actforfreedomnow!/from the greek streets
Occupations and actions are happening all over Greece.
Rioting has spread all over central Athens, not contained around Syntagma any longer.
99 protesters hospitalised, 500! treated at Red Cross tents in Syntagma Square.
Legal school (Nomiki) open and providing assistance
Talk that Syntagma square is closed to entrance, rioting is around, and that meeting is happening in Monastiraki
Meanwhile the prime minister is out eating a a taverna…
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Greece - From the prisons across Greece
29/06/2011 - Excerpt of a prisoners’ text about the mid-term memorandum — ‘[...] Prisons are a mechanism which is based on poverty and reproduces inequalities and injustice. Prisons are an unjust and inhumane mechanism which demoralizes and enrages people. It is a class and antisocial mechanism which should be abolished. We know that there is no potential for basic living problems’ substantial solution inside prisons because, as we said before, life behind prison walls becomes even more difficult due to the crisis. Hence, the main slogan of inmates in Greek prisons today is “Immediate release of all prisoners.” Today our own struggle cannot but be common. Common among all prisoners, common among all the oppressed of all nationalities who are in the streets and squares of Greek cities. Let’s start here and now a real confrontational struggle that will prevent the mid-term memorandum’s voting. And the only way to do so is to factually threaten the political and economic system’s function. [...]’ This text is co-signed by a total of 468 women and men inmates of the prisons: Koridallos (also F male wing), Ioannina, Avlona, Nafplion and Corfu. At least 789 women and men prisoners decided to remain outside the prison cells during the midday closing in: Koridallos (also A, D, F male wings), Diavata, Amfissa, D1 male wing of Grevena. A total of 1,508 inmates will protest via abstention from mess in: Grevena, B male wing of Larissa, Ioannina, Avlona, Malandrino, Diavata and Cassandra in Thessaloniki. On the day of the mid-term memorandum’s voting, the prisoners protest against the financial and political impasse in which the Greek society is situated, against the country’s occupation by the big Capital, against the parliamentary junta. This mobilization is also held in solidarity with those who fight in cities’ streets and squares across Greece.
29/06/2011 - Excerpt of a prisoners’ text about the mid-term memorandum — ‘[...] Prisons are a mechanism which is based on poverty and reproduces inequalities and injustice. Prisons are an unjust and inhumane mechanism which demoralizes and enrages people. It is a class and antisocial mechanism which should be abolished. We know that there is no potential for basic living problems’ substantial solution inside prisons because, as we said before, life behind prison walls becomes even more difficult due to the crisis. Hence, the main slogan of inmates in Greek prisons today is “Immediate release of all prisoners.” Today our own struggle cannot but be common. Common among all prisoners, common among all the oppressed of all nationalities who are in the streets and squares of Greek cities. Let’s start here and now a real confrontational struggle that will prevent the mid-term memorandum’s voting. And the only way to do so is to factually threaten the political and economic system’s function. [...]’ This text is co-signed by a total of 468 women and men inmates of the prisons: Koridallos (also F male wing), Ioannina, Avlona, Nafplion and Corfu. At least 789 women and men prisoners decided to remain outside the prison cells during the midday closing in: Koridallos (also A, D, F male wings), Diavata, Amfissa, D1 male wing of Grevena. A total of 1,508 inmates will protest via abstention from mess in: Grevena, B male wing of Larissa, Ioannina, Avlona, Malandrino, Diavata and Cassandra in Thessaloniki. On the day of the mid-term memorandum’s voting, the prisoners protest against the financial and political impasse in which the Greek society is situated, against the country’s occupation by the big Capital, against the parliamentary junta. This mobilization is also held in solidarity with those who fight in cities’ streets and squares across Greece.
Athens, Greece - the second day of the General Strike in Athens
from the greek streets
Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - Twenty demonstrators arrested and many injured as riots continue in Athens during the night.
Held in a cell for three hours, the demonstrators were then transferred to the police HQ for another six hours. All detentions were swiftly turned into arrests, and all people in solidarity are calling for a solidarity gathering for today (29.6) at 10 a.m. outside the courthouse in Euelpidon Street.
21.24 GMT+2, Syntagma square, Athens. The clashes between people gathered at the square and police have started, once again. At approximately 21.10 GMT+2 the police tried once again to evacuate the square, to no avail. The people are defending the square.
23.15 GMT+2 A huge crowd at Syntagma tonight, multiple times larger than the crowd at the General Strike demo in the morning. Clashes between riot police and the demonstrators forced the temporary halting of the concert at Syntagma. At the time of writing, there are many stun grenades and tear gas thrown at the demonstrators.
23.17 GMT+2 Dissent is generalised, there are people hurdling rocks to the police across the centre of Athens. In Stadiou Ave, police are now attacking demonstrators and the clashes continue in Syntagma as before.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011 - Police taking positions to clear Syntagma. 11.35 GMT+2 The police attack the people’s blockade outside Hilton hotel. There is a huge need for people to join the blockade. Those who want to get there should go from Mihalakopoulou or Megaro Mousikis. The aim is to close off the intersection. At least two people injured. Stun grenades and tear gas in abundance
11.40 GMT+2 The blockade at Kalimarmaro (the Panathenaic stadium) is under attack. At least one person detained.
1.30 GMT+2 The new agreement is expected to be voted in parliament at approximately 1400 hours local time.
constant updates, photos and videos from:
Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - Twenty demonstrators arrested and many injured as riots continue in Athens during the night.
Held in a cell for three hours, the demonstrators were then transferred to the police HQ for another six hours. All detentions were swiftly turned into arrests, and all people in solidarity are calling for a solidarity gathering for today (29.6) at 10 a.m. outside the courthouse in Euelpidon Street.
21.24 GMT+2, Syntagma square, Athens. The clashes between people gathered at the square and police have started, once again. At approximately 21.10 GMT+2 the police tried once again to evacuate the square, to no avail. The people are defending the square.
23.15 GMT+2 A huge crowd at Syntagma tonight, multiple times larger than the crowd at the General Strike demo in the morning. Clashes between riot police and the demonstrators forced the temporary halting of the concert at Syntagma. At the time of writing, there are many stun grenades and tear gas thrown at the demonstrators.
23.17 GMT+2 Dissent is generalised, there are people hurdling rocks to the police across the centre of Athens. In Stadiou Ave, police are now attacking demonstrators and the clashes continue in Syntagma as before.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011 - Police taking positions to clear Syntagma. 11.35 GMT+2 The police attack the people’s blockade outside Hilton hotel. There is a huge need for people to join the blockade. Those who want to get there should go from Mihalakopoulou or Megaro Mousikis. The aim is to close off the intersection. At least two people injured. Stun grenades and tear gas in abundance
11.40 GMT+2 The blockade at Kalimarmaro (the Panathenaic stadium) is under attack. At least one person detained.
1.30 GMT+2 The new agreement is expected to be voted in parliament at approximately 1400 hours local time.
constant updates, photos and videos from:
London, UK - Six antifascists fitted-up and sent to prison
indymedia uk
29/06/2011 - From Leeds ABC
Six antifascists were recently fitted-up and sent to prison. Because of ongoing legal issues, for the moment we are unable to say more about their case, but a full report will eventually be issued. Suffice to say, they have been well and truly fucked over and deserve our fullest support and solidarity. Please write to them. As always, assume your letters are being read by our enemies and ensure you do not compromise your own security or that of others. Also please note that Thomas Blak and Austin Jackson are as yet unsentenced. For advice on writing to prisoners see the Leeds ABC website. La lucha continua!
Andy Baker (21 months)
HMP Wormwood Scrubs
PO Box 757
Du Cane Rd
Thomas Blak (Unsentenced)
HMP Wormwood Scrubs
PO Box 757
Du Cane Rd
Sean Cregan (21 months)
HMP Wormwood Scrubs
PO Box 757
Du Cane Rd
Ravi Gill (21 months)
HMP Wormwood Scrubs
PO Box 757
Du Cane Rd
Austen Jackson (Unsentenced)
HMP Wormwood Scrubs
PO Box 757
Du Cane Rd
Leeds ABC
29/06/2011 - From Leeds ABC
Six antifascists were recently fitted-up and sent to prison. Because of ongoing legal issues, for the moment we are unable to say more about their case, but a full report will eventually be issued. Suffice to say, they have been well and truly fucked over and deserve our fullest support and solidarity. Please write to them. As always, assume your letters are being read by our enemies and ensure you do not compromise your own security or that of others. Also please note that Thomas Blak and Austin Jackson are as yet unsentenced. For advice on writing to prisoners see the Leeds ABC website. La lucha continua!
Andy Baker (21 months)
HMP Wormwood Scrubs
PO Box 757
Du Cane Rd
Thomas Blak (Unsentenced)
HMP Wormwood Scrubs
PO Box 757
Du Cane Rd
Sean Cregan (21 months)
HMP Wormwood Scrubs
PO Box 757
Du Cane Rd
Ravi Gill (21 months)
HMP Wormwood Scrubs
PO Box 757
Du Cane Rd
Austen Jackson (Unsentenced)
HMP Wormwood Scrubs
PO Box 757
Du Cane Rd
Leeds ABC
Friday, 24 June 2011
Lima, Peru - Protests against Canadian silver mine leaves 2 people dead
24/06/2011 - LIMA - At least two protesters were killed Friday in clashes with riot police as anti-mining demonstrators attempted to occupy an airport in southeastern Peru, hospital officials said.
An estimated 1,000 protesters were repelled by some 100 police at Inca Manco Capac international airport in Juliaca as they attempted to breach a security fence with the aim, according to local radio, of occupying runways and disrupting air traffic.
The activists, largely made up of Aymara Indians, resumed protests in the southeastern Puno region earlier this month against mining operations in the area.
For three weeks in May the protesters blocked vehicle traffic between Peru and Bolivia, and then cut off all access to Puno, population 120,000, for a week.
The city is a popular tourist site on the shores of Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world, and hundreds of foreign tourists were unable to leave the city.
The protest began as a demand to revoke a silver mining concession granted to Canada-based Bear Creek Mining Corporation, fearing it will pollute the water and leave few local benefits.
The protests expanded to include opposition to other area mines, and now include opposition to the Inambari project, an ambitious plan to damn several Andean rivers and build what would become one of the largest hydroelectric power plants in South America.
24/06/2011 - LIMA - At least two protesters were killed Friday in clashes with riot police as anti-mining demonstrators attempted to occupy an airport in southeastern Peru, hospital officials said.
An estimated 1,000 protesters were repelled by some 100 police at Inca Manco Capac international airport in Juliaca as they attempted to breach a security fence with the aim, according to local radio, of occupying runways and disrupting air traffic.
The activists, largely made up of Aymara Indians, resumed protests in the southeastern Puno region earlier this month against mining operations in the area.
For three weeks in May the protesters blocked vehicle traffic between Peru and Bolivia, and then cut off all access to Puno, population 120,000, for a week.
The city is a popular tourist site on the shores of Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world, and hundreds of foreign tourists were unable to leave the city.
The protest began as a demand to revoke a silver mining concession granted to Canada-based Bear Creek Mining Corporation, fearing it will pollute the water and leave few local benefits.
The protests expanded to include opposition to other area mines, and now include opposition to the Inambari project, an ambitious plan to damn several Andean rivers and build what would become one of the largest hydroelectric power plants in South America.
Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand - Teen prisoners attack officers, set furniture on fire
social rupture
24'06'2011 - Two Hawke’s Bay Prison officers were taken to hospital yesterday after being viciously attacked by two 17-year-old inmates at the prison’s Youth Unit.
The officers were carrying out their normal duties in the unit at noon when they were approached by the youths and “assaulted without warning”, Department of Corrections chief executive Ray Smith said.
Fellow prison officers acted quickly to stop the attack.
“The situation was managed extremely well,” Mr Smith said.
“I am very proud of the skill staff demonstrated in resolving the situation as quickly as they did and without further incident.”
Both men were taken to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for assessment. One was discharged this morning, while the other remained in a stable condition.
It was not clear what injuries they received as a result of the attack.
“What we do know at this stage is that their injuries were not life threatening,” Mr Smith said.
It also wasn’t known what caused the prisoners to lash out.
“At this stage we have no other information as to why the two prisoners assaulted staff.”
The fire service was also called to the Youth Unit shortly before the attack when furniture was set on fire.
One fire truck remained on standby at the unit until the incident was over.
Yesterday’s incident is the third at Hawke’s Bay Prison in as many weeks, and follows a roof top stand-off and a copycat protest where prisoners refused to go back into their cells after a deliberately lit fire caused an evacuation of their cell block.
Police are yet to charge the prisoners involved with the roof top protest, but an investigation into the incident is under way.
24'06'2011 - Two Hawke’s Bay Prison officers were taken to hospital yesterday after being viciously attacked by two 17-year-old inmates at the prison’s Youth Unit.
The officers were carrying out their normal duties in the unit at noon when they were approached by the youths and “assaulted without warning”, Department of Corrections chief executive Ray Smith said.
Fellow prison officers acted quickly to stop the attack.
“The situation was managed extremely well,” Mr Smith said.
“I am very proud of the skill staff demonstrated in resolving the situation as quickly as they did and without further incident.”
Both men were taken to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for assessment. One was discharged this morning, while the other remained in a stable condition.
It was not clear what injuries they received as a result of the attack.
“What we do know at this stage is that their injuries were not life threatening,” Mr Smith said.
It also wasn’t known what caused the prisoners to lash out.
“At this stage we have no other information as to why the two prisoners assaulted staff.”
The fire service was also called to the Youth Unit shortly before the attack when furniture was set on fire.
One fire truck remained on standby at the unit until the incident was over.
Yesterday’s incident is the third at Hawke’s Bay Prison in as many weeks, and follows a roof top stand-off and a copycat protest where prisoners refused to go back into their cells after a deliberately lit fire caused an evacuation of their cell block.
Police are yet to charge the prisoners involved with the roof top protest, but an investigation into the incident is under way.
Nottingham, UK - Attack on G4S Security Company
325 nostate
24 June 2011 - Last night shortly after 11pm a G4 security guard was followed home from his local pub and before he reached his door was quickly beaten. Later that night two G4S vehicles had their windows smashed and exhaust pipes destroyed using expanding foam.
We carried out this attack knowing full well that there would be those who would criticize it for being the work of thugs out for cheap thrills. And we knew there would be others that would state that the attack of individual workers is ineffective and a poor choice of a target. To this we say, everyday G4S guards play their role in the institutional violence carried out against prisoners around the world, occasionally a story creeps out that this guard or that guard got carried away and a prisoner has ended up in hospital or has been murdered. But these stories are not exceptional, the beatings and the violence are the way of life of G4S guard, it is their role in this sick society. We acknowledge the systematic effects that mean working class men and women wish to find work which is stable, secure and financially rewarding, we merely wish to encourage the idea that working for G4S is the work of a mercenary. That in choosing to work for G4S you are choosing to be on the side of the racist, patriarchal system which in the end benefits only those from the elite governing classes. The guard who was attacked last night knows where we stand, as he was given a copy of this message, hopefully he’ll pass it along to his colleagues.
The two vehicles were attacked, because we are filled with hatred for G4S and everything they do, we know it’s not the G4S staff who are solely to blame, but the giant corporation which profits from the imprisonment, torture and murder of our brothers and sisters.
We remember Jimmy Mubenga, an Angolan man murdered by G4S.
This action is in solidarity with all who resist the way the things are, including the anti-fascists currently being oppressed in Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia.
24 June 2011 - Last night shortly after 11pm a G4 security guard was followed home from his local pub and before he reached his door was quickly beaten. Later that night two G4S vehicles had their windows smashed and exhaust pipes destroyed using expanding foam.
We carried out this attack knowing full well that there would be those who would criticize it for being the work of thugs out for cheap thrills. And we knew there would be others that would state that the attack of individual workers is ineffective and a poor choice of a target. To this we say, everyday G4S guards play their role in the institutional violence carried out against prisoners around the world, occasionally a story creeps out that this guard or that guard got carried away and a prisoner has ended up in hospital or has been murdered. But these stories are not exceptional, the beatings and the violence are the way of life of G4S guard, it is their role in this sick society. We acknowledge the systematic effects that mean working class men and women wish to find work which is stable, secure and financially rewarding, we merely wish to encourage the idea that working for G4S is the work of a mercenary. That in choosing to work for G4S you are choosing to be on the side of the racist, patriarchal system which in the end benefits only those from the elite governing classes. The guard who was attacked last night knows where we stand, as he was given a copy of this message, hopefully he’ll pass it along to his colleagues.
The two vehicles were attacked, because we are filled with hatred for G4S and everything they do, we know it’s not the G4S staff who are solely to blame, but the giant corporation which profits from the imprisonment, torture and murder of our brothers and sisters.
We remember Jimmy Mubenga, an Angolan man murdered by G4S.
This action is in solidarity with all who resist the way the things are, including the anti-fascists currently being oppressed in Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia.
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Famagusta, Cyprus - School demonstrators attacked by riot cops
cyprus mail
22/06/2011 - SEVERAL protesters, including a 17-year-old girl who was hit on the head by a police baton, were injured yesterday during a demonstration over the sale of a school in Famagusta to a Turkish educational conglomerate.
The 17-year-old was said to be recovering in hospital yesterday afternoon. Four protesters were also arrested and taken into custody.
Shouting “This country is not for sale!” and “No to privatisation!” hundreds of teachers, parents and students converged on the Eastern Mediterranean University’s (EMU) rector’s office yesterday morning to protest the planned selloff of the schools, which are attached to the ‘state’-run university.
Protesters however found themselves barred from the building by riot police, and scuffles then broke out, apparently as protesters realised their identities were being recorded by other members of the university’s staff.
“We found ourselves face to face with hundreds of police in full riot gear. They were acting as if we planned to storm the building,” head of DAU-SEN teachers’ union Huseyin Ozkaramanli told the Cyprus Mail, adding that the aim had been to hold a face to face meeting with the rector.
Following the failed attempt to communicate with EMU’s rector, the demonstrators headed to the primary and secondary schools, located within EMU’s campus.
