attack, but should be seen within the framework of the war on urbanisation that is splitting our lives and taking away the wild part of our spirits from us. Urbanisation is the symbol of progress, of the abandoning of our instincts in exchange for artificial refuge.

We also dedicate this attack to all the comrades that find themselves in prison, heads held high. May pride and arrogance towards the dogs in uniform never cease. Axel, Jubilo, Pablo, Cristian,
Marcelo, Freddy, we here outside are contiuing to strike power in its various forms.

To the persecuted Diego and Alistes, may your footsteps disappear in clandestinity.

A strong embrace to our comrades struck by raids over the past few days, this action is for you. The raids are the demonstration of the fear that antiauthoritarian ideas and their dangerous proliferation are cause the State.

We cannot fail to mention and salute with immense love our brother and accomplice Mauricio Morales, who died on May 22 embracing his lover: chaos, in the form of that bomb which unfortunately exploded in the wrong place. We know that this action will make you happy wherever you are. For you, we love you from afar.
We are not dedicating this attack to the people or the workers. No! Our desires and actions are ours alone, we do not barter them for such manipulated concepts.

We are nobody's vanguard, our actions only represent ourselves and those that feel themselves to be our brothers.

We are individualist, antisocial and insurrectional. To the powerful and their dogs: you know we're not scared of you, we are at war.

Until we are wild and free!

War on civilisation, its logic and infrastructures!

Vengeance against the actions of power!
The offensive will not end!

Insurrectionalist band Mauricio Morales*
*Although we have claimed an action with this name in the past, we will not contiue to do so in future because we don't want to persist with one acronym or name.

We repeat, the name of the band is just to show that we do not forget you M.

Saturday, 19/12/2009 – 20:18
translated from informa-azione

Anarchists attacked sex shops in Thessaloniki

Cyprus Weekly November 2009

THESSALONIKI — An anarchist group has claimed responsibility for two small bomb attacks on sex shops over the past week in Greece's northern port city of Thessaloniki that caused no injuries.

A group of self-identified anarchists said the blasts were aimed at drawing attention to the sex industry's role in capitalist power structures. It posted the claim online on Thursday.

Greek anarchists frequently target symbols of wealth and state power in overnight arson attacks, but this is the first known case of an attack on sex shops.

It comes at a time when the country has seen a spike in anarchist and far left violence, following last December's fatal police shooting of a teenager.

Cyprus: School damaged in arson attack

from Cyprus Weekly

LIMASSOL: Damage amounting to thousands of euros has been caused to Polemidhia lyceum.

A window was smashed and lighted paper thrown in, completely destroying a records office.

The chairman of the school board, Georgios Alexandrou said a lot of important imformation had been lost as a result.

6 Dong cars set on fire last night

from indymedia/uk
Udgivet / published: Monday 14 December 2009 11:53

Last night six technician vans belonging to the energy company Dong were burned around Copenhagen.


Friday 18 December 2009

Mexico - 3 anarchist comrades arrested

Greetings comrades!

We are sending you a communique from the Anarchist Black Cross of the Federal District inviting you to a solidarity mobilisation for the comrades Abraham López, Carlos Orozco e Fermín Gómez; arrested yesterday morning by the D.F. authorities.
Although this year has seen an extension of anarchist struggle in Mexico, showing an undeniable qualitative leap in libertarian insurrectional actions , we have also had some defeats, such as the arrest of these young comrades, or the detention of comrade Emmanuel Hernández Hernández. All the same we are aware that the State-capital repression only demonstrates two things: 1) that insurrectional anarchist antagonism is a concrete reality in Mexico today, abandoning for good reactionary immobility and nostalgic activism; 2.) that now, more than ever, it is necessary to take precautions and carry out actions carefully, planning our activities well.
Today our imprisoned comrades know that they are not alone, that solidarity has stopped being a dead letter written in lower case, to come back to being DIRECT SOLIDARITY for our kidnapped comrades. The actions of the comrades of Acción Anarquista Anónima of Tijuana and the comrades of the Brigada de Eco-saboteadores por la Venganza Nunca Olvidada of Coalcalco, are demonstrations of SOLIDARIETA' DIRETTA for comrade Emmanuel Hernández Hernández.
That is why we are calling for an increase in SOLIDARITY to our comrades kidnapped here, in Chile, in Greece, in Italy, in Spain and in all the world.
May the night light up!
Against State-capital!
For Anarchy!

Coordinadora Informal Anarquista
translated from informa-azione

Chile - Freddy and Marcelo

Tuesday night the Argentinian Gendarmería consigned comrades Freddy and Marcelo to agents of the PDI, at the frontier post of Liucuria in Lonquimay.

From there they were taken by helicopter to Maquehue airport in the comune of Padre de Las Casas, in the city of Temuco to be flown in a plane of the PDI to Santiago del Cile. They arrived at 4am. and were taken to the barracks Borgoño of the Policía de Investigaciones.

Like a war trophy, the comrades were forced to walk past the cameras of the journalists in search of sensational news:

Marcelo shouted at them: "For as long as there is poverty, there will be rebellion. Don't forget, subversion might be sleeping but it will never disappear".

