One fine morning, the faithful lackey, who has hitherto identified completely with his master, leaps on his oppressor and slits his throat. RV

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Chile - comrade Esteban Huiniguir beaten in prison!


We show strength in solidarity and respond!
Communiqué Presxs a la kalle
"They walk around in their uniforms and do so with complete impunity" -Mauricio Morales, in anti-prison debate.
We learned with deep sadness, our veins swollen with rage, of the new beating dealt by the beasts in uniform. Comrade Huiniguir Esteban, a former member of the MJL (Lautaro Youth Movement - NDT) falsely convicted for growing marijuana (3 years and 1 day in prison) and limited dealing (541 days in jail), following the raids which led to the arrest of other comrades March 29, 2008. Esteban, kidnapped in the CAS (Carcel de Alta Seguridad) is feeling the weight of their laws again. On June 10, tired of constant harassment by the captors, Esteban launched a well-aimed punch at the miserable uniformed "Olivares" ... Revenge of the jailers was swift in coming. They pounced on the comrade, and locked him in a security cell. Here, handcuffed, they beat him up systematically.
Mercenaries of various ranks (among them a major and a lieutenant) beat him, throwing tear gas in his face and then left him in a solitary cell with injuries of varying magnitude, without any doctor having visited him since then.
Our response can not wait, we salute the gesture of Esteban in resisting, opposing and defending himself in front of those wretched subjects.
We know that neither convictions, bars or rigid prison regimes can bend the instinct to clash with authority.
The call that comes is to actually show our solidarity with the comrade, giving free rein to the many responses against the scoundrels in uniform and showing our blunt response against enemy attacks.
Today, solidarity must set fire to their disgusting prisons and know that that punch was not launched by Esteban alone, but by all of us who want to destroy this system of death.
We will not allow them to torture our fellow comrades in peace.
Presos la calle
Calles para la insurrección!

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