Ozkaramanli said police then stormed demonstrators as they tried to enter the school building, and later succeeded in removing protesters who had got into the building earlier to drape it in a banner reading, “This building has been taken over by the people!” It was at this point that some of the protesters were injured.
Arguments have been raging over the selloff of the schools attached to the ‘state’-run EMU. Unions say the school’s selloff is a precursor to a planned selloff of the university, which currently caters for around 20,000 students.
“This was not a privatisation. There were no tenders offered, and the deal was done behind closed doors,” head of teachers union KTOS Sener Elcil said yesterday. He added his belief that the deal between EMU and the Turkish Doga College had been signed for “political reasons”.
“Turkey is seeking to take over Turkish Cypriot assets as a way of securing its hold on north Cyprus,” he said, adding that the police had been “ordered by the military to use force” against the demonstrators.
“There were four bus loads of police, each with 30 to 40 police in riot gear,” he said.
Yesterday protesters pledged to continue their action aimed at forcing the Turkish Cypriot authorities to pull out of the agreement. A tent protest was to be set up outside the school last night, as well as a protest by union representatives outside the Turkish ‘embassy’ in Nicosia.
22/06/2011 - SEVERAL protesters, including a 17-year-old girl who was hit on the head by a police baton, were injured yesterday during a demonstration over the sale of a school in Famagusta to a Turkish educational conglomerate.
The 17-year-old was said to be recovering in hospital yesterday afternoon. Four protesters were also arrested and taken into custody.
Shouting “This country is not for sale!” and “No to privatisation!” hundreds of teachers, parents and students converged on the Eastern Mediterranean University’s (EMU) rector’s office yesterday morning to protest the planned selloff of the schools, which are attached to the ‘state’-run university.
Protesters however found themselves barred from the building by riot police, and scuffles then broke out, apparently as protesters realised their identities were being recorded by other members of the university’s staff.
“We found ourselves face to face with hundreds of police in full riot gear. They were acting as if we planned to storm the building,” head of DAU-SEN teachers’ union Huseyin Ozkaramanli told the Cyprus Mail, adding that the aim had been to hold a face to face meeting with the rector.
Following the failed attempt to communicate with EMU’s rector, the demonstrators headed to the primary and secondary schools, located within EMU’s campus.
Ozkaramanli said police then stormed demonstrators as they tried to enter the school building, and later succeeded in removing protesters who had got into the building earlier to drape it in a banner reading, “This building has been taken over by the people!” It was at this point that some of the protesters were injured.
Arguments have been raging over the selloff of the schools attached to the ‘state’-run EMU. Unions say the school’s selloff is a precursor to a planned selloff of the university, which currently caters for around 20,000 students.
“This was not a privatisation. There were no tenders offered, and the deal was done behind closed doors,” head of teachers union KTOS Sener Elcil said yesterday. He added his belief that the deal between EMU and the Turkish Doga College had been signed for “political reasons”.
“Turkey is seeking to take over Turkish Cypriot assets as a way of securing its hold on north Cyprus,” he said, adding that the police had been “ordered by the military to use force” against the demonstrators.
“There were four bus loads of police, each with 30 to 40 police in riot gear,” he said.
Yesterday protesters pledged to continue their action aimed at forcing the Turkish Cypriot authorities to pull out of the agreement. A tent protest was to be set up outside the school last night, as well as a protest by union representatives outside the Turkish ‘embassy’ in Nicosia.
Argentina - Claim for Banco Santander arson from Luciano Pitronello Incendarity Cell
culmine/war on society
June 22, 2011 - During the international week for total liberation we went to the Banco Santander Rio at Av. Gaona and Cuenca in the Flores Neighborhood, we doused two ATMs with gasoline and we left an incendiary device that then burned and destroyed them.
We share this action with those who take the decision to go on the offensive for human, animal and earth liberation.
Remembering Mauricio Morales.
For the freedom of Walter Bond, Marie Mason and Eric McDavid in the United States; Silvia, Billy and Costa in Switzerland who next month will be judged by the authorities of that country; 10 months into the bombs case, solidarity with the anarchists in Chile.
The war against this society continues in all places, in Italy, France, Spain, Mexico, etc.
Imprisoned, the comrades of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire do not collaborate with their enemies and struggle until the end.
For those fallen in combat against the forces of social control in Argentina, prisoners in the Ezeiza, Marcos Paz, Devoto prisons…
For all those who conspire in the extension of permanent conflict against the powers that dominate our lives. A fraternal greeting.
For the proliferation of attacks against authority and its properties.
Until the last animal is free, we are all prisoners.
Long live direct action that breaks with those established in the system.
To not wait; the spectacle must end; to be participants in what we desire.
Luciano Pitronello Incendiary Cell
June 22, 2011 - During the international week for total liberation we went to the Banco Santander Rio at Av. Gaona and Cuenca in the Flores Neighborhood, we doused two ATMs with gasoline and we left an incendiary device that then burned and destroyed them.
We share this action with those who take the decision to go on the offensive for human, animal and earth liberation.
Remembering Mauricio Morales.
For the freedom of Walter Bond, Marie Mason and Eric McDavid in the United States; Silvia, Billy and Costa in Switzerland who next month will be judged by the authorities of that country; 10 months into the bombs case, solidarity with the anarchists in Chile.
The war against this society continues in all places, in Italy, France, Spain, Mexico, etc.
Imprisoned, the comrades of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire do not collaborate with their enemies and struggle until the end.
For those fallen in combat against the forces of social control in Argentina, prisoners in the Ezeiza, Marcos Paz, Devoto prisons…
For all those who conspire in the extension of permanent conflict against the powers that dominate our lives. A fraternal greeting.
For the proliferation of attacks against authority and its properties.
Until the last animal is free, we are all prisoners.
Long live direct action that breaks with those established in the system.
To not wait; the spectacle must end; to be participants in what we desire.
Luciano Pitronello Incendiary Cell
Argentina: Police headquarters consumed by fire
Viva la Anarquía!/war on society
June 22, 2011 - via mass media:
The Río Gallegos police headquarters was set on fire this morning. Weeks ago, a local government office was also torched, as the province undergoes an acute political crisis.
At least two teams of firefighters worked to control the blaze that began this morning at the police headquarters building located just meters from the Santa Cruz presidential palace.
According to sources in Río Gallegos, the fire began at around 8:20 a.m. No injuries have been reported.
Although the fire was controlled, damage to police headquarters was extensive. However, the intervention of the firefighters managed to keep the blaze from spreading to the premises of the presidential palace next door.
Weeks ago, another arson affected the Board of Education headquarters in the midst of widespread protests by the province’s oil industry workers’ and teachers’ unions.
June 22, 2011 - via mass media:
The Río Gallegos police headquarters was set on fire this morning. Weeks ago, a local government office was also torched, as the province undergoes an acute political crisis.
At least two teams of firefighters worked to control the blaze that began this morning at the police headquarters building located just meters from the Santa Cruz presidential palace.
According to sources in Río Gallegos, the fire began at around 8:20 a.m. No injuries have been reported.
Although the fire was controlled, damage to police headquarters was extensive. However, the intervention of the firefighters managed to keep the blaze from spreading to the premises of the presidential palace next door.
Weeks ago, another arson affected the Board of Education headquarters in the midst of widespread protests by the province’s oil industry workers’ and teachers’ unions.
Peru - Arson of Church in Solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid & imprisoned comrades of the social war
325 nostate
June 21st, 2011 - From vivalaanarquia, translated by war on society:
This past 11th of June a fire was started on the side of a church which was under construction; we climbed the wall with mats in order to reach the entire wooden frame, instead of climbing the wall and going inside, we proceeded to leave plastic bottles filled with gasoline on which a sticker was placed, (alluding to the comrade fallen in combat, Mauricio Morales); and an additional amount [of gasoline] was splashed across the fence. Moments before climbing the walls again, we set fire and showered leaflets in solidarity to the eco-anarchist comrades Marie Mason and Eric McDavid; it was the same place where days before we painted slogans, while we were making an inspection of the area.
By way of this action we express solidarity with those who, like many other prisoners of the social war in the world, do not give up in this struggle; through this form we also show that our solidarity continues and will continue to be a weapon against the whole system of domination, and that those on the inside are not alone.
We do not surrender, we continue onward, we know that with intentions we do not change anything, but only with actions. Seek to live anarchy!
For fear to not destroy solidarity… for solidarity to destroy confinement!
Against the prisons of capital!
Freedom to the accused of the “Bombs Case”!
Circle of Iconoclastic Action / Informal Anarchist Federation
text of the leaflet:
Eric McDavid was arrested in January 2006 after being betrayed by “Anna,” a paid government informant, and was charged with a single count of conspiracy. Eric (who never carried out any action; we can say he was committed for a “thought crime”), refusing to cooperate with the State, was brought to trial, where he was sentenced to almost 20years in prison.
Marie Mason was arrested in March 2008 after her partner turned FBI informant. Faced with life-long imprisonment if she went to trial, Marie accepted a plea deal in September 2008, admitting her involvement in an arson of an office involved in genetic engineering. In February of the following year she was sentenced to almost 22 years.
We express solidarity this June 11th with the eco-anarchist comrades who like many of the other prisoners of the social war in the world do not give up in this struggle.
For fear to not destroy solidarity… for solidarity to destroy confinement!
Against the prisons of capital!
family / school / work / psychiatry / church
June 21st, 2011 - From vivalaanarquia, translated by war on society:
This past 11th of June a fire was started on the side of a church which was under construction; we climbed the wall with mats in order to reach the entire wooden frame, instead of climbing the wall and going inside, we proceeded to leave plastic bottles filled with gasoline on which a sticker was placed, (alluding to the comrade fallen in combat, Mauricio Morales); and an additional amount [of gasoline] was splashed across the fence. Moments before climbing the walls again, we set fire and showered leaflets in solidarity to the eco-anarchist comrades Marie Mason and Eric McDavid; it was the same place where days before we painted slogans, while we were making an inspection of the area.
By way of this action we express solidarity with those who, like many other prisoners of the social war in the world, do not give up in this struggle; through this form we also show that our solidarity continues and will continue to be a weapon against the whole system of domination, and that those on the inside are not alone.
We do not surrender, we continue onward, we know that with intentions we do not change anything, but only with actions. Seek to live anarchy!
For fear to not destroy solidarity… for solidarity to destroy confinement!
Against the prisons of capital!
Freedom to the accused of the “Bombs Case”!
Circle of Iconoclastic Action / Informal Anarchist Federation
text of the leaflet:
Eric McDavid was arrested in January 2006 after being betrayed by “Anna,” a paid government informant, and was charged with a single count of conspiracy. Eric (who never carried out any action; we can say he was committed for a “thought crime”), refusing to cooperate with the State, was brought to trial, where he was sentenced to almost 20years in prison.
Marie Mason was arrested in March 2008 after her partner turned FBI informant. Faced with life-long imprisonment if she went to trial, Marie accepted a plea deal in September 2008, admitting her involvement in an arson of an office involved in genetic engineering. In February of the following year she was sentenced to almost 22 years.
We express solidarity this June 11th with the eco-anarchist comrades who like many of the other prisoners of the social war in the world do not give up in this struggle.
For fear to not destroy solidarity… for solidarity to destroy confinement!
Against the prisons of capital!
family / school / work / psychiatry / church
From the 1st wing of Koridallos prisons
I raise my clenched fist to my comrades,
to all fighting people,
with the certainty that I will
find them again in the field of
the class and social war,
more decisive,
more militant,
and stronger.
Aris Sirinidis
From the 1st wing of Koridallos prisons
I raise my clenched fist to my comrades,
to all fighting people,
with the certainty that I will
find them again in the field of
the class and social war,
more decisive,
more militant,
and stronger.
Aris Sirinidis
Athens, Greece - Announcement of new Conspiracy Core of Vandalism
23/06/2011 - The following text is dedicated wholeheartedly to the Anarchist Revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos who with his unrepentant attitude confirmed that the Revolution does not retreat even when fired at. Also we do not forget his comrade who escaped with a cop car. Finally, we express our unlimited respect to the two comrades but also our great sorrow for the fact that the cops were not mortally wounded.
On the 4th June and while the formal amusement of the Saturday night was climaxing we carried out a new revolutionary plan. We gathered, put on our fullface masks and carried out a raiding attack with sledge hammers on T-Bank on the cross road of Panormou and Achaia street, “transforming it into a summer shop”*, in order for it to suit the climate of the days. Our target was selected based on the following criteria: We wanted to strike a target in the centre of Athens and not in an accidental spot. Firstly, its situated near the central headquarters of the Police, so that the whore cops can receive the message that, no matter how much this area is “theirs” and how many patrols they might make, our plans are always one step ahead, (keep in mind you little bastards, your patrols are being charted). And on the other, it is near the area of “mass amusement” of the shops on Panormou street and thus, were exposed to the eyes of many the broken windows.
In this way we had the possibility to show to a lot of people the way that we “have fun”.
Above all however, we carried out this attack in order to stamp an agreement. We include our own network of fighters in the wider network of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire as well as the International Revolutionary Front. Ready to give it all to the Revolutionary Crime and Widespread revolutionary Guerrilla, we are also an internal enemy of the regime. A permanent internal threat. All these because we are tired of the void of life that is offered to us by this World through the civilization that is promoted by its society. We despise the relations of Authority and the misery of Economy. We are tired of the standardized behaviors. We are disgusted with the psychiatric clinics, prisons, schools, work, religion, but also with all the slaves that are subjugated and maintain all the above. We ought to turn AGAINST those who hurt Freedom. Not only in paper but by putting our wishes into practice on a daily basis.
We know that this decision of ours is difficult and holds for the unlucky and careless gigantic consequences, since we are going against the most difficult of opponents. With the holders of the army and science. Our heretical brains however cannot be cured neither with imprisonments neither with threats. The revolutionary remains for ever free. Until the end. Thus, with a clear conscience, we also put our hand in order to develop the International Revolutionary Illegality. Our next plans are already being examined and soon will be materialized.
P.S. 1: Our unlimited solidarity to comrade Luciano Pitronello Schuffeneger who had a bomb explode in his hands that he had manufactured for an attack.
P.S. 2: A warm handshake to the “priest” who in 1997 in Albania tortured and killed a cop, set fire to another one and was arrested recently. Bless his hands!
International Revolutionary Front
Conspiracy Cells of Fire
Revolutionary Groups for the Spreading of Terror
Core of Vandalisms
by actforfreedomnow/boubourAs
23/06/2011 - The following text is dedicated wholeheartedly to the Anarchist Revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos who with his unrepentant attitude confirmed that the Revolution does not retreat even when fired at. Also we do not forget his comrade who escaped with a cop car. Finally, we express our unlimited respect to the two comrades but also our great sorrow for the fact that the cops were not mortally wounded.
On the 4th June and while the formal amusement of the Saturday night was climaxing we carried out a new revolutionary plan. We gathered, put on our fullface masks and carried out a raiding attack with sledge hammers on T-Bank on the cross road of Panormou and Achaia street, “transforming it into a summer shop”*, in order for it to suit the climate of the days. Our target was selected based on the following criteria: We wanted to strike a target in the centre of Athens and not in an accidental spot. Firstly, its situated near the central headquarters of the Police, so that the whore cops can receive the message that, no matter how much this area is “theirs” and how many patrols they might make, our plans are always one step ahead, (keep in mind you little bastards, your patrols are being charted). And on the other, it is near the area of “mass amusement” of the shops on Panormou street and thus, were exposed to the eyes of many the broken windows.
In this way we had the possibility to show to a lot of people the way that we “have fun”.
Above all however, we carried out this attack in order to stamp an agreement. We include our own network of fighters in the wider network of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire as well as the International Revolutionary Front. Ready to give it all to the Revolutionary Crime and Widespread revolutionary Guerrilla, we are also an internal enemy of the regime. A permanent internal threat. All these because we are tired of the void of life that is offered to us by this World through the civilization that is promoted by its society. We despise the relations of Authority and the misery of Economy. We are tired of the standardized behaviors. We are disgusted with the psychiatric clinics, prisons, schools, work, religion, but also with all the slaves that are subjugated and maintain all the above. We ought to turn AGAINST those who hurt Freedom. Not only in paper but by putting our wishes into practice on a daily basis.
We know that this decision of ours is difficult and holds for the unlucky and careless gigantic consequences, since we are going against the most difficult of opponents. With the holders of the army and science. Our heretical brains however cannot be cured neither with imprisonments neither with threats. The revolutionary remains for ever free. Until the end. Thus, with a clear conscience, we also put our hand in order to develop the International Revolutionary Illegality. Our next plans are already being examined and soon will be materialized.
P.S. 1: Our unlimited solidarity to comrade Luciano Pitronello Schuffeneger who had a bomb explode in his hands that he had manufactured for an attack.
P.S. 2: A warm handshake to the “priest” who in 1997 in Albania tortured and killed a cop, set fire to another one and was arrested recently. Bless his hands!
International Revolutionary Front
Conspiracy Cells of Fire
Revolutionary Groups for the Spreading of Terror
Core of Vandalisms
by actforfreedomnow/boubourAs
Italy - More arrests in Florence and Milan
23/06/2011 - Florence: just about a month after the events of May 4th (5 arrests and 22 banning orders among students involved in last autumn’s revolts) another raid on June 13th concluded with another 7 arrests and 9 banning orders. The measures applied to the arrestees are if possible even stricter than for the previous arrests: 6 people are under “home arrest” and can’t communicate with anyone apart from people they live with. An activist from Milan was arrested simply for taking part in the big solidarity demo against the arrests of May 4th. In total, more than 90 people are now under arrest or investigation, and this includes people of all ages, from secondary school to university students.
From the statement by the Network of Florence Collectives: This year and the previous ones it was more than 90 people on the streets of Florence. We were thousands. We appeal to those thousands of people we shared our fights with, to go back to the streets, express their ideas and show their solidarity to the comrades hit by the repression.