Freddy continued: " You are the press that condemned us. We have already been sentenced without trial, you are the worst criminals of the State".

The chilean comrades have launched an appeal for the decentralisation of actions, be they peaceful or violent, so that Freddy e Marcelo feel the solidarity of the comrades!


translated from informa-azione

COP15 prisoners riot in makeshift jail

14.12.2009 23:55
For the second day in a row, the police have used pepperspray against the inmates in the climate prison in Valby. Climate activists smashed the cages and used benches to break cell doors open. The police are sending out daily press-releases with the latest news about the many arrests in connection with the protests against the COP15 summit, but some stories never go further than the police’s leadership and are left out of the official accounts.
This is what happened both on Saturday and Sunday where pepperspray was used against the inmates in the so-called ’climate jail’ in Valby. This happened in connection with a prisoner riot that involved several hundred arrested activists.
Modkraft has spoken to several climate activists who witnessed the riot.
"The atmosphere was totally crazy. Several hundred people were shouting and screaming at each other and many tore wooden benches loose inside the cages and began to hit the doors with them" says Mads who was among the people arrested after Sunday’s ’Hit the Production’ demo that took place on Sunday afternoon in Østerbro.
"You could see the fear in their eyes"
257 activists were "preventatively arrested" at Sunday’s demonstration and were taken to the police’s main detention facility, commonly known as the climate jail, on Sunday afternoon.
Mads explains that the police used pepperspray several times against him and the others who sat confined in metal cages measuring 2.4 by 5 metres.
His story is is confirmed by two Swedish girls who Modkraft has also talked to. They say that there was a "chaotic atmosphere" in the prison on Sunday evening where they were also detained in metal cages after the demonstration at Østerbro.
"The police stormed the cages and took everything from us: blankets, water bottles and benches were all removed. They used a lot of pepperspray and it quickly spread around the room.", says Elli.
She tells us that a group of inmates managed to smash open the door of one of the cells. According to Ellie and her friend Marta it was that episode that unleashed the police action on Sunday evening.
"You could see the fear in their eyes. They were very aggressive, and they threatened to use more pepperspray. " says Marta.
As a reaction to the pepper-spray many inmates tore their bed-sheets in pieces and used them to cover their eyes. The two girls described the experience as "traumatic", "humiliating" and "deeply shocking".
"Many people were panicked and scared. It wasn’t possible to get away." says Marta.

Police officers with hearing protection

On the internet forum "Anarchist Debate Forum" a demonstrator called Holst who was also detained at Valby describes the events as follows:

"When I was arrested today, the benches that were tied to the walls with strips were pulled off and used as battering rams against the doors. People made so much noise by chanting and rubbing plastic bottles against the cell bars that the police had go around with hearing protection. Many of the doors that had been destroyed on Saturday had been replaced with thick wooden boards. The rights papers and bedding material were ripped into confetti.
"After some time riot police rushed into the cells to remove all of the benches, (the ones that had not been ripped off the walls were cut off) sleeping mats, and water bottles. They used pepper-spray to come into the cells.
"For the remaining hours, people had to sit on the concrete floor and were given water through the bars of the cells like hamsters."
There were also problems in the climate jail on Saturday evening after the police arrested 968 demonstrators on Amagerbrogade. DR described the situation with these words:

"Inside the prison some of the detainees have among other things, pulled down walls between their cells. Many of the benches from the cells have been removed and the remaining prisoners are now sitting on the floor.
During the disturbance, police officers took dogs into the hall but then decided to take them out again.
Correct link
15.12.2009 00:05

http://www.modkraft .dk/spip. php?article12227


geia sas syntrofoi!
Of the 22 comrades of RESALTO , during the investigative process, imposed to 12 of them restrictive conditions (not to leave the country and presence at the police station , 1st and 16th of every month ) and in 11 of them , also financial guarantees ,of the total amount of 51.000 €( for one of 15.000 ,for 3 of 5000 ,and for 7 of 3000). For the comrade from Spain, the guarantee of 5000 should be paid last week, and it was given. For the remaining 10 the deadline was today Thursday 17 Dec. However, on Monday 9 of the 10 comrades deposed a request for removal of restrictive conditions and removal (or decrease) of the financial guarantees and requested the suspension of the deadline until a new investigating decision. The inquisitor(invastigating) judge initially refused to remove the deadline of 17 Dec , although , she finally admitted the request yesterday Wednesday 16 Dec until a new decision. Thus, 9 of he 10 didn t pay the amount of the financial guarantees until (the edition of ) the new decision, while for the comrade that didn t deposed a request of reduced guarantee ,was paid the amount of 3.000.

As soon as the new decision published, as for the amount of the financial guarantees, as for the restrictive conditions will be an immediately information.
thanks to all!

