One fine morning, the faithful lackey, who has hitherto identified completely with his master, leaps on his oppressor and slits his throat. RV

Sunday 13 December 2009

Bombing at Banamex branch in Mexico [Updated with communiqué]

11 12 2009

From Liberación Total:

translated by This is Our Job

December 9, 2009

An explosion at a Banamex branch alerted Coacalco police at around 5:45 a.m. on Monday, December 7. Agents found two undetonated butane gas canisters at the scene. The explosion destroyed the bank’s doors and windows. The device appears to be the same as those detonated in the month of September, made out of butane gas canisters (camping-type) attached to a detonator.


In the early morning of December 7, we detonated two butane gas canisters taped to a homemade explosive made out of dynamite, a fuse, and a delay timer at the Banamex bank branch located in Coacalco, Mexico State.

However, due to an unfortunate fault in our device, the canisters did not serve their function. But the dynamite explosive did, and it destroyed part of the infrastructure, all the windows, and the doors of that hateful branch of bloodsucking banks.

We did this: unknown to the state, masked up, with our hands full of vengeance, ready to break the established order and turn it into chaos. We are a result of this system, of this alienating and absurd society that creates its own destruction day by day. We are the ideas of abolition gestating in our minds, turned into direct action.

Eco-anarchists take notice: We have again mocked your dried out words of political demagoguery and blown up another bank, another branch that signifies—among other things apart from the economic aspect—planetary destruction, the constant exploitation of humans and animals as a means of getting rich and filling its pockets via the domestication and domination of sentient beings.

Without a doubt, Banamex was one of the banks that worked to attract all the money from the grand sentimental-emotional campaign launched by the big circus of disinformation surrounding the Teletón farce. This children’s spectacle—perpetrated by one of the largest television channels—is the best disguise through which big businessmen avoid paying taxes and generate more wealth at the cost of exploiting humans, animals, and the Earth. Therefore, our operation: We will not support more hypocritical attitudes from companies that generate human anthropocentrism, and we will fight them at all times.

One year after the death of a Greek anarchist at the hands of the police, we declare ourselves in complicity and solidarity with the struggle of the Greek anarcho-insurrectionalists, whose courage is like Molotov cocktails exploding in the bodies of the guardians of order!

Through our action, we also position ourselves against the [COP15] summit in Copenhagen, Denmark. Global warming is not a game; it is nothing less than a problem that concerns everyone, a problem about which we have worried, and we decided to do something so that all the people responsible pay for it and pay dearly.

It is not coincidentally with these two world events that we left behind butane gas canisters that day; rather, it is a show of our most combative and revolutionary solidarity, like an unholstered gun pointed at the enemy’s head.

We’re also making use of this space to send words of support to the anarchists imprisoned by the Mexican state: Víctor Herrera Govea, locked up and tortured on October 2 during the riots resulting from the demonstration interrupted by Marcelo Ebrad’s riot police in Mexico City, and Emanuel Hernández Hernández, under investigation since 2006 and accused of carrying Molotov cocktails during the demonstrations against the World Water Forum. We show solidarity with them through our bombing, because although we have never seen their faces, an idea, a feeling, and our most ferocious instincts for freedom, strength, and resistance unite us as we move forward. We wish them the best!

Let’s make the exploiters’ property feel our attacks!
Violence against the violence of authority!
We will not forget, we will not forgive!

- Unforgettable Vengeance Eco-Sabotage Brigade

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