A few days later, in the early morning of June 15th, two anarchists were arrested in Milan. They were spotted by the police cycling and were stopped. A home-made molotov cocktail was supposedly found in their bag, and more incriminating materials were found in their houses: wigs, balaclavas, petrol, fireworks. The two men didn’t carry documents with them but were later identified by the political police Digos as anarchists linked to the local animal rights/enviromental movement and to a local social centre in Saronno, the Telos (which stands for Free Occupied Territory of Saronno). In February this year, the police had issued warnings against 12 people involved in the same social centre, for being a “threat to public order and security” by having taken part in a series of “invasions and occupations of public and private buildings, and violent and aggressive protests against the local police forces”.
Mattia and Federico can be written to at:
Mattia Petit / Federico Buono
Piazza Filangieri 2
20123 Milano
Numerous initiatives are being organised all over Italy in solidarity with all the arrestees, from benefit gigs or meals, to pickets outside the prisons. Quote from the leaflet:
“They aim at our legs, but it’s too late: we have already learned to fly”.
23/06/2011 - Florence: just about a month after the events of May 4th (5 arrests and 22 banning orders among students involved in last autumn’s revolts) another raid on June 13th concluded with another 7 arrests and 9 banning orders. The measures applied to the arrestees are if possible even stricter than for the previous arrests: 6 people are under “home arrest” and can’t communicate with anyone apart from people they live with. An activist from Milan was arrested simply for taking part in the big solidarity demo against the arrests of May 4th. In total, more than 90 people are now under arrest or investigation, and this includes people of all ages, from secondary school to university students.
From the statement by the Network of Florence Collectives: This year and the previous ones it was more than 90 people on the streets of Florence. We were thousands. We appeal to those thousands of people we shared our fights with, to go back to the streets, express their ideas and show their solidarity to the comrades hit by the repression.
A few days later, in the early morning of June 15th, two anarchists were arrested in Milan. They were spotted by the police cycling and were stopped. A home-made molotov cocktail was supposedly found in their bag, and more incriminating materials were found in their houses: wigs, balaclavas, petrol, fireworks. The two men didn’t carry documents with them but were later identified by the political police Digos as anarchists linked to the local animal rights/enviromental movement and to a local social centre in Saronno, the Telos (which stands for Free Occupied Territory of Saronno). In February this year, the police had issued warnings against 12 people involved in the same social centre, for being a “threat to public order and security” by having taken part in a series of “invasions and occupations of public and private buildings, and violent and aggressive protests against the local police forces”.
Mattia and Federico can be written to at:
Mattia Petit / Federico Buono
Piazza Filangieri 2
20123 Milano
Numerous initiatives are being organised all over Italy in solidarity with all the arrestees, from benefit gigs or meals, to pickets outside the prisons. Quote from the leaflet:
“They aim at our legs, but it’s too late: we have already learned to fly”.
Cyberspace - News International attacked following arrest of young hacker
23/06/2011 - The website of the Sun newspaper and a computer used in the production of The Times were targeted by hackers who bombarded them with internet traffic in an attempt to make them crash.
The international hacking group LulzSec - [Hello, good day, and how are you? Splendid! We're LulzSec, a small team of lulzy individuals who feel the drabness of the cyber community is a burden on what matters: fun. Considering fun is now restricted to Friday, where we look forward to the weekend, weekend, we have now taken it upon ourselves to spread fun, fun, fun, throughout the entire calender year.], - of which police suspect Mr Cleary to be a member, has taken exception to the Sun’s coverage of the case since he was held on Monday.
LulzSec has also threatened a major attack on government websites today, using the Twitter website to promise a “major leak”.
It came as Mr Cleary, 19, was remanded in custody for further questioning by police as he appeared in court charged with five hacking offences.
News International declined to comment on the attacks on its servers, but a source told The Daily Telegraph that computers in Russia had been used to attack the Sun website and Times newspaper in the early hours of yesterday.
23/06/2011 - The website of the Sun newspaper and a computer used in the production of The Times were targeted by hackers who bombarded them with internet traffic in an attempt to make them crash.
The international hacking group LulzSec - [Hello, good day, and how are you? Splendid! We're LulzSec, a small team of lulzy individuals who feel the drabness of the cyber community is a burden on what matters: fun. Considering fun is now restricted to Friday, where we look forward to the weekend, weekend, we have now taken it upon ourselves to spread fun, fun, fun, throughout the entire calender year.], - of which police suspect Mr Cleary to be a member, has taken exception to the Sun’s coverage of the case since he was held on Monday.
LulzSec has also threatened a major attack on government websites today, using the Twitter website to promise a “major leak”.
It came as Mr Cleary, 19, was remanded in custody for further questioning by police as he appeared in court charged with five hacking offences.
News International declined to comment on the attacks on its servers, but a source told The Daily Telegraph that computers in Russia had been used to attack the Sun website and Times newspaper in the early hours of yesterday.
Guatire, Venezuela - Fire rips through prison in revolt
20/06/2011 — Fire ripped through a prison where thousands of Venezuelan troops struggled to put down a revolt by inmates on Sunday as dozens of horrified relatives tried to watch the fighting.
Officials gave few descriptions about the progress of the three-day battle at the Rodeo I prison and did not say if more people had been killed or injured beyond the three dead and 18 wounded reported on the first day of the clash. Gunfire continued to rattle from the compound.
Deputy Justice Minister Nestor Reverol told state television the pre-dawn fire was caused by a short circuit, and that inmates had been evacuated before flames engulfed a building. Some relatives outside said that prisoners with cell phones had told them troops started the blaze.
The violence erupted in the El Rodeo I prison as troops searched for weapons, and has since extended to Rodeo II, an adjacent prison. A riot at El Rodeo I on June 12 left 22 dead.
It was not clear how many inmates remained at the prison or how many were resisting the troops. Justice Minister Tareck El Aissami said Sunday that at least 2,500 inmates had been transferred to other prisons.
A 5,000-strong security force, including 3,500 National Guard troops, was joined on Saturday by 400 soldiers from an elite army paratroop unit, according to officials.
Journalists from The Associated Press watched half a dozen armored vehicles circle courtyards inside the compound on Sunday. Troops lined up along tree-covered hillsides surrounding the prisons and repeatedly fired volleys of tear gas canisters.
Gunfire erupted sporadically throughout the day.
Venezuela's severely crowded prisons have suffered repeated violent outbursts as rival gangs often fight for control of cellblocks and sell weapons and drugs with the help of corrupt prison guards.
The country's 30 prisons were built to hold about 12,500 prisoners but instead hold about 49,000, according to the Venezuelan Prisons Observatory, a group that monitors prison conditions.
Last year, 476 peopled died and 967 people were injured in the country's prison system, according to figures compiled by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
Human Rights Watch also said in a recent report that about three out of four inmates in Venezuela's prison system have yet to be sentenced due to backlogs in the country's slow-moving justice system.
20/06/2011 — Fire ripped through a prison where thousands of Venezuelan troops struggled to put down a revolt by inmates on Sunday as dozens of horrified relatives tried to watch the fighting.
Officials gave few descriptions about the progress of the three-day battle at the Rodeo I prison and did not say if more people had been killed or injured beyond the three dead and 18 wounded reported on the first day of the clash. Gunfire continued to rattle from the compound.
Deputy Justice Minister Nestor Reverol told state television the pre-dawn fire was caused by a short circuit, and that inmates had been evacuated before flames engulfed a building. Some relatives outside said that prisoners with cell phones had told them troops started the blaze.
The violence erupted in the El Rodeo I prison as troops searched for weapons, and has since extended to Rodeo II, an adjacent prison. A riot at El Rodeo I on June 12 left 22 dead.
It was not clear how many inmates remained at the prison or how many were resisting the troops. Justice Minister Tareck El Aissami said Sunday that at least 2,500 inmates had been transferred to other prisons.
A 5,000-strong security force, including 3,500 National Guard troops, was joined on Saturday by 400 soldiers from an elite army paratroop unit, according to officials.
Journalists from The Associated Press watched half a dozen armored vehicles circle courtyards inside the compound on Sunday. Troops lined up along tree-covered hillsides surrounding the prisons and repeatedly fired volleys of tear gas canisters.
Gunfire erupted sporadically throughout the day.
Venezuela's severely crowded prisons have suffered repeated violent outbursts as rival gangs often fight for control of cellblocks and sell weapons and drugs with the help of corrupt prison guards.
The country's 30 prisons were built to hold about 12,500 prisoners but instead hold about 49,000, according to the Venezuelan Prisons Observatory, a group that monitors prison conditions.
Last year, 476 peopled died and 967 people were injured in the country's prison system, according to figures compiled by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
Human Rights Watch also said in a recent report that about three out of four inmates in Venezuela's prison system have yet to be sentenced due to backlogs in the country's slow-moving justice system.
Huancavelica region, Perú - Police station, government offices attacked by over 5,000 angry students. Two young people killed
23/06/2011 - A 14 year old girl, a 21 year old student and a 30 year old government security officer were killed in the central region of Huancavelica during a rally against the creation of the National Autonomous University of Tayacaja.
The University of Tayacaja is to be created by law, but it wasn’t given enough government funds, and so by law, the National University of Huancavelica must share its financial income.
Police chief Edward Marín Grandez said more than 5,000 protesters attacked the Huancavelica Regional police department.
Officers used tear gas and pellets to prevent the entry of the protesters to the facilities, but rabid rioters attacked them with homemade explosives, stones and knives and attempted to take away their guns.
Protesters tried to take the police headquarters, and the University. They also set ablaze the regional government house and a police truck.
23/06/2011 - A 14 year old girl, a 21 year old student and a 30 year old government security officer were killed in the central region of Huancavelica during a rally against the creation of the National Autonomous University of Tayacaja.
The University of Tayacaja is to be created by law, but it wasn’t given enough government funds, and so by law, the National University of Huancavelica must share its financial income.
Police chief Edward Marín Grandez said more than 5,000 protesters attacked the Huancavelica Regional police department.
Officers used tear gas and pellets to prevent the entry of the protesters to the facilities, but rabid rioters attacked them with homemade explosives, stones and knives and attempted to take away their guns.
Protesters tried to take the police headquarters, and the University. They also set ablaze the regional government house and a police truck.
GAUHATI, India - Riot police fire tear gas and live rounds at squatters' protest against evictions
22/06/2011 — A protest against squatter evictions turned deadly in a northeastern Indian city on Wednesday as riot police fired tear gas and live rounds into the air to disperse thousands of stone-throwing protesters.
Two people were killed, including one who was hit by a police bullet, and at least 30 people including some officers were hospitalized with injuries from stones, police superintendent Dipak Choudhury said.
Police fired rubber bullets and live rounds into the air while charging the 10,000 or so protesters marching toward the Assam state government headquarters in Gauhati, he said.
The protesters set several cars on fire and ransacked at least a dozen public buses, he said. Hundreds sat on the road blocking traffic for several hours after the violence, leaving only after officials agreed to hold talks with them next week.
The protesters, including many women and children, were demanding an end to the evictions of squatters from bamboo huts built into the hills around the city. They want the government to allow them to stay and apply for utility services like water and electricity.
Officials carrying out the evictions over the past 10 days have said the illegal homes are degrading the environment and contributing to flash floods and mudslides, which in recent years have killed dozens of illegal settlers.
22/06/2011 — A protest against squatter evictions turned deadly in a northeastern Indian city on Wednesday as riot police fired tear gas and live rounds into the air to disperse thousands of stone-throwing protesters.
Two people were killed, including one who was hit by a police bullet, and at least 30 people including some officers were hospitalized with injuries from stones, police superintendent Dipak Choudhury said.
Police fired rubber bullets and live rounds into the air while charging the 10,000 or so protesters marching toward the Assam state government headquarters in Gauhati, he said.
The protesters set several cars on fire and ransacked at least a dozen public buses, he said. Hundreds sat on the road blocking traffic for several hours after the violence, leaving only after officials agreed to hold talks with them next week.
The protesters, including many women and children, were demanding an end to the evictions of squatters from bamboo huts built into the hills around the city. They want the government to allow them to stay and apply for utility services like water and electricity.
Officials carrying out the evictions over the past 10 days have said the illegal homes are degrading the environment and contributing to flash floods and mudslides, which in recent years have killed dozens of illegal settlers.
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Belfast, N. Ireland - About 700 people riot against UVF attacks
20/06/2011 - LONDON – Hundreds of rioters threw gasoline bombs and attacked police vans in east Belfast on Tuesday as sectarian violence flared up for a second night in Northern Ireland.
About 700 people gathered on the street in the Short Strand area and were causing "serious disorder," throwing fireworks, gasoline bombs and other missiles, police said, adding that there were reports two men had sustained burn injuries.
Journalists were warned away from the area after a press photographer was reportedly shot in the leg during the violence.
Roads in the area were closed and police were working to restore order. British broadcasters showed video in which groups of hooded and masked men pelted each other with stones and missiles, and many attacked police vans.
The BBC said large numbers of police were on standby with water cannons.
Violence first flared Monday night in Short Strand, a small Catholic community in a predominantly Protestant area of Belfast. About 500 people were involved in the street riots, which began when masked members of the Ulster Volunteer Force — a paramilitary Protestant group — attacked homes with bricks, fireworks and smoke bombs, police said.
Shots were fired from both sides, though two bullet marks on a police car were blamed on the UVF, which claimed to have disarmed fully in 2009. Two men were being treated for gunshot wounds to the leg, police said.
..The area affected by the rioting was one of more than 30 parts of Belfast where high barricades separate Irish Catholic and British Protestant turf. Such barricades, called "peace lines" locally, have grown in number and size, despite the success of Northern Ireland's 1998 peace accord.
Sectarian tensions typically flare in the build-up to July 12, a divisive holiday when tens of thousands of Protestants from the Orange Order brotherhood march across Northern Ireland.
20/06/2011 - LONDON – Hundreds of rioters threw gasoline bombs and attacked police vans in east Belfast on Tuesday as sectarian violence flared up for a second night in Northern Ireland.
About 700 people gathered on the street in the Short Strand area and were causing "serious disorder," throwing fireworks, gasoline bombs and other missiles, police said, adding that there were reports two men had sustained burn injuries.
Journalists were warned away from the area after a press photographer was reportedly shot in the leg during the violence.
Roads in the area were closed and police were working to restore order. British broadcasters showed video in which groups of hooded and masked men pelted each other with stones and missiles, and many attacked police vans.
The BBC said large numbers of police were on standby with water cannons.
Violence first flared Monday night in Short Strand, a small Catholic community in a predominantly Protestant area of Belfast. About 500 people were involved in the street riots, which began when masked members of the Ulster Volunteer Force — a paramilitary Protestant group — attacked homes with bricks, fireworks and smoke bombs, police said.
Shots were fired from both sides, though two bullet marks on a police car were blamed on the UVF, which claimed to have disarmed fully in 2009. Two men were being treated for gunshot wounds to the leg, police said.
..The area affected by the rioting was one of more than 30 parts of Belfast where high barricades separate Irish Catholic and British Protestant turf. Such barricades, called "peace lines" locally, have grown in number and size, despite the success of Northern Ireland's 1998 peace accord.
Sectarian tensions typically flare in the build-up to July 12, a divisive holiday when tens of thousands of Protestants from the Orange Order brotherhood march across Northern Ireland.
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Uttar Pradesh, India - Prisoner serving life sentence escapes while being escorted back from court
Muzaffarnagar, Jun 18 (PTI) A prisoner, who was serving a life sentence, escaped today from police custody while being escorted back from a court near Asra area of the district, police said. Baleshwar, who was taken to Gurgaon by three policemen for a hearing by a train escaped somewhere near Alem and Asra area, they said. The criminal escaped after breaking window of the train toilet in which he went to relieve himself, they said. Police in the district have been alerted and search to nab the criminal is on, they said.
Muzaffarnagar, Jun 18 (PTI) A prisoner, who was serving a life sentence, escaped today from police custody while being escorted back from a court near Asra area of the district, police said. Baleshwar, who was taken to Gurgaon by three policemen for a hearing by a train escaped somewhere near Alem and Asra area, they said. The criminal escaped after breaking window of the train toilet in which he went to relieve himself, they said. Police in the district have been alerted and search to nab the criminal is on, they said.
Clay County, Columbus, US - Prisoner breaches two fences and escapes
the dispatch
18/06/2011 - A Clay County jail prisoner managed to breach two fences and escape Friday.
Clay County Sheriff's Office Chief Deputy Eddie Scott said Amonty Young, 24, managed to cut a small section of spiral razor-wire fence surrounding the interior section of the jail's prisoner yard and squirm through before climbing over a gate and another strip of barbed wire around the exterior fence shortly before 3 p.m. Friday.
Young, who has evaded authorities in the past, was being held on a bench warrant for charges of escape, felony fleeing and uttering forgery. He was awaiting the next session of circuit court and had been in custody several months.
18/06/2011 - A Clay County jail prisoner managed to breach two fences and escape Friday.
Clay County Sheriff's Office Chief Deputy Eddie Scott said Amonty Young, 24, managed to cut a small section of spiral razor-wire fence surrounding the interior section of the jail's prisoner yard and squirm through before climbing over a gate and another strip of barbed wire around the exterior fence shortly before 3 p.m. Friday.
Young, who has evaded authorities in the past, was being held on a bench warrant for charges of escape, felony fleeing and uttering forgery. He was awaiting the next session of circuit court and had been in custody several months.
Malmö, Sweden - Police station attacked by gunfire
18/06/2011 - The police station in Malmö district Rosengård, in the south of Sweden, was fired upon early Saturday morning.
"At 4:29 a.m. police on location alerted us about the gunshots," Hanna Berndtsson, Skåne police information officer, told the TT news agency.
No one was physically injured by the shooting.
"There were police officers on the second floor of the building, but the shots were fired towards the first floor, so there were no injuries."
Security at the police station has now been tightened, and a forensic investigation squad is on location to find out what happened.
Thus far the forensic investigation has revealed that live ammunition was used in the shooting, and therefore an attempted murder probe has been initiated, according to the Malmö police force.
At this moment the police have no information about the type of weapon used, or the reason for the shooting.