Keratsini is the municipality where the police raided the anarchist space Resalto and then raided the occupied town Hall as well, arresting 22 in Resalto and 41 in the Town Hall.
The 41 arrested in the Town Hall were set free December 7.
The 22 arrested from Resalto were set free December 7 at 6.30 am. They were recieved by people in solidarity that were standing outside the court of Piraeus. Four are set free without conditions, one has to pay a bail of 15000 euro, two have to pay 5000 euro each, six have to pay 3000 euro each, and the rest with other restrictions (can’t leave the country, have to be present at a police station every some days).

What follows is a communication from the comrades of the Resalto centre
Below is a Paypal account button to facilitate things until the deadline for the money on Wednesday

Financial support to arrested Greek anarchists of “Resalto” centre

Following the police assault and brutal break-in at the anarchist/ antiauthoritarian centre of “Resalto” during the afternoon of Saturday, December 5th , the 22 arrested comrades were released by the Piraeus Court at dawn on Tuesday, December, 8th.
For their release, both from prison and from custody until their trial, the Court imposed limitative clauses on them, and furthermore, bail money was set at a very high amount.
The total amount of bail money amounts to 51,000 euros. More specifically, for one of those arrested bail was set at 15.000 euros, for three of them at 5,000 per person and for the remaining seven, bail starts at 3,000 euros.
The total amount of bail-money must be deposited by Thursday, December 17, but it is advisable, for the purpose of avoiding bureaucratic deadlocks, that this money is raised by Tuesday, December 15th.
So, for the financial support of the 22 arrested of Resalto, but also for the prompt payment of bail, a solidarity fund has been set up. It is necessary for all of us to assist in gathering this, unusually high, total amount of bail money.
For this purpose, in order for this amount of money to be securely raised you are all greatly encouraged, and kindly asked to establish direct contact at the following telephone number: 30 6973657960 or establish contact via e-mail, at the address in order to obtain the bank account number where this money may be deposited.
Solidarity is our weapon

click 'donate' to access paypal account

Arrest in Getafe

17 12 2009

From Klinamen: via This is Our Job

December 15, 2009

One of the very first stories we covered here at TIOJ was about a letter-bomb deactivation in Barcelona. We thought it would be irresponsible if we didn’t follow up about an arrest that our enemies claim is related.

Anarchist arrested for sending letter-bomb to Prison Services

The National Police and Civil Guard arrested an anarchist in Getafe today for allegedly sending a low-strength letter-bomb to the Generalitat’s [Juvenile] Justice and Prison Services Headquarters in October.

According to sources close to the case, the suspect is 25-year-old T.H.H., who is accused of sending a letter-bomb containing a small amount of explosive material to 332 Calle Aragó on October 7. The package had to be deactivated by the Mossos d’Esquadra’s TEDAX bomb disposal unit.

After evacuating the building, TEDAX confirmed that the suspicious device contained only a small quantity of explosive, and they set off a controlled explosion. There were no injuries.

Update from TIOJ: We now know that the accused’s first name is Tamara. She has been charged with attempted murder and is currently being held in preventative detention at Wad-Ras women’s prison in Barcelona. According to mass media, the intended recipient of the October 7 letter-bomb was Albert Batlle, Secretary of the Generalitat’s Prison Services department.

On Thursday, December 18, there was a demonstration in solidarity with Tamara in front of Wad-Ras, and on Sunday, December 20, there will be another solidarity demonstration at the Plaza Can Felipa, also in Barcelona.

As more information surfaces, we will try to keep this story as current as possible.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Chile - Arrest and release of 12 anarchists

Chile - 12 anarchists arrested

fonte di regime - 11.12.09 - traduzione

The Carabineros arrested another 8 people during the raids carried out this morning in the investigations for the explosive attack in Santiago, so the number of those arrested has risen to 12.

... most of the arrests took place in squats. A small amount of cocaine, gas masks, helmets, anarchist literature, black clothes, gloves, computers, hard disks, videos and photographs were seized and sent to the Laboratorio de Criminalística de Carabineros.The raids took place after investigations carried out with phone tapping.

The eight arrested add to the four detained by police agents of the PDI, after they attacked the police during a raid at the social centre Sacco y Vanzetti.

Chile - All the anarchists freed


Culmine - 12.11.09

* * * * * *

In one more example of the stupid circus being prepared for the weekend, 12 of the arrested comrades have been released. They say that the 8 arrested by the Carabineros have been freed without going before the instructing judge as there are no elements foropening a judicial inquiry. Eh! They were not even capable of putting in any data!
On the other hand, the comrades of "Sacco y Vanzetti" haved been formally accused of selfdefence and attack against the dogs of the PDI, but have been freed all the same in pite of the desires of the cops-journalists.

So the police operations have been a show in which the state has shown itself incapable of tracing one single link of culpability. They are so ineffective. Tbhey are incapable of catching anybody because their own laws prevent them. Lte's take advantage of that and pass to the attack. Approfittiamone e passiamo all'attacco. Let's strike a blow!


Power is trying to intimidate us. For the moment it isn't succeeding because its frameups remained impossible. Even so, we must be careful because they can come back at any time and strike harder. That is why it is necessary to counter-inform what the media of capital can't understand. We must be careful, without fear and without treating oneself. There's no need to give oneself excuses. It won't end until the class society ends. For the time being: be careful, resist, and attack.

