These last weeks, in Algeria and Tunisia, thousands and thousands of individuals went to shout their rage and their revolt against the living conditions that have been imposed on them, provoking dozens of dead people among the insurgents.
Now that democracy is supposed to have won in Tunis, the same murderer cops are supposed to defend this “liberty”, which has been gained at great cost with Ben Ali's departure.
But was this really the meaning of the Return to Normality, under the aegis of more democratic chiefs? The meaning of this “Liberty” shouted by thousands of rebels?
Liberty, it’s about having fought for it, and having affixed on walls “Algerie-Tunisie, Vive l’Insurrection!”, “Vive l’Anarchie” (complete freedom, absence of authority) that Camille, Dan and Olivier have been arrested, and then imprisoned on January 14th. The dream they hold in their heart is for sure too big for those who rule this world of pigs. Camille finally got out on January 19th, and is now under house arrest.
On Friday 21st, Francois has also been incarcerated, accused of having put a lot of himself in the struggle for solidarity with some undocumented people; people accused of the arson of the Detention Center of Vincennes, prison for ‘foreigners’. It was burnt down in June 2008, and has returned to the state which should be each prison’s- the state of ashes. One of the slogans for this struggle was: Liberty for all, with or without papers!
Indeed, it’s not because we are not imprisoned in a jail or a retention center that we are free: from our daily grind that forces us to live through our incarcerating habitation; from cops who prevent us from living, to the shrinks who want us to fit their mould; from teachers who train and humiliate the kids, to all polluted relations governing our lives- no, we aren’t free. Even outside.
We could live free, from Paris to Tunis, from Tijuana to Seoul. To grab our own life, without nobody to judge us, to mortify us,to arrest us, to list us, to raise us, to eliminate us.
And if repression hits hard, on different levels, from both sides of the Mediterranean (jail or real bullets), it should not prevent us from exclaiming:
Liberty for all! All over the world! With or without papers!
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