"We don't know the origins of all this yet," said Hanna Berndtsson.
Rosengård, centrally located in Malmö, is an area commonly associated with social difficulties, and has been the place of several riots and clashes between local youths and authorities in recent years.
18/06/2011 - The police station in Malmö district Rosengård, in the south of Sweden, was fired upon early Saturday morning.
"At 4:29 a.m. police on location alerted us about the gunshots," Hanna Berndtsson, Skåne police information officer, told the TT news agency.
No one was physically injured by the shooting.
"There were police officers on the second floor of the building, but the shots were fired towards the first floor, so there were no injuries."
Security at the police station has now been tightened, and a forensic investigation squad is on location to find out what happened.
Thus far the forensic investigation has revealed that live ammunition was used in the shooting, and therefore an attempted murder probe has been initiated, according to the Malmö police force.
At this moment the police have no information about the type of weapon used, or the reason for the shooting.
"We don't know the origins of all this yet," said Hanna Berndtsson.
Rosengård, centrally located in Malmö, is an area commonly associated with social difficulties, and has been the place of several riots and clashes between local youths and authorities in recent years.
Friday, 17 June 2011
Nigeria - Sabotage on Nigerian Pipeline Affects Oil Contracts
June 13th, 2011 - Oil giant Royal Dutch Shell says it will not fulfill some of its contracts because of acts of sabotage on a major pipeline in Nigeria.
The company said investigators found that its Trans Niger pipeline had hacksaw cuts, suggesting it was damaged by thieves seeking to siphon the oil.
Shell says that because of multiple leaks on the pipeline, its Nigerian subsidiary declared a “force majeure” on Monday. The move allows Shell to suspend its contractual obligations because of forces beyond its control.
The declaration involves June and July shipments of Bonny Light crude from the oil-rich Niger Delta.
In May 2010, Shell halted production of Bonny Light crude for two months following a fire on the Trans Niger pipeline. The company said the fire was caused by thieves.
Oil facilities in the region are often sabotaged by organized gangs who steal oil.
The area's oil industry is also targeted by militants who say they want the region's oil wealth to be shared with its impoverished residents.
June 13th, 2011 - Oil giant Royal Dutch Shell says it will not fulfill some of its contracts because of acts of sabotage on a major pipeline in Nigeria.
The company said investigators found that its Trans Niger pipeline had hacksaw cuts, suggesting it was damaged by thieves seeking to siphon the oil.
Shell says that because of multiple leaks on the pipeline, its Nigerian subsidiary declared a “force majeure” on Monday. The move allows Shell to suspend its contractual obligations because of forces beyond its control.
The declaration involves June and July shipments of Bonny Light crude from the oil-rich Niger Delta.
In May 2010, Shell halted production of Bonny Light crude for two months following a fire on the Trans Niger pipeline. The company said the fire was caused by thieves.
Oil facilities in the region are often sabotaged by organized gangs who steal oil.
The area's oil industry is also targeted by militants who say they want the region's oil wealth to be shared with its impoverished residents.
Satkhira, Bangladesh - Illegal loggers tie up forest officials at gunpoint and leave them floating in boat on canal
the daily star
18/06/2011 - The gang of illegal loggers could not but laugh when three forest officials equipped with sticks challenged them on a canal under Patkostha forest camp deep in the Sundarbans.
"Hush! Don't even utter a word," commanded the leader of the 13-member heavily armed gang. Tying up the foresters at gunpoint, they felled trees until their three boats were full of logs.
Before leaving, the gang locked the forest officials in the hull of the latter's boat and released the boat on the canal. They floated for five hours until they were rescued by fishermen.
...arms were withdrawn from the forest stations deep in the Sundarbans between 2006 and 2007. Fifteen of 72 stations are operating without any firearms in Khulna, Satkhira and Bagerhat.
The policy was adopted after a group of robbers stormed a forest office and looted its arms in 2006.
..The unarmed officials are now “protecting” the forest from 10 major gangs of about 300 robbers equipped with light machine guns, AK-47, sophisticated pistols, revolvers and walkie-talkies.
Some fortunate foresters, who have official arms, confront these gangs with old-fashioned .303 and Chinese rifles and short-range guns.
Lengthy judicial process, alleged non-cooperation from police, and a nexus of criminals, dishonest foresters, journalists and law enforcers also add to the despair of the forest officials.
As a result, they are left with no other choices but living in good terms with robbers and illegal loggers.
"We've an understanding with robbers and illegal loggers. If confronted, we show our departmental flag. They won't harm us then. Actually, they respect us in a way," said the rescued forester.
In reality, the foresters follow the rules of the criminals. Deep in the Sundarbans it has become a tradition that robbers use forest stations as a resting place while the foresters cook for them.
18/06/2011 - The gang of illegal loggers could not but laugh when three forest officials equipped with sticks challenged them on a canal under Patkostha forest camp deep in the Sundarbans.
"Hush! Don't even utter a word," commanded the leader of the 13-member heavily armed gang. Tying up the foresters at gunpoint, they felled trees until their three boats were full of logs.
Before leaving, the gang locked the forest officials in the hull of the latter's boat and released the boat on the canal. They floated for five hours until they were rescued by fishermen.
...arms were withdrawn from the forest stations deep in the Sundarbans between 2006 and 2007. Fifteen of 72 stations are operating without any firearms in Khulna, Satkhira and Bagerhat.
The policy was adopted after a group of robbers stormed a forest office and looted its arms in 2006.
..The unarmed officials are now “protecting” the forest from 10 major gangs of about 300 robbers equipped with light machine guns, AK-47, sophisticated pistols, revolvers and walkie-talkies.
Some fortunate foresters, who have official arms, confront these gangs with old-fashioned .303 and Chinese rifles and short-range guns.
Lengthy judicial process, alleged non-cooperation from police, and a nexus of criminals, dishonest foresters, journalists and law enforcers also add to the despair of the forest officials.
As a result, they are left with no other choices but living in good terms with robbers and illegal loggers.
"We've an understanding with robbers and illegal loggers. If confronted, we show our departmental flag. They won't harm us then. Actually, they respect us in a way," said the rescued forester.
In reality, the foresters follow the rules of the criminals. Deep in the Sundarbans it has become a tradition that robbers use forest stations as a resting place while the foresters cook for them.
Syria - Thousands protest in more than 110 cities
18 June 2011 - Thousands of Syrians poured into the streets in more than 110 cities and towns across the country, including two areas in Damascus, just after the Friday prayers calling for the downfall of the regime.
Activists said Syrian security forces have shot dead 19 people — including a 16-year-old boy — during the protests.
The deaths included the first protester to be killed in Syria's second city, the commercial hub of Aleppo,
The toll was reported Friday by the newly established Local Coordination Committees of the Syrian Revolution, which has been documenting the protests in Syria.
18 June 2011 - Thousands of Syrians poured into the streets in more than 110 cities and towns across the country, including two areas in Damascus, just after the Friday prayers calling for the downfall of the regime.
Activists said Syrian security forces have shot dead 19 people — including a 16-year-old boy — during the protests.
The deaths included the first protester to be killed in Syria's second city, the commercial hub of Aleppo,
The toll was reported Friday by the newly established Local Coordination Committees of the Syrian Revolution, which has been documenting the protests in Syria.
Berlin - Attack on Citroen dealership
anarchist news
14/06/2011 - We heard a few weeks ago the words "Urgent Appeal for international solidarity!" written by libertarian communists from Athens. For the common fight against the terror of the EU Troika and the police and their armies, which have long worked closely together, we would welcome more of such clear words from Greece.
The antagonistic cooperation projects and clandestine structures in Europe is not as reliant on personal acquaintance, as having regard to the mutual needs and strategic objectives. With us there is no clarity as to what level of militancy (after the disaster in the Marfin Bank) is now accepted and what forms of international solidarity is welcome.
From the cultural and human hell of barbarism in Germany it is against this background to support not just the social or anti social struggles in Greece. The clearer the requirements are formulated, the easier to be guided in the distant strikes against the common enemy. Therefore, we have got this call, and we always expect a clear statement in our international relations.
Specifically, we express our solidarity with the non-reformist protests of the Greek population against the dictatorship of the banks and their parliamentary puppets.
We demand freedom for the prisoners from the armed groups, for the prisoners of the anarchist movement, and for the social prisoners in Greek prisons.
We want to support their fight against the MAT killers, the secret police, the terror of the Nazis, and various specialized units such as Delta.
On 13 June we have so attacked in Berlin-Lichtenberg a Citroën dealer with incendiary devices. Ten cars were destroyed. We opted for Citroën, because this French company supplies vehicles to the Greek police. Greek cops operate with patrol cars from Citroen, preying on migrants and use the technology of this company for the suppression of social tensions.
With our attack on a Berlin Citroën dealer, we show the profiteers of the internal war that there is no clear front. What transports Athens Bulls to their operations, can burn in Berlin before they get there.
Autonomous group "Christos Tsoutsouvis"
14/06/2011 - We heard a few weeks ago the words "Urgent Appeal for international solidarity!" written by libertarian communists from Athens. For the common fight against the terror of the EU Troika and the police and their armies, which have long worked closely together, we would welcome more of such clear words from Greece.
The antagonistic cooperation projects and clandestine structures in Europe is not as reliant on personal acquaintance, as having regard to the mutual needs and strategic objectives. With us there is no clarity as to what level of militancy (after the disaster in the Marfin Bank) is now accepted and what forms of international solidarity is welcome.
From the cultural and human hell of barbarism in Germany it is against this background to support not just the social or anti social struggles in Greece. The clearer the requirements are formulated, the easier to be guided in the distant strikes against the common enemy. Therefore, we have got this call, and we always expect a clear statement in our international relations.
Specifically, we express our solidarity with the non-reformist protests of the Greek population against the dictatorship of the banks and their parliamentary puppets.
We demand freedom for the prisoners from the armed groups, for the prisoners of the anarchist movement, and for the social prisoners in Greek prisons.
We want to support their fight against the MAT killers, the secret police, the terror of the Nazis, and various specialized units such as Delta.
On 13 June we have so attacked in Berlin-Lichtenberg a Citroën dealer with incendiary devices. Ten cars were destroyed. We opted for Citroën, because this French company supplies vehicles to the Greek police. Greek cops operate with patrol cars from Citroen, preying on migrants and use the technology of this company for the suppression of social tensions.
With our attack on a Berlin Citroën dealer, we show the profiteers of the internal war that there is no clear front. What transports Athens Bulls to their operations, can burn in Berlin before they get there.
Autonomous group "Christos Tsoutsouvis"
San Francisco, CA: Chilean consulate building attacked in solidarity with Tortuga and A14 defendants
15/06/2011 - In solidarity with our comrades in Chile, in particular Tortuga and the defendants of the so-called ‘Bombs Case’, we attacked the building housing the Chilean consulate in San Francisco. The locks to several doors were glued shut and the windows were permanently etched. No damage could compare to the pain inflicted on our fellow anarchists struggling in Chile: the stolen moments, flesh, freedom. But we wanted to express our total solidarity with their struggle. Our solidarity is only meaningful insofar as we see their efforts as reflected in our own activity. The struggle against prison society and capital is global.
15/06/2011 - In solidarity with our comrades in Chile, in particular Tortuga and the defendants of the so-called ‘Bombs Case’, we attacked the building housing the Chilean consulate in San Francisco. The locks to several doors were glued shut and the windows were permanently etched. No damage could compare to the pain inflicted on our fellow anarchists struggling in Chile: the stolen moments, flesh, freedom. But we wanted to express our total solidarity with their struggle. Our solidarity is only meaningful insofar as we see their efforts as reflected in our own activity. The struggle against prison society and capital is global.
Argentina: Attack in Solidarity with Eco Prisoners
war on society
June 14, 2011 - 'We sealed the locks and stained the walls of one of the torture and murder centers of animals, the Veterinary Medicine Society, which kills animals and teaches others to do the same. We will not give them peace, as this war began a long time ago…
We send our warmest greetings to Marie Mason, Eric McDavid, Silvia Costa, Marco and Billy, and towards all the other comrades kidnapped and fallen in war.'
June 14, 2011 - 'We sealed the locks and stained the walls of one of the torture and murder centers of animals, the Veterinary Medicine Society, which kills animals and teaches others to do the same. We will not give them peace, as this war began a long time ago…
We send our warmest greetings to Marie Mason, Eric McDavid, Silvia Costa, Marco and Billy, and towards all the other comrades kidnapped and fallen in war.'
Olympia, WA, USA - Logging equipment sabotaged, Triway Enterprises attacked in solidarity with Eric McDavid, Marie Mason
June 13, 2011 - Sometime in the morning hours of June 11th a piece of logging equipment somewhere around Olympia Washington was sabotaged. All that was needed was quickset cement, a bottle of saltwater, and a large pipe. This piece of machinery was being used to clear-cut a piece of land to make way for a small development, and will not be running anytime soon unless thousands of dollars are put into repairing the machine. This action was done in solidarity with Eric McDavid, Marie Mason and all non-cooperating green scare prisoners. Solidarity to all anarchist prisoners!
On Saturday June 11th the development company Triway Enterprises, located in Olympia Washington, had its door and façade covered in paint and corrosive material splattered on its windows. This was done because Triway, like nearly every other development company, attempts to pass of their destruction of the land as “green” and “sustainable”. As has been said before “eco-mansions” are not sustainable and never will be, and development companies will always be met with resistance. This act goes out to Eric McDavid and Marie Mason, two long-term, non-cooperating, green scare, anarchist prisoners.
Some anarchists.
June 13, 2011 - Sometime in the morning hours of June 11th a piece of logging equipment somewhere around Olympia Washington was sabotaged. All that was needed was quickset cement, a bottle of saltwater, and a large pipe. This piece of machinery was being used to clear-cut a piece of land to make way for a small development, and will not be running anytime soon unless thousands of dollars are put into repairing the machine. This action was done in solidarity with Eric McDavid, Marie Mason and all non-cooperating green scare prisoners. Solidarity to all anarchist prisoners!
On Saturday June 11th the development company Triway Enterprises, located in Olympia Washington, had its door and façade covered in paint and corrosive material splattered on its windows. This was done because Triway, like nearly every other development company, attempts to pass of their destruction of the land as “green” and “sustainable”. As has been said before “eco-mansions” are not sustainable and never will be, and development companies will always be met with resistance. This act goes out to Eric McDavid and Marie Mason, two long-term, non-cooperating, green scare, anarchist prisoners.
Some anarchists.
Tacoma, WA: Visits to development office and bank in solidarity with eco-anarchists
June 13, 2011 - In the early hours of June 11, an architecture office (once responsible for the design of the now defunt Point Ruston yuppie development) had paint thrown all over its sign and anti-development slogan written on the wall. A bank nearby had windows covered in paint. These are small gestures of solidarity with those eco-anarchists still locked up in prisons across the country as well as those who are still facing trials and those who are currently on the run. Against all prisons and the prison society that keeps humanity and the earth in chains.
June 13, 2011 - In the early hours of June 11, an architecture office (once responsible for the design of the now defunt Point Ruston yuppie development) had paint thrown all over its sign and anti-development slogan written on the wall. A bank nearby had windows covered in paint. These are small gestures of solidarity with those eco-anarchists still locked up in prisons across the country as well as those who are still facing trials and those who are currently on the run. Against all prisons and the prison society that keeps humanity and the earth in chains.
Tacoma, WA, USA - Green Scare Prisoner Takes Cooperating Plea Deal. All support for Briana Waters should be revoked as she is now a snitch
war on society
14, 2011 - Today, we received the devastating news that in Tacoma, WA at the Federal Courthouse, Briana Waters, former non-cooperating Green Scare prisoner imprisoned for participation in the September 2001 arson of the Litchfield Wild Burro and Horse Corrals in Susanville, California and 2001 University of Washington Horticulture Building arson, took a cooperating plea deal. She had been released earlier this last year due to a mistrial. Therefore she was set to be tried again, today was the pretrial hearing. At the hearing she accepted a cooperating deal where if she is able to give substantial information against her co-defendants she could potentially serve no more prison time, either way her sentence is expected to be reduced. She is set to be sentenced in September. Her cooperating plea deal makes it so she is now informing and expected to testify against Justin Solondz, who was caught while on the run in China and is serving a drug-related sentence there until his extradition back to the U.S. where he will face trial for the ELF related actions.
Due to the media and governments portrayal of Justin as the “alleged leader” and due to the other cooperating defendants including now, Briana Waters, Justin is looking at a difficult time upon being forced back to the U.S.
Briana Waters has made it clear which side she is on. She has willingly cooperated with the State. Her decision will likely help put others in prison for an extended period of time. At this point, all support for Briana Waters should be revoked as she is now a snitch.
Her decision comes at a time when anarchists and radical environmentalists across the country and somewhat internationally have shown widespread support and solidarity with Marie Mason and Eric McDavid this past June 11th. Marie Mason and Eric McDavid are both serving 20 plus year sentences. In the wake of Briana Waters decision it is important to remember that there are others with true strength and convictions in their ideas. Let us remember those who continue the struggle inside prison and never flip on their friends or comrades.
Total freedom for NON-COOPERATING Green Scare prisoners!
Solidarity with Sadie, Justin, Marie, Eric, Exile, Grant, Michael, Daniel, Scott, and non-cooperating ALF and anarchist prisoners!
Strength to those still free and on the run!
14, 2011 - Today, we received the devastating news that in Tacoma, WA at the Federal Courthouse, Briana Waters, former non-cooperating Green Scare prisoner imprisoned for participation in the September 2001 arson of the Litchfield Wild Burro and Horse Corrals in Susanville, California and 2001 University of Washington Horticulture Building arson, took a cooperating plea deal. She had been released earlier this last year due to a mistrial. Therefore she was set to be tried again, today was the pretrial hearing. At the hearing she accepted a cooperating deal where if she is able to give substantial information against her co-defendants she could potentially serve no more prison time, either way her sentence is expected to be reduced. She is set to be sentenced in September. Her cooperating plea deal makes it so she is now informing and expected to testify against Justin Solondz, who was caught while on the run in China and is serving a drug-related sentence there until his extradition back to the U.S. where he will face trial for the ELF related actions.