Treviso, Italy - Flames in the prison

Chile: Swedish Executive Takes Responsibility For Arica’s Toxic Dump

The Santiago Times
Thursday, 10 December 2009 01:32

A former executive at Boliden Metall who helped send 20 tons of toxic waste in Chile’s northern city of Arica in the 1980s this week urged the company he used to work for to help clean up the mess and pay damages to local residents victimized by the toxic dump.
Shantytown dwellers who built houses near the toxic waste dump in the late 1980s and early 1990s have been diagnosed with various life-threatening diseases believed related the nearby lead and arsenic.“At the time (1982) I was totally unaware of the environmental dangers it would cause and to what extent this would impact on the local residents,” said Rolf Svedberg, Boliden’s former head of Environmental Issues.
Boliden contracted processing company PROMEL to dump the contaminated minerals in the outskirts of Arica between 1984 and 1989, with the consent of local health authorities.
Arica residents living near the toxic dump have been plagued by a wide range of ailments, including arthritis, cancer and impotence. Government and health authorities refused to acknowledge any problem until 1998 and then tried to clean up the toxic waste. Blood test results that confirmed the severity of arsenic poisoning suffered by local residents were not disclosed until years after the blood tests had been taken.
Meanwhile, tension continues to boil between Arica residents and the local authorities who allowed the waste to be dumped and then failed to keep the shantytown from developing on top of the toxic grounds.

Chile Bombers Moving South?

The Santiago Times 13 December
Friday, 11 December 2009 04:22

A late-night bomb shook the Region VIII city of Concepcíon Tuesday night, just days ahead of this Sunday’s election. The nine-pound device, detonated on Cerro Caracol, exploded near a communications tower and was heard throughout the city, creating panic among residents.
This is the fourth such device to be detonated in Region VIII this year and the most powerful so far. Authorities blame anarchist groups for the bombs, saying they are politically motivated attempts to create panic and confusion.
Region VIII Governer Erick Aedo denounced the bombing and vowed to prosecute those responsible, saying, “We will not accept (this bombing) to create public commotion or uncertainty or fear so close to the electoral process.”
Bombs and bomb scares have plagued Chile in recent years and despite creation of a special bomb investigation unit, authorities have made few arrests.
Police claim over 200 hoax bomb threats have been made in recent months, including a false alert that forced the closure of Santiago's Baquedano metro station on November 19 (ST. Nov 19). A bomb left in a Marriott Hotel bathroom on Nov. 4 left six injured (ST. Nov. 5).
Authorities have announced tightening security measures in the wake of this week’s election by mobilizing more than 35,000 police officers to ensure things run smoothly.
Interior Ministry Undersecretary Patricio Rosende has been critical of the ongoing bomb investigations, but assures voters that “all possible security measures have been taken for the election.”

Bombing at Banamex branch in Mexico [Updated with communiqué]

11 12 2009

From Liberación Total:

translated by This is Our Job

December 9, 2009

An explosion at a Banamex branch alerted Coacalco police at around 5:45 a.m. on Monday, December 7. Agents found two undetonated butane gas canisters at the scene. The explosion destroyed the bank’s doors and windows. The device appears to be the same as those detonated in the month of September, made out of butane gas canisters (camping-type) attached to a detonator.


In the early morning of December 7, we detonated two butane gas canisters taped to a homemade explosive made out of dynamite, a fuse, and a delay timer at the Banamex bank branch located in Coacalco, Mexico State.

However, due to an unfortunate fault in our device, the canisters did not serve their function. But the dynamite explosive did, and it destroyed part of the infrastructure, all the windows, and the doors of that hateful branch of bloodsucking banks.

We did this: unknown to the state, masked up, with our hands full of vengeance, ready to break the established order and turn it into chaos. We are a result of this system, of this alienating and absurd society that creates its own destruction day by day. We are the ideas of abolition gestating in our minds, turned into direct action.

Eco-anarchists take notice: We have again mocked your dried out words of political demagoguery and blown up another bank, another branch that signifies—among other things apart from the economic aspect—planetary destruction, the constant exploitation of humans and animals as a means of getting rich and filling its pockets via the domestication and domination of sentient beings.

Without a doubt, Banamex was one of the banks that worked to attract all the money from the grand sentimental-emotional campaign launched by the big circus of disinformation surrounding the Teletón farce. This children’s spectacle—perpetrated by one of the largest television channels—is the best disguise through which big businessmen avoid paying taxes and generate more wealth at the cost of exploiting humans, animals, and the Earth. Therefore, our operation: We will not support more hypocritical attitudes from companies that generate human anthropocentrism, and we will fight them at all times.

One year after the death of a Greek anarchist at the hands of the police, we declare ourselves in complicity and solidarity with the struggle of the Greek anarcho-insurrectionalists, whose courage is like Molotov cocktails exploding in the bodies of the guardians of order!

Through our action, we also position ourselves against the [COP15] summit in Copenhagen, Denmark. Global warming is not a game; it is nothing less than a problem that concerns everyone, a problem about which we have worried, and we decided to do something so that all the people responsible pay for it and pay dearly.

