One fine morning, the faithful lackey, who has hitherto identified completely with his master, leaps on his oppressor and slits his throat. RV

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Belgium - Fire to the prisons

suie e cendres

Bruges - Arson in isolation unit of the prison
BRUGES - While the guards were on strike, a prisoner set fire to his cell in the isolation unit of the prison. This unit was constructed two years ago to isolate the most rebellious prisoners and was already once destroyed during a uprising about a year ago. Police intervened to evacuate twenty prisoners, one of them inhaled smoke but is now all right. The cell is completely destroyed, the other cells of the isolation unit are also damaged and it seems that the isolation unit is again closed. 20.10.2010
Mons - Escape with explosives and fire at the prison
MONS - Thursday evening, during the walk, unknown persons threw explosives over the prison wall. Three prisoners used the explosives to blast open the gate, but the explosion was not strong enough. Several other prisoners were also waiting to run away...Friday, the guards went on strike to protest against this escape. In response, prisoners started to break down things and tried to put fire to a building, which failed.17/10/2010
Tournai - Bomb threat, riots and arson in the prison
TOURNAI - The prison guards of Tournai went on wild strike a few days ago. The strike still continues, which means for the prisoners that they have neither activities, neither visits, nor walks,... The prison is now under the control of the police.
In the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, a bomb threat was made against the prison.
On Wednesday, tens of prisoners started to break down the cells and the infrastructure of the prison. According to the prison director, damage is extensive.
In the night of Wednessday, prisoners put fire to paper and blankets. The firemen had to intervene with big water hoses to put out the fire.
The guards declared they are continuing their strike. 13.10.2010

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