Due to the media and governments portrayal of Justin as the “alleged leader” and due to the other cooperating defendants including now, Briana Waters, Justin is looking at a difficult time upon being forced back to the U.S.
Briana Waters has made it clear which side she is on. She has willingly cooperated with the State. Her decision will likely help put others in prison for an extended period of time. At this point, all support for Briana Waters should be revoked as she is now a snitch.
Her decision comes at a time when anarchists and radical environmentalists across the country and somewhat internationally have shown widespread support and solidarity with Marie Mason and Eric McDavid this past June 11th. Marie Mason and Eric McDavid are both serving 20 plus year sentences. In the wake of Briana Waters decision it is important to remember that there are others with true strength and convictions in their ideas. Let us remember those who continue the struggle inside prison and never flip on their friends or comrades.
Total freedom for NON-COOPERATING Green Scare prisoners!
Solidarity with Sadie, Justin, Marie, Eric, Exile, Grant, Michael, Daniel, Scott, and non-cooperating ALF and anarchist prisoners!
Strength to those still free and on the run!
Cambridge, UK: Bank action in solidarity with eco-anarchist prisoners
325 nostate
17 June 2011 - “Early Friday morning, 17 June, we brought disorder to Chesterton Road, Cambridge. The HSBC bank was graffitied, its locks glued, its cashpoint trashed using glue and spraypaint. The offices of Seetech, a ‘back to work’ training company, was graffitied with the words FUCK WORK and circled As, a bike lock was used to chain the front doors and the locks were glued. We then visited the Chesterton Road JobCentre and graffitied the front saying FUCK WORK B4 IT FUCKS U and so on. We then sabotaged the cashpoints of the Lloyds TSB and the Barclays banks nearby, also graffiting both offices and gluing locks. A few other nearby businesses had their locks glued and were graffitied, including the slogan SMASH AUTHORITY, FUCK THE POLICE.
This goes out to other marginalised people, those who cannot and/or will not integrate into this sick society.
International solidarity to imprisoned fighters, including American eco-anarchist prisoners Marie Mason and Eric McDavid, also not forgetting another long term caged freedom lover Ted Kaczynski (aka FC or ‘Unabomber’).
We will not forget or give in, subversive complicities are our strength! Until all cages are destroyed…”
Anonymous Autonomous
17 June 2011 - “Early Friday morning, 17 June, we brought disorder to Chesterton Road, Cambridge. The HSBC bank was graffitied, its locks glued, its cashpoint trashed using glue and spraypaint. The offices of Seetech, a ‘back to work’ training company, was graffitied with the words FUCK WORK and circled As, a bike lock was used to chain the front doors and the locks were glued. We then visited the Chesterton Road JobCentre and graffitied the front saying FUCK WORK B4 IT FUCKS U and so on. We then sabotaged the cashpoints of the Lloyds TSB and the Barclays banks nearby, also graffiting both offices and gluing locks. A few other nearby businesses had their locks glued and were graffitied, including the slogan SMASH AUTHORITY, FUCK THE POLICE.
This goes out to other marginalised people, those who cannot and/or will not integrate into this sick society.
International solidarity to imprisoned fighters, including American eco-anarchist prisoners Marie Mason and Eric McDavid, also not forgetting another long term caged freedom lover Ted Kaczynski (aka FC or ‘Unabomber’).
We will not forget or give in, subversive complicities are our strength! Until all cages are destroyed…”
Anonymous Autonomous
Milan, Italy - Communique in solidarity with Mattia and Fede
16/06/2011 - we receive and impart:
"The bicycle is a vehicle of human muscular propulsion, consisting of a frame on which are placed two aligned wheels, one behind and the other in front, and equipped with a mechanical system for transmitting power to the drive wheel"
Who knows what other power our two comrades had in their bodies, who on the night of June 15 and 14 were arrested in Milan in the Lambrate area.
Surely that of the individual in revolt.
Mattia and Fede, anarchists, found their road blocked by a patrol of the Railway Police as they were giving free rein to the propulsion developed by their legs on the pedals of their bicycles.
Having no ID documents on them they are brought to police headquarters for questioning and, during the search, the guards come across some Diavolin firelighter in Matthia's backpack, with matches and a cigarette assembled. From here, a house search at the home of Matthias where certainly not illegal objects are found.
Beyond the use that one or both comrades had wanted to make of that nice assemblage, our solidarity goes to them and to all those who daily put themselves in play fighting against the State, its harmful effects, against all hierarchy and for human and animal liberation. Instead, our disgust at those who,like the organs of
Press, describe the two cyclists as common thugs.
At times like this, where dozens of comrades are locked up, and just as many are subjected to restrictive measures or are under investigation, it is important to take action to make our solidarity felt.
To each the choice of how to use this weapon.
Anarcho-cyclist solidarity
June 16, 2011
Matthias Petit
Federico Buono
Piazza Filangieri, 2
20123 Milan
16/06/2011 - we receive and impart:
"The bicycle is a vehicle of human muscular propulsion, consisting of a frame on which are placed two aligned wheels, one behind and the other in front, and equipped with a mechanical system for transmitting power to the drive wheel"
Who knows what other power our two comrades had in their bodies, who on the night of June 15 and 14 were arrested in Milan in the Lambrate area.
Surely that of the individual in revolt.
Mattia and Fede, anarchists, found their road blocked by a patrol of the Railway Police as they were giving free rein to the propulsion developed by their legs on the pedals of their bicycles.
Having no ID documents on them they are brought to police headquarters for questioning and, during the search, the guards come across some Diavolin firelighter in Matthia's backpack, with matches and a cigarette assembled. From here, a house search at the home of Matthias where certainly not illegal objects are found.
Beyond the use that one or both comrades had wanted to make of that nice assemblage, our solidarity goes to them and to all those who daily put themselves in play fighting against the State, its harmful effects, against all hierarchy and for human and animal liberation. Instead, our disgust at those who,like the organs of
Press, describe the two cyclists as common thugs.
At times like this, where dozens of comrades are locked up, and just as many are subjected to restrictive measures or are under investigation, it is important to take action to make our solidarity felt.
To each the choice of how to use this weapon.
Anarcho-cyclist solidarity
June 16, 2011
Matthias Petit
Federico Buono
Piazza Filangieri, 2
20123 Milan
Milan, Italy - Two anarchist comrades arrested
15/06/2011 - During the night between 14 and 15 June, two anarchist comrades were arrested in Milan, accused of possession of explosive material.
They are presently being held in the prison of san Vittore.
News to follow soon.
15/06/2011 - During the night between 14 and 15 June, two anarchist comrades were arrested in Milan, accused of possession of explosive material.
They are presently being held in the prison of san Vittore.
News to follow soon.
Rekola, Finland - Railways sabotaged in solidarity action
16/06/2011 - Communiqué, June 13th.
With this communiqué we claim responsibility for the railway sabotage directed at a rail security electronics installation at Rekola in Vantaa. For this action we only needed a crowbar, some toilet paper, a few canisters of gasoline and a light. We broke in through the door and used toilet paper soaked in lighter fluid as a fuse, so we could flee the scene in peace before the arrival of the police and the fire department.
The decision to take action again was aided by the mass media’s response to the communiqué that was sent to the site on June 6th, claiming numerous instances of sabotage over the last few months. The media’s outrageous accusations toward the comrades in Social Center Satama and the mixing up of the Roma migrants to these actions only displays what kind of scum we are dealing with. You can blame yourselves for the latest action.
The representatives of the media left the anarchist prisoners all over the world (and especially in the nine states we phoned in bomb threats to on June 6th), for whom the actions were also carried out in solidarity to – as well as to the Roma people and Social Center Satama, completely uncovered. As long as the situation of our comrades is not brought to light, we will strike against targets that are relevant to capital and the state.
Attacks on the railway network are as old as the anarchist movement itself. We are proud to continue the legacy of rebellious anarchy in our localities and we do so with confidence and a readiness to confront the possible consequences.
We once again send our subversive greetings to our comrades in Social Center Satama, the Roma migrants in Helsinki and anarchist prisoners all over the world. You are not alone!
We send warm greetings to our chilean comrade Luciano Pitronello Schuffeneger, who was seriously injured when a bomb prematurely exploded outside a bank in Santiago de Chile. We also send greetings to the United States to Marie Mason, Eric McDavid, Grant Barnes and the other ecoanarchist prisoners on the international day of solidarity of June 11th.
Fire to the prisons!
To spread the rebellion everywhere – direct action and solidarity!
16/06/2011 - Communiqué, June 13th.
With this communiqué we claim responsibility for the railway sabotage directed at a rail security electronics installation at Rekola in Vantaa. For this action we only needed a crowbar, some toilet paper, a few canisters of gasoline and a light. We broke in through the door and used toilet paper soaked in lighter fluid as a fuse, so we could flee the scene in peace before the arrival of the police and the fire department.
The decision to take action again was aided by the mass media’s response to the communiqué that was sent to the site on June 6th, claiming numerous instances of sabotage over the last few months. The media’s outrageous accusations toward the comrades in Social Center Satama and the mixing up of the Roma migrants to these actions only displays what kind of scum we are dealing with. You can blame yourselves for the latest action.
The representatives of the media left the anarchist prisoners all over the world (and especially in the nine states we phoned in bomb threats to on June 6th), for whom the actions were also carried out in solidarity to – as well as to the Roma people and Social Center Satama, completely uncovered. As long as the situation of our comrades is not brought to light, we will strike against targets that are relevant to capital and the state.
Attacks on the railway network are as old as the anarchist movement itself. We are proud to continue the legacy of rebellious anarchy in our localities and we do so with confidence and a readiness to confront the possible consequences.
We once again send our subversive greetings to our comrades in Social Center Satama, the Roma migrants in Helsinki and anarchist prisoners all over the world. You are not alone!
We send warm greetings to our chilean comrade Luciano Pitronello Schuffeneger, who was seriously injured when a bomb prematurely exploded outside a bank in Santiago de Chile. We also send greetings to the United States to Marie Mason, Eric McDavid, Grant Barnes and the other ecoanarchist prisoners on the international day of solidarity of June 11th.
Fire to the prisons!
To spread the rebellion everywhere – direct action and solidarity!
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Silwan, Jerusalem - Palestinian residents in constant struggle against Israeli army. Many children arrested
13 June, 2011 - Clashes have occured sporadically throughout several districts of Silwan tonight between Israeli forces and Palestinian residents. Witnesses state that Israeli forces have fired tear gas in the streets, while local youth throw stones at Israeli troops and settler guards.
A 7-year old boy has been summoned by Israeli police for investigation, Silwanic has learnt. Saed Rajaby from Silwan was summoned by telephone to the police station for interrogation. Police offered no reason as to his summoning.
11 June - Israeli forces stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque yesterday, Friday 10 June, after the midday prayer. Troops entered from Dung Gate, firing sound bombs in the mosque courtyard. Muslim youth responded with stones in an effort to repel the attack. Three youths were arrested by Israeli forces on suspicion of stone-throwing. A police campaign of arrest is expected to continue throughout coming days.
8 June - Israeli soldiers fired tear gas and sound grenades in the streets of Baten al-Hawa district of Silwan late last night, say eyewitnesses. Many residents were affected by symptoms of asphyxiation due to gas inhalation, including children and the elderly. Local youth retaliated by throwing Molotov cocktails at the Israeli military-occupied building adjacent one of the settlements in the neighborhood, that has become a makeshift base for troops.
8 June - Confrontations swept through Bir Ayyub district late last night between Israeli forces and Palestinian youth. Dozens of tear gas grenades were fired in the streets of the densely-populated neighborhood.
8 June - Two men were arrested by Israeli forces in Baten al-Hawa yesterday after they attempted to prevent an Israeli raid on a local home last week. Rajaby Zuhair, 36, and Firas Rajaby, 23, had attempted to block Israeli forces from raiding their home in Baten al-Hawa last Friday, 3 June. Their detention was extended by the Israeli Magistrates Court on Sunday 12-6-2011 , all three face legal action for attempting to block the Israeli raid on their family home on Friday 3-6-2011. Authorities claim that the three men’s actions threatened the lives of Israeli troops.
7 June - Israel’s continuous arrest campaign of Palestinian youth and children of Silwan has intensified in recent weeks, with no place or activity seemingly safe for minors from Israeli authorities. Arrests have occured as children return from school, drink coffee on the balcony of their family home or buy vegetables in the street. Many minor arrests in recent days have taken place during quiet periods in Silwan, entirely unprovoked.
The campaign highlights Israeli authorities’ willingness to defy basic standards of conduct and treatment, such as targeting and criminalisation of minors. Humiliation and physical assault are reportedly commonplace in interrogation and detention, even for minors.
7 children numbered amongst 8 arrested by Israeli forces in Silwan today.
...The targeting of minors has left Silwan families frightened for their children and ever-more cycnical of Israeli forces’ largely unfounded allegations against young members of their community.
13 June, 2011 - Clashes have occured sporadically throughout several districts of Silwan tonight between Israeli forces and Palestinian residents. Witnesses state that Israeli forces have fired tear gas in the streets, while local youth throw stones at Israeli troops and settler guards.
A 7-year old boy has been summoned by Israeli police for investigation, Silwanic has learnt. Saed Rajaby from Silwan was summoned by telephone to the police station for interrogation. Police offered no reason as to his summoning.
11 June - Israeli forces stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque yesterday, Friday 10 June, after the midday prayer. Troops entered from Dung Gate, firing sound bombs in the mosque courtyard. Muslim youth responded with stones in an effort to repel the attack. Three youths were arrested by Israeli forces on suspicion of stone-throwing. A police campaign of arrest is expected to continue throughout coming days.
8 June - Israeli soldiers fired tear gas and sound grenades in the streets of Baten al-Hawa district of Silwan late last night, say eyewitnesses. Many residents were affected by symptoms of asphyxiation due to gas inhalation, including children and the elderly. Local youth retaliated by throwing Molotov cocktails at the Israeli military-occupied building adjacent one of the settlements in the neighborhood, that has become a makeshift base for troops.
8 June - Confrontations swept through Bir Ayyub district late last night between Israeli forces and Palestinian youth. Dozens of tear gas grenades were fired in the streets of the densely-populated neighborhood.
8 June - Two men were arrested by Israeli forces in Baten al-Hawa yesterday after they attempted to prevent an Israeli raid on a local home last week. Rajaby Zuhair, 36, and Firas Rajaby, 23, had attempted to block Israeli forces from raiding their home in Baten al-Hawa last Friday, 3 June. Their detention was extended by the Israeli Magistrates Court on Sunday 12-6-2011 , all three face legal action for attempting to block the Israeli raid on their family home on Friday 3-6-2011. Authorities claim that the three men’s actions threatened the lives of Israeli troops.
7 June - Israel’s continuous arrest campaign of Palestinian youth and children of Silwan has intensified in recent weeks, with no place or activity seemingly safe for minors from Israeli authorities. Arrests have occured as children return from school, drink coffee on the balcony of their family home or buy vegetables in the street. Many minor arrests in recent days have taken place during quiet periods in Silwan, entirely unprovoked.
The campaign highlights Israeli authorities’ willingness to defy basic standards of conduct and treatment, such as targeting and criminalisation of minors. Humiliation and physical assault are reportedly commonplace in interrogation and detention, even for minors.
7 children numbered amongst 8 arrested by Israeli forces in Silwan today.
...The targeting of minors has left Silwan families frightened for their children and ever-more cycnical of Israeli forces’ largely unfounded allegations against young members of their community.
Concepción, Chile - Carabineros precinct torched
Liberación Total / this is our job
13/06/2011 - via mass media - At around 4:30 a.m. on Monday, unknown perpetrators started a fire at the Carabineros Fourth Precinct in Curanilahue, Concepción, seriously damaging a number of buildings.
Several people tried to quell the flames with fire extinguishers, while two companies of firefighters converged on the scene in an attempt to get the fire under control. A police officer in charge confirmed that the fire affected buildings that housed police archives, and that valuable police and institutional records were lost to the flames.
LABOCAR personnel arrived on the scene to investigate the cause of the fire, and the Concepción military prosecutor is making inquiries into the case.
13/06/2011 - via mass media - At around 4:30 a.m. on Monday, unknown perpetrators started a fire at the Carabineros Fourth Precinct in Curanilahue, Concepción, seriously damaging a number of buildings.
Several people tried to quell the flames with fire extinguishers, while two companies of firefighters converged on the scene in an attempt to get the fire under control. A police officer in charge confirmed that the fire affected buildings that housed police archives, and that valuable police and institutional records were lost to the flames.
LABOCAR personnel arrived on the scene to investigate the cause of the fire, and the Concepción military prosecutor is making inquiries into the case.
Rome, Italy - A letter from Maddalena Calore, from the female maximum security prison within the prison of Rebibbia
informa-azione, translated by bs
Maddalena, one of the anarchists subjected to bail conditions following operation ‘Outlaw’ (Bologna, 6th April: 5 comrades imprisoned, 7 on bail and anarchist place Fuoriluogo closed down by the cops), was arrested on 12th May for breaching those bail conditions. She’s currently being held in the maximum security unit of the Rebibbia prison in Rome, from where she wrote about the situation inside and the protests going on in some Italian jails.
Dearest comrades,
I inform you that today [23rd May] the wings A1 and A2 in the maximum security will start a three-day protest by refusing food trolleys and shopping in the prison in solidarity with detainees who embarked on similar protests in other Italian jails to denounce overcrowding and prison conditions.
The call for this protest came from the Radical party, which - like all political parties - are not at all interested in the question of prison as an institution but they only want to defuse the explosive situation inside prisons.
You already know my point of view on this protest… Certainly I don’t believe that a protest, and what’s more a protest proposed by a shit party like the Radicals, can ever sort out the problems inside prisons (as the problem is prison itself and the system that maintains it). If anything, I think we need a different and more effective kind of struggle, a struggle which aims at damaging the prison system and which is carried out on initiative of prisoners.