It is not coincidentally with these two world events that we left behind butane gas canisters that day; rather, it is a show of our most combative and revolutionary solidarity, like an unholstered gun pointed at the enemy’s head.

We’re also making use of this space to send words of support to the anarchists imprisoned by the Mexican state: Víctor Herrera Govea, locked up and tortured on October 2 during the riots resulting from the demonstration interrupted by Marcelo Ebrad’s riot police in Mexico City, and Emanuel Hernández Hernández, under investigation since 2006 and accused of carrying Molotov cocktails during the demonstrations against the World Water Forum. We show solidarity with them through our bombing, because although we have never seen their faces, an idea, a feeling, and our most ferocious instincts for freedom, strength, and resistance unite us as we move forward. We wish them the best!

Let’s make the exploiters’ property feel our attacks!
Violence against the violence of authority!
We will not forget, we will not forgive!

- Unforgettable Vengeance Eco-Sabotage Brigade

Copenhagen Summit police hold 600 to 700 demonstrators

12 December, 2009

AFP, 12.12.2009, 21h31

The Danish police have held hundreds of people in Copenhagen, on the margins of the great demonstration organised on the occasion of the summit on climate change.
Incidents broke out less than half an hour after the start of the demo, after it had gone a few hundred metres. A group of about 300 people, masked and entirely dressed in black, began to break windows. The casseurs, armed with bricks and hammers, also threw gas cannisters.
Some police vehicles were briefly surrounded by the group. Eventually about fifty anti-riot police encircled them, pushing some to the ground. The others dispersed in small groups of 5 or 6 to go back into the demonstration, from where they quickly re-emerged to smash a window.
600 and 700 arrests were made.
From 600 to 700 people have been held by police during various interventions, after first announcing 400 arrests. Most are members of 'Black Blocs'... A policeman was wounded in the jaw by a paving stone, near the gigantic squat Christiana, at around 500 metres from the place of the incidents, and four private cars were burnt.

from Cette semaine

more news and pictures


Saturday 12 December 2009

Anti-fascist round-up

Anarchist anti-fascists converged on a pub in north London on Sunday 28th November to confront the extreme nationalist political party Jobbik who are attempting to make inroads into the Hungarian community in London. The meeting in the Gloucester Arms pub in Kentish Town was to be the foundation of a British chapter of the notorious racist party, who promote openly anti-Semitic and anti-Roma policies and recently won three seats in the European Parliament.

The bonds between the British National Party (BNP) and Jobbik are growing since both have been elected to the EU. Gabor Vona, the Jobbik party chairman, announced in October the founding of the “Alliance of European Nationalist Movements” in a declaration of common goals drafted by BNP leader, Nick Griffin. Five parties have initially signed the nine-point declaration: Jobbik, France’s Front National, Italy’s Fiamma Tricolore, Sweden’s National Democrats and Belgium’s Front Nationalists.

The demonstration outside the pub was made up of autonomous anti-fascists, mostly from the Camden Anarchist and Whitechapel Anarchist groups as well as the local Unite Against Fascism group. After an uneasy stand off the meeting went ahead as planned. It was unclear if any BNP were in attendance.

Ivan Khutorskoy

Ivan Khutorskoy

Anarchist anti-fascists were also in attendance as part of an international callout by RASH (Red and Anarchist skinheads) and Antifa Russia to honour the memory of Ivan Khutorskoy, who was murdered by fascists on Monday 16th November. London-based antifascists, RASH’s and SHARP Skins, gathered at the International Brigade memorial on the South Bank of the River Thames, on evening of 4th December, to pay their respects to memory of Ivan Khutorskoy, who was shot and killed at the entrance to his apartment building.

Ivan was a towering figure of the Moscow anti-fascist scene, informal leader of the youth antifascist movement, founder member of Moscow RASH, this was the fourth attempt on his life. He had been slashed with a razor in 2005, attacked with baseball bats and stabbed with a screwdriver, and nearly died after being stabbed in the stomach during a street fight. He had recently been working as security for concerts put on by anti-fascist groups, and had also worked as security during the press conferences of the prominent human rights lawyer and defenders of anti-fascists Stanislav Markelov, who was shot dead last January by neo-Nazis.

Comrades at the South Bank handed out leaflets and unfurled a red and black flag against the memorial as a mark of respect.

Friday 11 December 2009

Hostile fire against all authority! [Flames claim 28 police trucks in Mexico]

11 12 2009

From Klinamen:

translated by This is Our Job

December 8, 2009

Communiqué from insurrectionalists in struggle inside the city of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

Greetings to those who fight!

We are not a new organization presenting its beloved acronym to the controlling, foolish mass media. We are not a new guerrilla group, nor are we a new party. We are no Vanguard, nor do we want or try to be one; we do not direct or represent anyone. We represent ourselves, and we therefore take the shape of an affinity group and resolve to self-manage the struggle against everything that oppresses and exploits us. We decide to counterattack, to respond to the death imposed on us by capitalism and the state in their obsession to conquer.