Anyway the detainees of this unit want to contribute to the protest in a symbolic way in these three days, as prisoners in different jails are doing the same.
By the way, let me tell you that the prisoners of the common unit appreciated greatly your presence outside this fucking prison! Your shouts of solidarity (I’ve been told about that) warmed hearts and souls and strengthened the protest of today.
Shame that in this concrete bunker of the maximum security unit, where we are locked up, we couldn’t hear your voice! Damned it! To tell you the truth I had the impression I heard something but maybe it was just the noise of the TV of one of the girls. Anyway I’m very happy that you were outside there and most importantly that the struggle is going on.
This unit is really a replica of the control system in force outside. Even if our cells are open from 8am to 8pm and we have spaces such as a little room for ‘sociality’, a well-stocked library, a gym (which lacks functioning equipment), and we can see trees and a garden outside, any little movement we make is strictly controlled and monitored. There are cameras in every corner, at least 2 in each room, and in the exercise yard there are 7 of them! Any movement is watched by these electronic eyes, we have no privacy at all: you are either watched or listened to (I’m sure there are bugs in the cells, at least in those of A1)… well, in prison you are in the enemy’s den..
The reason is clear: inside, just like outside, they try to prevent all forms of rebellion and of ‘discomfort’. Compared to the jails I’ve visited before, this one is the most outstanding example of the system in force outside. Each prisoner becomes the guardian of herself, as she knows she is being controlled constantly, and the situation is made worse by the fact that they give you some ‘comforts’ in order for you to keep silent and for any spark of rebellion to be avoided. The chief of the unit controls everything (movements and habits of each prisoner) from a monitoring room. For this reason we hardly see the guards in the unit, their presence would be useless as concerns control. On the contrary, the fact you don’t see them helps avoid possible conflicts with ‘the enemy’.
When I saw the open cells, at first I almost felt more ‘free’ (it was the first time I experienced this in a jail), but in a couple of days I realized I was wrong. It’s not worth while. You can only move in very restricted spaces and soon you get so much bored! This is a prison inside the prison. In a common unit you need to move in order to get to visiting halls, offices, etc. On the contrary here everything - visits, infirmary, etc – is inside these two small sections (there are 8 cells in total, including the 3 of A2): you can’t move out of here! Even the office staff come to see you if you need to notify something, you can’t even go to their bloody office! In other words, a small prison inside the prison.
The unit is often visited by local politicians and shit like that. Cops and journalists present it as an example of integration and rehabilitation of prisoners. It is considered as a ‘model’ unit because it shows that prison works by contributing to the rehabilitation of detainees. Indeed it is what it does: you become a ‘good’ one, thanks to the conscious or unconscious acceptance of the prison routine.
Okay, my friends, I just wanted to describe the maximum security unit of Rebibbia as I knew very little about it, like many people outside.
For now it’s all.
A big hug, always for total freedom.
Greetings to all my comrades, those on bail, those under investigation, and those in jail, who have been recently moved to distant prisons.
What bonds us is much stronger than any distance!
A big hug to the comrades detained in Switzerland and to all those who, outside, keep on the struggle against the capitalist system of social control.
Strong in my heart and soul!
Alongside the prisoners in struggle!
Rebibbia 23 May, 2011
Maddalena Calore
c/o Casa Circondariale Roma Rebibbia III
via Bartolo Longo, 92
00156 Roma
Maddalena, one of the anarchists subjected to bail conditions following operation ‘Outlaw’ (Bologna, 6th April: 5 comrades imprisoned, 7 on bail and anarchist place Fuoriluogo closed down by the cops), was arrested on 12th May for breaching those bail conditions. She’s currently being held in the maximum security unit of the Rebibbia prison in Rome, from where she wrote about the situation inside and the protests going on in some Italian jails.
Dearest comrades,
I inform you that today [23rd May] the wings A1 and A2 in the maximum security will start a three-day protest by refusing food trolleys and shopping in the prison in solidarity with detainees who embarked on similar protests in other Italian jails to denounce overcrowding and prison conditions.
The call for this protest came from the Radical party, which - like all political parties - are not at all interested in the question of prison as an institution but they only want to defuse the explosive situation inside prisons.
You already know my point of view on this protest… Certainly I don’t believe that a protest, and what’s more a protest proposed by a shit party like the Radicals, can ever sort out the problems inside prisons (as the problem is prison itself and the system that maintains it). If anything, I think we need a different and more effective kind of struggle, a struggle which aims at damaging the prison system and which is carried out on initiative of prisoners.
Anyway the detainees of this unit want to contribute to the protest in a symbolic way in these three days, as prisoners in different jails are doing the same.
By the way, let me tell you that the prisoners of the common unit appreciated greatly your presence outside this fucking prison! Your shouts of solidarity (I’ve been told about that) warmed hearts and souls and strengthened the protest of today.
Shame that in this concrete bunker of the maximum security unit, where we are locked up, we couldn’t hear your voice! Damned it! To tell you the truth I had the impression I heard something but maybe it was just the noise of the TV of one of the girls. Anyway I’m very happy that you were outside there and most importantly that the struggle is going on.
This unit is really a replica of the control system in force outside. Even if our cells are open from 8am to 8pm and we have spaces such as a little room for ‘sociality’, a well-stocked library, a gym (which lacks functioning equipment), and we can see trees and a garden outside, any little movement we make is strictly controlled and monitored. There are cameras in every corner, at least 2 in each room, and in the exercise yard there are 7 of them! Any movement is watched by these electronic eyes, we have no privacy at all: you are either watched or listened to (I’m sure there are bugs in the cells, at least in those of A1)… well, in prison you are in the enemy’s den..
The reason is clear: inside, just like outside, they try to prevent all forms of rebellion and of ‘discomfort’. Compared to the jails I’ve visited before, this one is the most outstanding example of the system in force outside. Each prisoner becomes the guardian of herself, as she knows she is being controlled constantly, and the situation is made worse by the fact that they give you some ‘comforts’ in order for you to keep silent and for any spark of rebellion to be avoided. The chief of the unit controls everything (movements and habits of each prisoner) from a monitoring room. For this reason we hardly see the guards in the unit, their presence would be useless as concerns control. On the contrary, the fact you don’t see them helps avoid possible conflicts with ‘the enemy’.
When I saw the open cells, at first I almost felt more ‘free’ (it was the first time I experienced this in a jail), but in a couple of days I realized I was wrong. It’s not worth while. You can only move in very restricted spaces and soon you get so much bored! This is a prison inside the prison. In a common unit you need to move in order to get to visiting halls, offices, etc. On the contrary here everything - visits, infirmary, etc – is inside these two small sections (there are 8 cells in total, including the 3 of A2): you can’t move out of here! Even the office staff come to see you if you need to notify something, you can’t even go to their bloody office! In other words, a small prison inside the prison.
The unit is often visited by local politicians and shit like that. Cops and journalists present it as an example of integration and rehabilitation of prisoners. It is considered as a ‘model’ unit because it shows that prison works by contributing to the rehabilitation of detainees. Indeed it is what it does: you become a ‘good’ one, thanks to the conscious or unconscious acceptance of the prison routine.
Okay, my friends, I just wanted to describe the maximum security unit of Rebibbia as I knew very little about it, like many people outside.
For now it’s all.
A big hug, always for total freedom.
Greetings to all my comrades, those on bail, those under investigation, and those in jail, who have been recently moved to distant prisons.
What bonds us is much stronger than any distance!
A big hug to the comrades detained in Switzerland and to all those who, outside, keep on the struggle against the capitalist system of social control.
Strong in my heart and soul!
Alongside the prisoners in struggle!
Rebibbia 23 May, 2011
Maddalena Calore
c/o Casa Circondariale Roma Rebibbia III
via Bartolo Longo, 92
00156 Roma
Helsinki, Vantaa, Finland - Solidarity attacks
Tuesday night 13.4.2011 we burned five dumpsters at Pukinmäki train station in Helsinki. We also wrote to the wall some slogans for free spaces.
During the next two nights we burned dumpsters at several places in the city of Vantaa.
Tuesday 19.4. we attacked the police by setting a fire to the street, and when police showed up, greeted them with stones and paint bombs. Police responded by attacking the nearby Social Centre Satama, which they found empty after a long siege and assault inside.
During the night 31.5.-1.6. in the district of Pukinmäki, Helsinki, we closed the Kenttätie-street, that police use a lot, by setting several dumpsters on fire.
Early friday morning 3.6. in the Helsinki district of Pasila, we set a bomb under a car of private security company Turvatiimi. Although the bomb was fully functional, we decided not to explode it, so that bystanders or workers in other companies won’t get into danger. This is why we set the bomb visibly to the side of the car, so that everyone in the courtyard could see it.
Early saturday morning 4.6. we attacked with molotov cocktails against two gas stations in the Helsinki district of Tapaninvainio.
Monday morning 6.6. we called bomb threats to following embassies: Belarus, Russia, Spain, Mexico, Chile, United States, Germany, Greece, Italy.
We chose these countries because of the ongoing struggles there. We wanted to make the representatives of these countries to feel a bit of that fear, that our anarchist comrades have to face in their everyday struggle against the violence machine of the state.
With these attacks we want to show our solidarity to the comrades of Social Centre Satama and their struggle for free space. We also send revolutionary greetings to Roma migrants in Helsinki, who are oppressed daily by the violent apparatus of the state.
With these attacks we also express our support to every anarchist prisoner, and want to remind that struggle will continue despite the attempts to repression by the state.
The time of empty talk is over, long live anarchy!
Tuesday night 13.4.2011 we burned five dumpsters at Pukinmäki train station in Helsinki. We also wrote to the wall some slogans for free spaces.
During the next two nights we burned dumpsters at several places in the city of Vantaa.
Tuesday 19.4. we attacked the police by setting a fire to the street, and when police showed up, greeted them with stones and paint bombs. Police responded by attacking the nearby Social Centre Satama, which they found empty after a long siege and assault inside.
During the night 31.5.-1.6. in the district of Pukinmäki, Helsinki, we closed the Kenttätie-street, that police use a lot, by setting several dumpsters on fire.
Early friday morning 3.6. in the Helsinki district of Pasila, we set a bomb under a car of private security company Turvatiimi. Although the bomb was fully functional, we decided not to explode it, so that bystanders or workers in other companies won’t get into danger. This is why we set the bomb visibly to the side of the car, so that everyone in the courtyard could see it.
Early saturday morning 4.6. we attacked with molotov cocktails against two gas stations in the Helsinki district of Tapaninvainio.
Monday morning 6.6. we called bomb threats to following embassies: Belarus, Russia, Spain, Mexico, Chile, United States, Germany, Greece, Italy.
We chose these countries because of the ongoing struggles there. We wanted to make the representatives of these countries to feel a bit of that fear, that our anarchist comrades have to face in their everyday struggle against the violence machine of the state.
With these attacks we want to show our solidarity to the comrades of Social Centre Satama and their struggle for free space. We also send revolutionary greetings to Roma migrants in Helsinki, who are oppressed daily by the violent apparatus of the state.
With these attacks we also express our support to every anarchist prisoner, and want to remind that struggle will continue despite the attempts to repression by the state.
The time of empty talk is over, long live anarchy!
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Belgium - Three prisoners escape in two days
suie e cendres
13/06/2011 - Nivelles - Two prisoners escaped from the prison of Nivelles this morning, during visits. They threatened a guard with self made knives (from razor blades) and were able to pass the gates and flee. They had been condemned for theft with violence. The guard was not harmed. The prison guards stopped normal functioning, there are no visits anymore, prisoners are all put in their cell. Guards announced protest actions. Despite big police presence, the two are still running.
12/06/2011 Namur – A prisoner who was detained in the prison of Andenne escaped from a hospital in Namur where he passed medical exams. While one prison guard was smoking a cigarette outside, the 22-year old guy faked stomach ache to be released from handcuffs and pretended to go to the toilet. It happened all extremely fast. He ran out, stole a car which was found back later in Brussels. He had been condemned to a 7 year prison sentence for 12 armed hold-ups. He had amongst others stolen 100.000 euros worth of meal-vouchers from a Sodexo-employee. The prisoner already tried to escape from the justice palace of Namur. Police reinforced border controls and media and justice cry for better protection of medical transfers. However “when a prisoner wants to escape, he will find means to do it” says a prison guard.
13/06/2011 - Nivelles - Two prisoners escaped from the prison of Nivelles this morning, during visits. They threatened a guard with self made knives (from razor blades) and were able to pass the gates and flee. They had been condemned for theft with violence. The guard was not harmed. The prison guards stopped normal functioning, there are no visits anymore, prisoners are all put in their cell. Guards announced protest actions. Despite big police presence, the two are still running.
12/06/2011 Namur – A prisoner who was detained in the prison of Andenne escaped from a hospital in Namur where he passed medical exams. While one prison guard was smoking a cigarette outside, the 22-year old guy faked stomach ache to be released from handcuffs and pretended to go to the toilet. It happened all extremely fast. He ran out, stole a car which was found back later in Brussels. He had been condemned to a 7 year prison sentence for 12 armed hold-ups. He had amongst others stolen 100.000 euros worth of meal-vouchers from a Sodexo-employee. The prisoner already tried to escape from the justice palace of Namur. Police reinforced border controls and media and justice cry for better protection of medical transfers. However “when a prisoner wants to escape, he will find means to do it” says a prison guard.
Wetteren, Belgium - Protestors clash with police, destroy large amounts of GM crops
suie e cendres
29/05/2011 - Environmental activists stormed a field of genetically modified potatoes in Belgium Sunday, breaking through a security cordon in a raid that left police and protesters injured, authorities and organisers said.
Police said they briefly detained around 40 people taking part in the “Field Liberation Movement”, which aimed to destroy the research crop in the northwestern town of Wetteren, according to Belga news agency.
Around 10 officers were slightly injured, according to police, while organisers said eight on their side were manhandled.
More than 200 people took part in the protest but only a few managed to sneak through fences and a police line protecting the field, said Franciska Soler, of the Volunteer Reapers of France which participated in the event.
“A certain number of potato plants were destroyed,” Soler told AFP.
Jo Bury, the director of the VIB science research institute that planted the potatoes, said around 100 scientists had tried to talk the activists out of raiding the field.
While GM foods are common in places such as the United States and Brazil, they are highly divisive in Europe.
Just two GM crops are authorised on European soil — a maize strain for animal feed and a potato for paper-making.
29/05/2011 - Environmental activists stormed a field of genetically modified potatoes in Belgium Sunday, breaking through a security cordon in a raid that left police and protesters injured, authorities and organisers said.
Police said they briefly detained around 40 people taking part in the “Field Liberation Movement”, which aimed to destroy the research crop in the northwestern town of Wetteren, according to Belga news agency.
Around 10 officers were slightly injured, according to police, while organisers said eight on their side were manhandled.
More than 200 people took part in the protest but only a few managed to sneak through fences and a police line protecting the field, said Franciska Soler, of the Volunteer Reapers of France which participated in the event.
“A certain number of potato plants were destroyed,” Soler told AFP.
Jo Bury, the director of the VIB science research institute that planted the potatoes, said around 100 scientists had tried to talk the activists out of raiding the field.
While GM foods are common in places such as the United States and Brazil, they are highly divisive in Europe.
Just two GM crops are authorised on European soil — a maize strain for animal feed and a potato for paper-making.
Moscow, Russia - ELF communique concerning solidarity attacks
325 nostate
13/06/2011 - 325 received the following communique from Earth Liberation Front Russia – Informal Anarchist Federation / International Network of Action & Solidarity, about a series of attacks in conjunction with the 11th June International Day of Solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid and Long-term Anarchist Prisoners. Strength and force to all those imprisoned for their ideas, words and actions of resistance – We will never forget our prisoners of war. For a global insurrectional network based on revolutionary solidarity, direct action and subversion:
Solidarity with Marie Mason and Eric McDavid – ELF actions in Moscow region of Russia
“For me solidarity is a constant proposal to struggle, is the continuation and the development of the revolutionary action for which the comrade was captured” - Gerasimos Tsakalos, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
01.06 we torched electrical measuring and control devices in 2 underground service booths of a water communication system that brings hot water to a military intelligence site in Butovskiy forest. To add to the fact that this infrastructure serves military personnel, more than 800 trees were cut during earthworks for this water supply line to even appear in the forest. To hamper service brigades further, we also spiked the road they use for maintaining the system.
05.06 we torched an excavator at a highway construction site west of Moscow (Volokolamsk direction).
06.06 and 10.06 we expropriated some construction equipment and destroyed geologists’ measurement posts in the glades of Butovskiy forest.
11.06 we broke into yet another underground service booth and put to fire all the digital and analog devices and tools inside.
We dedicate these attacks to Marie Mason and Eric McDavid. We don’t have the honour of personal acquaintance with them, but their dedication to protecting our Planet and conscious choices they’ve made not only to act, but also to stand their ground in the wake of state repressions, inspire us and help us to continue on our path.
For Earth Liberation! For Human Liberation!
ELF-Russia, Informal Anarchist Federation / International Network of Action and Solidarity
13/06/2011 - 325 received the following communique from Earth Liberation Front Russia – Informal Anarchist Federation / International Network of Action & Solidarity, about a series of attacks in conjunction with the 11th June International Day of Solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid and Long-term Anarchist Prisoners. Strength and force to all those imprisoned for their ideas, words and actions of resistance – We will never forget our prisoners of war. For a global insurrectional network based on revolutionary solidarity, direct action and subversion:
Solidarity with Marie Mason and Eric McDavid – ELF actions in Moscow region of Russia
“For me solidarity is a constant proposal to struggle, is the continuation and the development of the revolutionary action for which the comrade was captured” - Gerasimos Tsakalos, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
01.06 we torched electrical measuring and control devices in 2 underground service booths of a water communication system that brings hot water to a military intelligence site in Butovskiy forest. To add to the fact that this infrastructure serves military personnel, more than 800 trees were cut during earthworks for this water supply line to even appear in the forest. To hamper service brigades further, we also spiked the road they use for maintaining the system.
05.06 we torched an excavator at a highway construction site west of Moscow (Volokolamsk direction).
06.06 and 10.06 we expropriated some construction equipment and destroyed geologists’ measurement posts in the glades of Butovskiy forest.
11.06 we broke into yet another underground service booth and put to fire all the digital and analog devices and tools inside.
We dedicate these attacks to Marie Mason and Eric McDavid. We don’t have the honour of personal acquaintance with them, but their dedication to protecting our Planet and conscious choices they’ve made not only to act, but also to stand their ground in the wake of state repressions, inspire us and help us to continue on our path.
For Earth Liberation! For Human Liberation!
ELF-Russia, Informal Anarchist Federation / International Network of Action and Solidarity
Sardinia - Attack against Vitrociset company, responsible for maintenance of missile base Salto di Quirra
14/06/2011 - from the Sardinian press - Arsonist raid between 4 and 5 am in the cenre of Villaputzu. Fires were started on a Panda car and two Fiorini vans owned by the "Vitrociset", the company that deals with the maintenance of the missile base Salto di Quirra.
There is no doubt about the criminal origin of the fire: the firefighters who came to extinguish the flames, found "diavolina" firelighter next to the burnt car debris. The belief of the investigators is that the arsonist raid is linked to the judicial situation that broke out after the State court's investigation by the Attorney of Lanusei, to shed light on the many cases of Hodgkin's lymphoma that have affected the population and some birth defects in animals. The carabinieri of the Compagnia di San Vito are investigating.
14/06/2011 - from the Sardinian press - Arsonist raid between 4 and 5 am in the cenre of Villaputzu. Fires were started on a Panda car and two Fiorini vans owned by the "Vitrociset", the company that deals with the maintenance of the missile base Salto di Quirra.
There is no doubt about the criminal origin of the fire: the firefighters who came to extinguish the flames, found "diavolina" firelighter next to the burnt car debris. The belief of the investigators is that the arsonist raid is linked to the judicial situation that broke out after the State court's investigation by the Attorney of Lanusei, to shed light on the many cases of Hodgkin's lymphoma that have affected the population and some birth defects in animals. The carabinieri of the Compagnia di San Vito are investigating.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Ouargla, Algeria - Unemployed youth burn police station
cette semaine
08/06/2011 Social tension persists in Ouargla. Once again, violent clashes, this Wednesday, June 8, young unemployed in the wilaya confronted forces in riot gear. "The clashes between the two sides began around midnight yesterday. Riot forces came to dislodge the unemployed for several days in protest outside the office of the wilaya and who decided during the evening to cut the road," said Tahar Belabas, a spokesman for the National Committee defending the rights of the unemployed, reached by telephone.
"The neighborhood kids Utba Said responded by the hundreds to support the young unemployed who were then faced with the security services," says our interlocutor. He said the local police station was burned in the clashes that lasted until five o'clock in the morning. On Wednesday, the situation remained tense in the city.
"In fact, the" uprising "of the district can be specifically explained. Besides the misery in which its people live, it was the scene of several attempts at immolation. The last two months. Those who tried to immolate themselves are still in prison ... there is also a barracks next door, "says an activist for human rights who requested anonymity. On 24 May, a young National Committee of the rights of the unemployed has attempted to set themselves on fire outside the office of the wilaya. But he was unable to take action by the police.
In Hassi Messaoud, located 86 km southeast of Ouargla, unemployed youth protesting for days before the daïra suspended their hunger strike in protest but remain. "No official has not contacted. It's the same for young Ouargla, "says Tahar Belabas.
In the town of Ouargla suicide attempts are also numerous. Last March, a 20 year old hanged himself in Hassi Messaoud. Main oil region of the country where large oil companies are located, the town of Ouargla has an extremely poor population. Protests have increased in recent days to seek employment and a dignified life.
08/06/2011 Social tension persists in Ouargla. Once again, violent clashes, this Wednesday, June 8, young unemployed in the wilaya confronted forces in riot gear. "The clashes between the two sides began around midnight yesterday. Riot forces came to dislodge the unemployed for several days in protest outside the office of the wilaya and who decided during the evening to cut the road," said Tahar Belabas, a spokesman for the National Committee defending the rights of the unemployed, reached by telephone.
"The neighborhood kids Utba Said responded by the hundreds to support the young unemployed who were then faced with the security services," says our interlocutor. He said the local police station was burned in the clashes that lasted until five o'clock in the morning. On Wednesday, the situation remained tense in the city.
"In fact, the" uprising "of the district can be specifically explained. Besides the misery in which its people live, it was the scene of several attempts at immolation. The last two months. Those who tried to immolate themselves are still in prison ... there is also a barracks next door, "says an activist for human rights who requested anonymity. On 24 May, a young National Committee of the rights of the unemployed has attempted to set themselves on fire outside the office of the wilaya. But he was unable to take action by the police.
In Hassi Messaoud, located 86 km southeast of Ouargla, unemployed youth protesting for days before the daïra suspended their hunger strike in protest but remain. "No official has not contacted. It's the same for young Ouargla, "says Tahar Belabas.
In the town of Ouargla suicide attempts are also numerous. Last March, a 20 year old hanged himself in Hassi Messaoud. Main oil region of the country where large oil companies are located, the town of Ouargla has an extremely poor population. Protests have increased in recent days to seek employment and a dignified life.
Cairo, Egypt - Police station attacked, armoured vehicle torched by angry crowd after bus driver is beaten to death by a policeman
04/06/2011 - Cairo - Egyptian officials say they're investigating the death of a bus driver who was beaten following a fight with a police officer.
After the death, angry protesters attacked a police station.
Hundreds of angry protesters pelted a Cairo police station overnight and torched an armoured vehicle. Police fired tear gas to disperse the crowd.
Details of how Mohammed Nasr died were unclear.
Mohammed Abdel-Aziz, a lawyer specialising in torture cases, said on Saturday that he received contradictory statements about Nasr's death.
The incident has riled many Egyptians.
Widespread police abuse was one of the driving forces behind the mass protests that erupted in January and forced President Hosni Mubarak to step down.
04/06/2011 - Cairo - Egyptian officials say they're investigating the death of a bus driver who was beaten following a fight with a police officer.
After the death, angry protesters attacked a police station.
Hundreds of angry protesters pelted a Cairo police station overnight and torched an armoured vehicle. Police fired tear gas to disperse the crowd.
Details of how Mohammed Nasr died were unclear.
Mohammed Abdel-Aziz, a lawyer specialising in torture cases, said on Saturday that he received contradictory statements about Nasr's death.
The incident has riled many Egyptians.
Widespread police abuse was one of the driving forces behind the mass protests that erupted in January and forced President Hosni Mubarak to step down.
Guangzhou, China - 25 people arrested after clashes with police. Government offices attacked by crowds in Lichuan.
bbc news
12/06/2011 - Police in southern China say they have arrested 25 people after clashes between residents and security forces near the city of Guangzhou.
A crowd threw bottles and bricks at police after a dispute between two street vendors and local security.
Riot police are also patrolling the city of Lichuan in central China after crowds attacked government offices.
Protests and clashes with police are common in China over corruption and land seizures by local officials.
In the Guangzhou incident, reports said people in the town of Xintang blocked traffic and damaged vehicles as the dispute between police and two street vendors, a migrant couple, escalated.
Police later seized control of the area, which is in southern China's manufacturing heartland and is home to migrants working in a number of textile factories.
12/06/2011 - Police in southern China say they have arrested 25 people after clashes between residents and security forces near the city of Guangzhou.
A crowd threw bottles and bricks at police after a dispute between two street vendors and local security.
Riot police are also patrolling the city of Lichuan in central China after crowds attacked government offices.
Protests and clashes with police are common in China over corruption and land seizures by local officials.
In the Guangzhou incident, reports said people in the town of Xintang blocked traffic and damaged vehicles as the dispute between police and two street vendors, a migrant couple, escalated.
Police later seized control of the area, which is in southern China's manufacturing heartland and is home to migrants working in a number of textile factories.
England, SW - 60 trains stuck for more than three hours after cables cut
11/06/2011 - VANDALS caused mayhem for rail commuters when they wrecked a signal cable, bringing 60 rush-hour services to a standstill for THREE hours.
Some passengers were so desperate they climbed on to the tracks, forcing the power to be cut and causing further delays on Thursday evening.
On one packed South West Trains service, the guard appealed to passengers with internet access to find out what the problem was – because the phones in his control centre were not being answered.
The request was greeted with laughter on the 6.30pm service from London Waterloo to Portsmouth, which ground to a halt near Woking in Surrey.
11/06/2011 - VANDALS caused mayhem for rail commuters when they wrecked a signal cable, bringing 60 rush-hour services to a standstill for THREE hours.
Some passengers were so desperate they climbed on to the tracks, forcing the power to be cut and causing further delays on Thursday evening.
On one packed South West Trains service, the guard appealed to passengers with internet access to find out what the problem was – because the phones in his control centre were not being answered.
The request was greeted with laughter on the 6.30pm service from London Waterloo to Portsmouth, which ground to a halt near Woking in Surrey.
Friday, 10 June 2011
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Drug rehabilitation centre torched by prisoners
10/-6/2011 – Malaysian inmates torched a drug rehabilitation centre in southern Johor state, with 43 fleeing after the riot, police said Friday.
District deputy police chief Salleh Abdul Razak said the inmates burnt down an administrative building, dining hall, visitor complex and nine cars as well as a motorcycle Thursday night after a riot broke out in the centre’s compound.
“We are still investigating the cause of the riots, but initial investigations showed that 43 inmates escaped in the chaos,” Salleh told AFP.
“Police have managed to recapture 38 of the inmates so far while five are still on the loose. We are urging residents nearby to be on the lookout for anything suspicious,” he said.
It was the second riot at the centre — where inmates are forcibly sent by authorities — after one in 1999, he added.
Malaysian detention centres are notorious for being overcrowded and insecure. Home ministry officials admitted last August to poor standards at detention centres after a report labelled the facilities “ticking time bombs”.
In April, 109 illegal immigrants fled a detention camp in central Negeri Sembilan state after burning down an accommodation block, while in March last year, 16 illegal immigrants escaped after cutting their way out of a detention centre at Malaysia’s main international airport.
10/-6/2011 – Malaysian inmates torched a drug rehabilitation centre in southern Johor state, with 43 fleeing after the riot, police said Friday.
District deputy police chief Salleh Abdul Razak said the inmates burnt down an administrative building, dining hall, visitor complex and nine cars as well as a motorcycle Thursday night after a riot broke out in the centre’s compound.
“We are still investigating the cause of the riots, but initial investigations showed that 43 inmates escaped in the chaos,” Salleh told AFP.
“Police have managed to recapture 38 of the inmates so far while five are still on the loose. We are urging residents nearby to be on the lookout for anything suspicious,” he said.
It was the second riot at the centre — where inmates are forcibly sent by authorities — after one in 1999, he added.
Malaysian detention centres are notorious for being overcrowded and insecure. Home ministry officials admitted last August to poor standards at detention centres after a report labelled the facilities “ticking time bombs”.
In April, 109 illegal immigrants fled a detention camp in central Negeri Sembilan state after burning down an accommodation block, while in March last year, 16 illegal immigrants escaped after cutting their way out of a detention centre at Malaysia’s main international airport.
Sofia, Bulgaria - Roma people block major thoroughfare in the city overnight, following a police operation
10/06/2011 - The news was reported by the TV channel bTV, informing the roadblock took place on Sofia's "Slivnitsa" boulevard Thursday night into Friday.
Police detained 6 people in the "Zaharna Fabrika" (Sugar Factory) Roma quarter in an operation aimed at robberies and theft, triggering a mass riot among the residents.
Masked policemen entered the quarter minutes before midnight and took 6 people to the nearby 3rd police precinct. Other Roma revolted saying the police arrested innocent people and beat up others for no reason. They insisted the detainees make a living by rummaging into dumpsters and do not deal with theft.
10/06/2011 - The news was reported by the TV channel bTV, informing the roadblock took place on Sofia's "Slivnitsa" boulevard Thursday night into Friday.
Police detained 6 people in the "Zaharna Fabrika" (Sugar Factory) Roma quarter in an operation aimed at robberies and theft, triggering a mass riot among the residents.
Masked policemen entered the quarter minutes before midnight and took 6 people to the nearby 3rd police precinct. Other Roma revolted saying the police arrested innocent people and beat up others for no reason. They insisted the detainees make a living by rummaging into dumpsters and do not deal with theft.
Montreal, QC: Anti-police riot after police kill two
war on society
10/06/2011 - COPS – PIGS – MURDERERS
from the capitalist press (june 8, 2011):
Anti-police demonstrators in Montreal marched to the site of a tragic shooting Wednesday night where two people, including an innocent bystander, were killed by officers’ bullets.
Then they began smashing windows.
Members of the crowd picked up materials from a construction site and hurled them as projectiles.
They pelted bricks and chunks of broken concrete at about a dozen commercial windows, including restaurants and coffee shops. Several of the windows shattered.
An outdoor portable toilet was overturned and tossed into the street. Buildings, streets and at least one onlooker were splattered with pink paint tossed by demonstrators.
Many of the 200 protesters were dressed head to toe in black or wore black bandannas to conceal their faces, garb commonly worn at rowdy protests.
They chanted slogans and held signs denouncing police violence. One giant banner said, “Never again.”
read more:
10/06/2011 - COPS – PIGS – MURDERERS
from the capitalist press (june 8, 2011):
Anti-police demonstrators in Montreal marched to the site of a tragic shooting Wednesday night where two people, including an innocent bystander, were killed by officers’ bullets.
Then they began smashing windows.
Members of the crowd picked up materials from a construction site and hurled them as projectiles.
They pelted bricks and chunks of broken concrete at about a dozen commercial windows, including restaurants and coffee shops. Several of the windows shattered.
An outdoor portable toilet was overturned and tossed into the street. Buildings, streets and at least one onlooker were splattered with pink paint tossed by demonstrators.
Many of the 200 protesters were dressed head to toe in black or wore black bandannas to conceal their faces, garb commonly worn at rowdy protests.
They chanted slogans and held signs denouncing police violence. One giant banner said, “Never again.”
read more:
Mexico: Claim of sabotage against Renault dealership in Veracruz
culmine, translated by war on society
06/06/2011 - Early on May 20th we vandalized the Renault branch located on Av. Lazaro Cardenas, whose large windows were destroyed with one of the weapons that has always been on the side of the oppressed: stones. The situation of passivity that the present situation offers us–with work and consumption, alienating our lives and the building of the power of drugs as a brutal form of totally consolidated fear and domination–demands rupture with capitalist and statist everyday life and therefore the task of the revolutionary today is to superimpose their self-esteem and individuality against the establishment in order to counter the domination and self-domination to which life finds itself subjected. Therefore the search for the denial of obligations and the taking-hold of conflict and the daily sabotage and the creation and stimulation of liberatory experiences that aim toward human, animal, and earth liberation become totally necessary within each field of our life.
Through this communique we extend support, solidarity and complicity to all comrades of the social war who have fallen into the clutches of power being incarcerated in Chile, Greece, Argentina, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and the rest of the world and especially to the Mexican comrades Adrian Magdaleno and Braulio, and to all the prisoners who, in opposition to the interests of capital in certain manner, have been imprisoned in Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca–especially for the living reappearance of comrade Carlos Rene, disappeared by the new Oaxacan government.
A greeting also for the comrade Luciano of Chile who finds himself in the hospital and at risk of death for the accidental detonation of an explosive device that he was going to place in a bank branch as part of the continual social war that is waged by those parties.
Finally, the situation in Mexico requires mobilization as things get worse: increasingly brutal repression, militarization, paramilitarization, growth of drugs and their culture, poverty, environmental destruction and aberrant exploitation. Anonymous warriors, intensify the struggle!!!
2 years since the death of Mauricio Morales: You live on in every attack against power!!
Compañero Luciano Pitronello “Tortuga”: Upward and Onward!!
For the destruction of all physical and mental prisons!!
For the freedom of Adrian Magdaleno and Braulio Duran!!
Total fire to capitalism and every form of domination!!
Against the self-limitation of the struggle: Social war on all fronts!!
To ensure that Anarchy Lives On!!
06/06/2011 - Early on May 20th we vandalized the Renault branch located on Av. Lazaro Cardenas, whose large windows were destroyed with one of the weapons that has always been on the side of the oppressed: stones. The situation of passivity that the present situation offers us–with work and consumption, alienating our lives and the building of the power of drugs as a brutal form of totally consolidated fear and domination–demands rupture with capitalist and statist everyday life and therefore the task of the revolutionary today is to superimpose their self-esteem and individuality against the establishment in order to counter the domination and self-domination to which life finds itself subjected. Therefore the search for the denial of obligations and the taking-hold of conflict and the daily sabotage and the creation and stimulation of liberatory experiences that aim toward human, animal, and earth liberation become totally necessary within each field of our life.
Through this communique we extend support, solidarity and complicity to all comrades of the social war who have fallen into the clutches of power being incarcerated in Chile, Greece, Argentina, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and the rest of the world and especially to the Mexican comrades Adrian Magdaleno and Braulio, and to all the prisoners who, in opposition to the interests of capital in certain manner, have been imprisoned in Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca–especially for the living reappearance of comrade Carlos Rene, disappeared by the new Oaxacan government.
A greeting also for the comrade Luciano of Chile who finds himself in the hospital and at risk of death for the accidental detonation of an explosive device that he was going to place in a bank branch as part of the continual social war that is waged by those parties.
Finally, the situation in Mexico requires mobilization as things get worse: increasingly brutal repression, militarization, paramilitarization, growth of drugs and their culture, poverty, environmental destruction and aberrant exploitation. Anonymous warriors, intensify the struggle!!!
2 years since the death of Mauricio Morales: You live on in every attack against power!!
Compañero Luciano Pitronello “Tortuga”: Upward and Onward!!
For the destruction of all physical and mental prisons!!
For the freedom of Adrian Magdaleno and Braulio Duran!!
Total fire to capitalism and every form of domination!!
Against the self-limitation of the struggle: Social war on all fronts!!