We had preferred silence. To act in total anonymity through the insurrectional collective. But again, the controlling mass mediaserving the exploitersis trying to confuse those who fight, and forcing us to say what they hide. We are all vandals and criminals to capitalism and the state; we know that behind the war on drugs lurks the war on the oppressed, on the excluded. That’s why we decided to counter-inform in the face of lies and distortion.

Exactly one week ago, last Monday [November 30], we attackedwith anarchist firethe fleet of patrol vehicles ready to be delivered to the municipal authorities in the Bulevar O’Higgins parking lot (on the Vía Rápida) in the Fortín de las Flores community, near the Mazda dealership and Mega Dulces in that city.

We managed to destroy 28 new patrol vehiclesthe 2010 Ford F-150 model pickup (Lobo edition)belonging to the Department of Public Municipal Security. Six were totally destroyed, and 22 suffered considerable damage, which amounts to millions of pesos in expenses.

This action is not an incident of vandalism, nor is it an “organized crime” operation on the orders of Arellano, Dr. Caro, El Teo, or Muletas; this is an anonymous anarchist action in solidarity with all our prisoners in the hands of the state, for the International Week of Agitation and Pressure in Solidarity with the Prisoners Seized by the Chilean State, and in support of comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva’s call for a hunger strike as a means of revolutionary struggle for our comrades in prison. Our action is in solidarity with comrade Emmanuel Hernández Hernández (prisoner in Mexico City), Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, Marco Camenisch, Juan Carlos Rico Rodríguez, Sergio María Stefani, Francesco Porcu, Alessandro Settepani, Leonardo Landi, Pablo Carvajal, Matías Castro, Axel Osorio, Diego Petrissans, Amadeu Casellas Ramón, Alfredo María Bonanno, Christos Stratigopoulos, and all the anarchist prisoners of the social war.

May the smoke from our action’s insurrectionary flames reach your cells, so you can smell the liberating aroma of gasoline; the cry of each one of your names will echo in the ears of the powerful.

For the spread of the counterattack and the realization of actions in every city.

Insurrectional creativity has no limits!
Death to the cops!
Fire to the world’s prisons!

- Anonymous Anarchist Action

Giannis Dimitrakis sent back to Domokos prison

While the appeal court yesterday accepted the proposal to postpone the trial (to Tuesday 15-12) of cοmrade Giannis Dimitrakis, because of his transfer to Athens one day before the trial thereby preventing the lawyer from speaking to him to prepare his defence, the State sent Giannis back to Domokos prison, some hours after the court disbanded.

According to the media:
"The lawyer of Dimitrakis, C.Papadakis defines this institutional act a scandal that ostentatiously violates a court order. The transfer of Dimitrakis fits in perfectly with the police State ,the atmosphere that prevailed at the trial and limits of the accused's rights of defence.The lawyers had asked the court to postpone the trial,noting that, almost a month ago they made the request to transfer the accused to Korydallos prison (Athens) and have sufficient time to prepare the defense, this came just one day before the trial."


Statement of the Spontaneous Assembly of Boston Anti-Authoritarians

Statement of the Spontaneous Assembly of Boston Anti-Authoritarians remembering the murder of Alexandros Grigoropoulos, in solidarity with our Greek comrades in the struggle for freedom.

In the presence of police, on the steps of the Greek consulate, we assembly to collectively make this statement. We stand whole-heartedly with your struggle and we demand the abolition of our government and yours. An injury to one is an injury to all, and we gather at the Greek consulate building in Boston in protest of the heartless persecution of the Greek comrades. Your strides towards life without capitalism and authority are an inspiration to the world. We, too, will never forget, and never forgive.

Thursday 10 December 2009


Urgent Commique From Athens Anarchists 9-12-2009


1) Cops with guns in the demonstrations
2) Motorbike raids against protesters
3) Cops following peaceful demonstrators in their tracks, wild and indiscriminate arrests
4) Staged events such as the alleged assassination attempt against the rector of the Pritanea
5) An enormous number of vague and even criminal charges and arresting people young and old
6) Closing schools on the pretext of swine flu and the merciless beating of students who wanted to get to their schools
7) Undercover cops kidnapping young protesters
8) Higher level visible collaboration between Golden Dawn neo-nazis and the Police
9) Secret meetings between Chrysohoides and the bosses of the TV channels and journalists to decide on how TV reporting was going to be done over these days
10) Secret covert cameras and helicopters hovering constantly
11) Zero tolerance makes a bitter orange and a stone against a bank a felony and a pretext for a police attack
12) BAN on demonstrations and political gatherings in the conversion areas with massive police intimidation and outrageous filing
13) Hacker attacks on indymedia, and sites of squatted places and TVXS (no borders TV), deleting comments
14) Invasion and PREVENTIVE ARRESTS in many self-managed spaces.
15) In an Orwellian way anarchists and the rebels are referred to "fascists and Nazis!".
16) Junta-like removal of asylum [in the universities]


Some of these things happened in isolation, and some only happened before under the junta in 1967-1974; others have never happened before, only now.
They never ever happened altogether in such a short space of time!
It seems that the crash which happened here and they are hiding, like the indomitable December, has the power to activate an emergency plan, a new ‘PLASTER CAST’. [repeating the pronuncement of the junta in 1967]
These moments are more than historical. We are witnessing for the first time since 1967 an attempt to impose a fascist police coup. If a parliamentary democracy are able to commit those crimes, the junta is something different and we have all have begun to understand that. The anarchist slogans in the streets are beginning to say bluntly: "DOWN THE JUNTA"
A collusion of prosecutors, rectors, the upper classes, TV media and police, and still we do not know what other local and foreign forces have been mustered. You hear of missing people. The climate is heavy like unde the junta.

Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

translation fixed a little by act for freedom
- Homepage:

from indymedia uk


Wednesday 9 December 2009

Group D is everywhere

Like Teheran ,like Athens .The face of state repression is everywhere the same!

Greek Embassy Windows Smashed in Washington, D.C.

Washington D.C. 2:52, Wednesday 9 December 2009

Around 3am on December 8th, two bricks shattered the window of the Greek Embassy at 2228 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington, D.C. This action was taken in solidarity with those who have taken to the streets in Greece on the recent anniversary of the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos.

The recent socialist government has shown through its use of state repression that is no different in character from the right wing government that took Grigoropoulos's life. State power, regardless of who wields it will be used to repress and murder, and we will never be free of this violence until we've dismantled the rule of state and capital, and confront the roots of power and hierarchy wherever they manifest themselves.

We mean to demonstrate that the uprising in Greece, the acts of building and defending autonomous spaces have been an inspiration not only to those in Europe, but the whole world over. With these bricks thrown we've made the Greek embassy in Washington, D.C. better reflect the current landscape on the streets of Athens and Thessaloniki. Let this serve as a reminder to those who hold power, whether their offices are in Athens or Washington, D.C. that their time to murder and silence the voices of resistance has come to an end.

Appeal trial of Yiannis Dimitrakis postponed

Today ,the Lawyers asked for postponement because they brought Yiannis to Athens yesterday afternoon and they had no time to see and talk to him and also because there were cops everywhere in the court room.

The court accepted the request for postponement because of no consulation of Yiannis with his lawyers and the trial was postponed to Tuesday 15/12 at 9:30

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Employment agency ‘Manpower’ attacked in Bristol (UK)

December 8th, 2009

6 December 2009 : Damage action against strike breaking, scumbag profiteer company

“On the night of 6th December Manpower offices in Bristol were attacked with hammers. All the big plate glass windows on the front of their office were smashed. This action was taken in the face of seemingly overwhelming attacks on workers everywhere by capital and state. Manpower were responsible for hiring 30,000 non unionised “workers” (read “scabs”) to break the recent strike action by postal workers. Well, some of us don’t forget that, as the old saying goes, an attack on one is an attack on all!

Manpower are just a symbol, the epitome of agencies profitting from the race to the bottom, forcing thousands into shitty jobs with no dignity, security or chance of escape, struggling so hard to kep heads above the shit. They oil the wheels of the corporate state , where people are totally expendable to the needs of the bosses and the profit machine. Huge pay increases and rewards for the few, cuts and threats for the rest of us.

The class divide between rich and poor is growing all the time, so we think it’s time we started acting like it!

In the social war, they have nothing to offer us but target practice. Fight the power!”

from 325 nostate

All comrades arrested at Keratsini have been set free!!

Greece - from Occupied london

Keratsini is the municipality where the police raided the anarchist space Resalto and then raided the occupied town Hall as well, arresting 22 in Resalto and 41 in the Town Hall.
The 41 arrested in the Town Hall were set free yesterday afternoon.
The 22 arrested from Resalto were set free today at 6.30 am. They were recieved by people in solidarity and family that were standing outside the court of Piraeus. Four are set free without conditions, one has to pay a bail of 15000 euro, two have to pay 5000 euro each, six have to pay 3000 euro each, and the rest with other restrictions (can’t leave the country, have to be present at a police station every some days).

The struggle for freedom and dignity can't be imprisoned or repressed!

from Athens indymedia 6-12-2009
Abstention from food in memory of Alexis and in response to state repression.

We, the prisoners of B wing of the prison of Larissa , today we are abstaining from food to honor the memory of unjustly-lost Alexis Grigoropoulos and to express our opposition to state murders and humiliation, to its daily terrorizing the lives of all of us...

Because the struggle for freedom and dignity can't be imprisoned or repressed!.

Prisoners of B wing of Larisa prison.

Monday 7 December 2009

Trento - excavator set fire to at Mattarello base construction site

We learn from the daily papers that during the night between 3 and 4 December an excavator in the preliminary construction site for the military base of Mattarello in trentino, Italy, has been destroyed by fire.
Mon, 07/12/2009 – 20:39

translated from Informa-azione

Genoa: national TV (Rai) antenna tower sabotaged

From an anonymous we learn that a Rai antenna tower has been attacked in solidarity with those struggling for freedom.
Mon, 07/12/2009 – 20:22

translated from Informa-azione

Detention of six anarchists in Serbia extended by two months

Extended by two months the detention of six anarchists in Serbia accused of the attack with petrol bombs at the Greek Embassy in August to protest the arrest and detention of a Greek partner in the events of December 2008.

The Prosecutor's Office indicted them on November 3 categories of involvement in international terrorism and the District Court of Belgrade has decided to extend for two months PRISON them.

The young members of the 'Anarcho-syndicalist initiative accused on August 24 at around three in the morning spray formed a wall of the building, which houses the Greek Embassy, the label of anarchist and then threw two petrol bombs close to the central entry, causing minor property damage.

The indictment has raised the Serbian intellectuals, and the category of "international terrorism" is, according to the Criminal Code of the country's second largest crime after the genocide.

Cyprus: Students Protest in Larnaca

Yesterday morning the area outside the Larnaca Police Station, Avenue Yannos Kranidiotis was reminiscent of the city of Athens. Hundreds of students from the Technical School Larnaca gathered outside the police station, where they made a spontaneous protest, caused by the tragic death of their friend and classmate Theakou Basil, 16 years, who died last Friday in a road accident in Alexander Avenue Panagouli near the school.
Students argue that the unfortunate Theakou, who was driving a motorcycle without a helmet or learner’s license, was being pursued by the police group "G", so was forced to gather speed and therefore suffered fatal injuries.
Around 10:30 students of the Technical School, most of them dressed in black, marched from their school and came out in Larnaca, creating micro-episodes and causing tension. Angry students threw water bottles and other objects at the police, shouting slogans against the police, "cops, pigs, murderers" and "Basil you live, and took down the flag of the Police from the web of power and burned. ..
Indeed, at one point they even attempted to break the main entrance of the police station and came face to face with police who had formed a human cordon, but acted calmly and did not intervene. Many students wore black shirts, on which they had written "Brother Basil bon voyage, and held a large banner saying "Another brother has left us at the hands of a cop ".

Sabotage against Earth-destroying excavators and generator in Mexico

From Liberación Total:

December 3, 2009

Incendiary attack on planet-destroying excavators and generator in Gómez Palacio, Durango, Mexico


In the early morning of November 29, the Earth Liberation Front went into battle in order to raise our voices in solidarity with all the comrades being investigated by the rotten state, dedicating this action to all those who fight to demolish capital and its hateful destruction.

This time, we went out to combat wretched anthropocentrism, sabotaging two planet-destroying excavators and a generator, showing that here is the response to their foolish schemes, demonstrating that true liberation is spreading every day . . .

Solidarity with the Dutch activists
Greetings to those who fight


- Earth Liberation Front

translated into English by this is Our Job

Attack in Barcelona

From Klinamen via Indymedia Barcelona:
December 4, 2009

Fire on the doorstep of Modelo!

On the night of Thursday to Friday, we set fire to a crane on the doorstep of one of the temples of democracy: Modelo. By making good use of a construction site for that wretched infrastructural project known as the TAV, we wanted to salute the jailed and their jailers—the former so that they feel less alone, and the latter to remind them that there are still people who will take risks to oppose them.

Greetings to all our imprisoned comrades, those who have given their lives, and of course those who continue to do so without a second thought.

Long live anarchy!

English translation from This is our job

Some news from Occupied Athens

Today was not a very heavy day by Greek standards but some crazy stuff happened. The Motorcycle cops did indeed just ride into us and other people: An old lady (after the Delta had been repelled) was crossing the road and a loan Delta rode right past her and smacked her with his baton, she is in intensive care. they got it back though, several delta on the floor being trashed. Also a 13yr old girl in Omonia sq was brutally beaten (unconsciouss and heavy bleeding from head) when the Delta attacked the reds and stray anarchists at the end of the demo. From the universities we fought them, Propilia (pritanias) and from the law school we gave good account of ourselves. Monuments were smashed to give the people space. I think tomorrow the media may carry a pic of one of the Batsi on fire... In Propilia the word went round in the evening, that the media were saying, when we occupied, the Dean was injured, they say he is in intensive care. This is Bollocks, he left un harmed. Following the media report about the Dean, we heard that Asylum has been revoked! Still unsure if this is true. Apparently, the prime minister said the police should use whatever means they deem necessary for the restoration of fascist "peace." The cops tried to come, we fought them back and then the fascists came. But they are cowards. In groups we made our way to Exarchia, which is entirely surrounded by Green MAT, with blues and deltas in support. We tried to make a demo to the polythechnio, but we were too few, as many commrades (263 detainments in athens, more than 100 in Thessaloniki) also about, 21 people arrested in "Resalto," and maybe 40 in Thessaloniki being charged under terrorism act. This fucking Police state must fall, I never knew how bad it was for the people here! I hope your news is comming in from many places. The Greeks are amazing, so brave and skilled in these situations... Met many commrades from Spain, Italy, France and a few from the UK! The Italians got fucked last night, and 9 Spanish today. Tomorrow Demo at Pireaus court house and education demo of workers and students. I think we might try to liberate Exarchia and the Poltechnio. That's all I have for now... All my love to my English commrades.

From Occupied Athens