To ensure that Anarchy Lives On!!
Corbeil-Essonnes (Essonne) France - Confrontations with the police at Tarterêts estate
cette semaine
Le Parisien - 07.06.2011 -Troublemakers have yet taken aim at the police yesterday evening around 21 hours. Forty hooded youths threw stones and Molotov cocktails at riot police present with three cars. The assailants also fired gunshots, but as no impact was noted, is believed they were alarm weapons.
The police responded with tear gas, managing to stop fairly quickly the attack that occurred in the lower Tarterêts, not on the heights as Sunday night. On Monday, the climate remained heavy locally. Spirits were still rumbling on the riots of the night before and the drama of the small Daranka.
The emotion is palpable.
Tarterêts, an estate bristling with towers, urban renewal started a decade ago has failed to overcome the tensions. Here the rounds of CRS, the ambushes, the stoning and shooting of tear gas are part of everyday life. Sometimes with tragic consequences: last summer, one of the CRS [riot police] was beaten with a hammer. In stairwells smelling of urine despite recent works, graffiti "Fuck the police" are reminiscent of the undeclared war between some youths and the police.
For two weeks, residents say, the area has been experiencing a resurgence of tension. "Every day, evening or afternoon, there are fights between youths and police said a mother. Even we are afraid to go out. It is quite distressful. "
The drama of Sunday night only increased the discontent. Without waiting for the results of the inquest, people are pointing a finger at the police. In the building where Daranka and his family, originally from Guinea-Bissau, live, the emotion is palpable. "From my window I saw the little one fall. It's a shot from the police that touched him, for sure,” says a young man. "There is no end to clashes outside our house, another says angrily. The police shoot flash-balls without hesitation. "
"It is true that a lot of things going on and the police are under attack because they disturb it. But the young people have also had enough of checks and the relentless attitude of the police, "said a neighbour.
Le Parisien - 07.06.2011 -Troublemakers have yet taken aim at the police yesterday evening around 21 hours. Forty hooded youths threw stones and Molotov cocktails at riot police present with three cars. The assailants also fired gunshots, but as no impact was noted, is believed they were alarm weapons.
The police responded with tear gas, managing to stop fairly quickly the attack that occurred in the lower Tarterêts, not on the heights as Sunday night. On Monday, the climate remained heavy locally. Spirits were still rumbling on the riots of the night before and the drama of the small Daranka.
The emotion is palpable.
Tarterêts, an estate bristling with towers, urban renewal started a decade ago has failed to overcome the tensions. Here the rounds of CRS, the ambushes, the stoning and shooting of tear gas are part of everyday life. Sometimes with tragic consequences: last summer, one of the CRS [riot police] was beaten with a hammer. In stairwells smelling of urine despite recent works, graffiti "Fuck the police" are reminiscent of the undeclared war between some youths and the police.
For two weeks, residents say, the area has been experiencing a resurgence of tension. "Every day, evening or afternoon, there are fights between youths and police said a mother. Even we are afraid to go out. It is quite distressful. "
The drama of Sunday night only increased the discontent. Without waiting for the results of the inquest, people are pointing a finger at the police. In the building where Daranka and his family, originally from Guinea-Bissau, live, the emotion is palpable. "From my window I saw the little one fall. It's a shot from the police that touched him, for sure,” says a young man. "There is no end to clashes outside our house, another says angrily. The police shoot flash-balls without hesitation. "
"It is true that a lot of things going on and the police are under attack because they disturb it. But the young people have also had enough of checks and the relentless attitude of the police, "said a neighbour.
Moscow, Russia - Anarchist Guerrilla group claim responsibility for attack on traffic police
the moscow times
09/06/2011 - An obscure anarchist group linked to anti-government attacks on an $8 billion highway project in the Moscow region has claimed responsibility for an explosion near a traffic police post on the Moscow Ring Road this week.
Investigators on Wednesday opened a criminal investigation into the explosion a day earlier of a household gas cylinder packed with the equivalent of 150 grams of TNT and planted on the 22nd kilometer mark of the MKAD, Interfax reported.
No one was injured in the attack, which investigators labeled as hooliganism.
A group called Anarchist Guerrilla said the attack was meant to punish traffic police, "who are no better" than other police officers, according to a statement published by Kommersant. To buttress that point, the statement cited several high-profile cases involving traffic police officers.
The statement said the blast was not intended to hurt anyone.
The group earlier claimed responsibility for setting fire to construction vehicles laying a Moscow-St. Petersburg highway through a centuries-old oak forest in Khimki north of Moscow, Kommersant said. The project has been condemned by environmentalists and members of various political groups, including those on the far-right and far-left fringes.
09/06/2011 - An obscure anarchist group linked to anti-government attacks on an $8 billion highway project in the Moscow region has claimed responsibility for an explosion near a traffic police post on the Moscow Ring Road this week.
Investigators on Wednesday opened a criminal investigation into the explosion a day earlier of a household gas cylinder packed with the equivalent of 150 grams of TNT and planted on the 22nd kilometer mark of the MKAD, Interfax reported.
No one was injured in the attack, which investigators labeled as hooliganism.
A group called Anarchist Guerrilla said the attack was meant to punish traffic police, "who are no better" than other police officers, according to a statement published by Kommersant. To buttress that point, the statement cited several high-profile cases involving traffic police officers.
The statement said the blast was not intended to hurt anyone.
The group earlier claimed responsibility for setting fire to construction vehicles laying a Moscow-St. Petersburg highway through a centuries-old oak forest in Khimki north of Moscow, Kommersant said. The project has been condemned by environmentalists and members of various political groups, including those on the far-right and far-left fringes.
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Temuko, Chile - Solidarity with Luciano

culmine, rough translation by sysiphus
04/062011 - Today one day from the Luciano Pitronello's accident and then the foul media handling, Today when the Peñi have reached 80 days of liquid hunger strike, when the 'caso bombas' continues, when wages do not stop being worth less and Education is still used by the guardians of the capital as a tool of indoctrination. We masked up in Temuko and decided to break with everyday habits and show our discontent. Reclaiming the subversive struggle as a legitimate tool against capitalism and all forms of oppression.
Thus, when our spontaneity walks with us and the image of Luciano is no longer molested by the bourgeois press, a group of comrades decided to attack the headquarters of Santander in Santiago paradoxically located in front of the library within the university it is not surprising. The attack included molotov cocktails, paint, and camotazos that broke the cynical image of the thieves, with each stroke claiming the destruction of capital and all the institutions that crush the dignity of the oppressed, recalling with each stroke the act of overcoming fear, like the comrades early Wednesday at the intersection of Victoria Vicuña Mackenna, as they pick it up again today as an example of struggle and therefore against Capital and all authority.
Solidarity with Luciano and his family and all brothers that attempt and will act against capitalism and the state.
YOUNG COMBATANTS, permanent insurrection
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Bristol, UK - Banks smashed in Solidarity with Stokes Croft rebels
325 nostate
1 June 2011 - From IMC UK: Action against banks claimed in Solidarity with Stokes Croft rebels.
In the early hours of June 1st TWO banks on Gloucester Road in Bristol had the majority of their windows and ATMs smashed out with hammers. This was in despite of the still increasing number of high quality security cameras along that stretch of road and the surrounding area, and despite of the fact that those involved knew it was a well used police route. Bleached clean hammers were used to avoid finger prints and masks and all disposable clothes were used for the cameras.
This was done in the spirit of Bristol’s rebels. The Stokes Croft riot was not the result of, but related strongly to a campaign that had exhausted every possibility to stop the unwanted supermarket. The people took the only logical step that was left and in doing so empowered themselves beyond their own expectations. The joy on their faces was enough evidence of this. We believe this clear demonstration of self-management and spontaneous street level organisation was perhaps more of a threat to the police and current social system than the violence against them on those days of rage (although it is clear that one cannot be separated from the other).
We also desire autonomy and we hope to see more such self-empowerment from our neighbourhood. We encourage people to organise themselves for themselves and against this culture of cooperation with the authorities.
We recognise no legitimacy in the police or the justice system. We hope to spread this sentiment through practical means. We hope this act against two symbols of wealth and inequality plays its part in revealing the almost invisible yet ironically total conflict we are forced to endure in our daily lives. Better yet that it gives one a sense of the potential and irrepressible power we have over our lives.
It hurts deeply inside of us when we see people talking with police on these streets or condemning rioters without intelligent critique. We have a huge level of disgust reserved for the media and liberal demographic that has reduced the level of tension surrounding Stokes Croft through its intense moral conditioning. For those who fought on those days, we say this: it was perfectly rational, do not feel guilty, listen to your hearts. It worked once and one can only assume it would work more thoroughly if it was done again.
In solidarity with those who fought on those days, especially those who were caught and face charges/time, stay strong, don’t snitch.
On another note, we would also like to use this opportunity to send a message of revolutionary solidarity to others who are resisting in other countries during this time of increased struggle. Our respect is given to those facing repression in Bologna and Florence (Italy), the inspiringly consistent rebels in Belgium, those fighting against police and fascist occupation in the streets of Athens (Greece), and we wish a speedy recovery for comrades injured in action: Theofilos Mavropoulos captured and shot after fleeing police in Athens, Ioannis Kafkas also of Greece and Luciano Pitronello Schuffeneger of Chile. To you we leave some words of inspiration:
But only the one who knows and practices the iconoclastic fury of destruction can possess the joy born of freedom, of that unique freedom fertilized by sorrow. I rise up against the reality of the outer world for the triumph of the reality of my inner world. – Renzo Novatore
1 June 2011 - From IMC UK: Action against banks claimed in Solidarity with Stokes Croft rebels.
In the early hours of June 1st TWO banks on Gloucester Road in Bristol had the majority of their windows and ATMs smashed out with hammers. This was in despite of the still increasing number of high quality security cameras along that stretch of road and the surrounding area, and despite of the fact that those involved knew it was a well used police route. Bleached clean hammers were used to avoid finger prints and masks and all disposable clothes were used for the cameras.
This was done in the spirit of Bristol’s rebels. The Stokes Croft riot was not the result of, but related strongly to a campaign that had exhausted every possibility to stop the unwanted supermarket. The people took the only logical step that was left and in doing so empowered themselves beyond their own expectations. The joy on their faces was enough evidence of this. We believe this clear demonstration of self-management and spontaneous street level organisation was perhaps more of a threat to the police and current social system than the violence against them on those days of rage (although it is clear that one cannot be separated from the other).
We also desire autonomy and we hope to see more such self-empowerment from our neighbourhood. We encourage people to organise themselves for themselves and against this culture of cooperation with the authorities.
We recognise no legitimacy in the police or the justice system. We hope to spread this sentiment through practical means. We hope this act against two symbols of wealth and inequality plays its part in revealing the almost invisible yet ironically total conflict we are forced to endure in our daily lives. Better yet that it gives one a sense of the potential and irrepressible power we have over our lives.
It hurts deeply inside of us when we see people talking with police on these streets or condemning rioters without intelligent critique. We have a huge level of disgust reserved for the media and liberal demographic that has reduced the level of tension surrounding Stokes Croft through its intense moral conditioning. For those who fought on those days, we say this: it was perfectly rational, do not feel guilty, listen to your hearts. It worked once and one can only assume it would work more thoroughly if it was done again.
In solidarity with those who fought on those days, especially those who were caught and face charges/time, stay strong, don’t snitch.
On another note, we would also like to use this opportunity to send a message of revolutionary solidarity to others who are resisting in other countries during this time of increased struggle. Our respect is given to those facing repression in Bologna and Florence (Italy), the inspiringly consistent rebels in Belgium, those fighting against police and fascist occupation in the streets of Athens (Greece), and we wish a speedy recovery for comrades injured in action: Theofilos Mavropoulos captured and shot after fleeing police in Athens, Ioannis Kafkas also of Greece and Luciano Pitronello Schuffeneger of Chile. To you we leave some words of inspiration:
But only the one who knows and practices the iconoclastic fury of destruction can possess the joy born of freedom, of that unique freedom fertilized by sorrow. I rise up against the reality of the outer world for the triumph of the reality of my inner world. – Renzo Novatore
Portugal - Sudoeste coast signs defaced

received by sysiphus
02/06/2011 - Dozens of vertical signs of the Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano (an administrative delimitation of part of the Portuguese coast) were vandalized last week. All the signs throughout 56 kilometers were painted black with a cross drawn on them. On some there’s also the word “Fora” (“Out”).
The authors are unknown. These actions come in the midst of protests against the new rules (control) of access to the coast, to fishing activities and others related to the administration of the “protected” Sudoeste territory.
Source from the Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e Biodiversidade (ICNB), institution responsible for the natural parks in Portugal, stated that they don’t make commentaries on vandalism, but also that “the damage is great.” “We’re talking of expensive structures, that take some time to be substituted”. The police are investigating.
Ps: On the internet people commenting on these actions say “vandalism or not, these signs are connected to changes, to the change they want to implement on Vicentina Coast; since the idea of turning it into a Natural Park occurred people are persecuted and see their customs change rapidly, their “quality of life” goes down and the small “extra” that filled the kitchen’s table lessens, tourism is rising and the once deserted places now always have someone on them, people are in revolt and the destruction of these signs is a way of showing their revolt and their “revenge” to those who desire to change what was always well... each one struggles with the weapons he has”. Another says “to cover everything saying natural park and icnb in these lands would be a small thing; go and place signs next to your homes you assholes”.
Bologna, Italy - A few considerations from the zoo, by Martino Trevisan, one of the comrades of 'fuoriluogo'
Dozza, 7th May 2011 - Here we are again: first our arrests in Bologna, then the same thing in Florence.
All my solidarity to the comrades hit by repression in Florence. This provokes anger and indignation in me, but it doesn’t surprise me.
It doesn’t surprise me because ‘anti-anarchist repression’ against those people and situations of struggle that set themselves in a revolutionary perspective has never stopped.
It doesn’t surprise me because those who are in power know very well they don’t have a clue to a ‘sustainable management of the crisis’ (nor do they need one), let alone to the solution of the crisis.
It is difficult to believe that everybody will passively accept a constant worsening of their living conditions and an irreversible ruin of the planet. Therefore it doesn’t surprise me that power, fearing the revolt of its subjects, represses those situations of dissent considered particularly dangerous with all possible means.
However, what power fears is not the ‘strength’ of the anarchist movement, even if this is what some comrades love to say in their communiqués or in some particularly threatening slogan. On the contrary, what disturbs politicians, bosses and cops are anarchist ideas and practices, their potentials, their spreading among the excluded and angry people: the universal language of revolt, which also spoke on 14th December 2010 in Rome, Italy.
Power fears widespread hostility, situations of permanent conflict and the refusal to acknowledge the institutions (and to be identified by them).
Power fears the self-management and horizontality of our struggles and the informality of our relations.
Power fears the news of attack against dominion, be them politically motivated or not, which many sympathize with, but which the mainstream media rarely report. Following some police alchemy, therefore, some news published by certain [anarchist] papers become ‘evidence’ of the editors’ involvement in actions, no matter if this proves totally absurd at a more careful examination.
After all the charge against us and against the Florence comrades (previously used against the Lecce and Turin comrades) is absurd in itself: organized crime based on a rigid and closed association with its leaders, vice-leaders and soldiers, where open places become clandestine hideouts ‘because only the people running the place have the keys’ (following the same reasoning, then, the keys of libraries and public schools should be distributed to everybody), places used ‘to commit crimes’.
Again, nothing to be surprised at. As I have a lot of time here, I’ve been reading some Malatesta’s articles and I found a passage where he made a few considerations on the use of the ‘organized crime charge’ to hit anarchists: clearly it is no innovative thinking.
As I’m writing these lines, I learn from the local TV news (sadly the telly is always on in prison) that a site of the Northern League in Bologna has been damaged for the nth time. Yesterday the news broke of an attack against a site of the UIL [institutional union] in the San Donato neighbourhood [Bologna]. And then they say Bologna is a pacified city where the only ‘out-of-place voice is that of the insurrectionist anarchists’!
But investigators don’t really care if investigations like this one will come to nowhere. Their real goal is to harass the comrades with imprisonment and other judicial restrictions, to scare those who come close to the anarchists, and at the same time to try to create precedents in order to crash future forms of dissent.
I think this tendency deserves particular attention because it interests anyone who wants to start a struggle. These attempts must not go on in silence.
If we are frightened and pushed back by this kind of attacks, our enemy will advance and gain ground.
I believe the best thing to do in front of the advancing repression is to re-launch the struggle and to widen solidarity.
From this point of view [solidarity], we can’t complain as regards operation ‘Outlaw’ (this name is really laughably ridiculous not to be mentioned at least once). Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the letters, love and solidarity coming from Bologna, from all over Italy and from beyond the borders of this damned country.
With my head held high in spite of everything.
For anarchy.
Martino Trevisan, one of the comrades arrested in Bologna on 6th April (operation ‘Outlaw’) is currently detained in Vercelli (Via del Rollone 19, 13100 Vercelli, Italy).
Dozza, 7th May 2011 - Here we are again: first our arrests in Bologna, then the same thing in Florence.
All my solidarity to the comrades hit by repression in Florence. This provokes anger and indignation in me, but it doesn’t surprise me.
It doesn’t surprise me because ‘anti-anarchist repression’ against those people and situations of struggle that set themselves in a revolutionary perspective has never stopped.
It doesn’t surprise me because those who are in power know very well they don’t have a clue to a ‘sustainable management of the crisis’ (nor do they need one), let alone to the solution of the crisis.
It is difficult to believe that everybody will passively accept a constant worsening of their living conditions and an irreversible ruin of the planet. Therefore it doesn’t surprise me that power, fearing the revolt of its subjects, represses those situations of dissent considered particularly dangerous with all possible means.
However, what power fears is not the ‘strength’ of the anarchist movement, even if this is what some comrades love to say in their communiqués or in some particularly threatening slogan. On the contrary, what disturbs politicians, bosses and cops are anarchist ideas and practices, their potentials, their spreading among the excluded and angry people: the universal language of revolt, which also spoke on 14th December 2010 in Rome, Italy.
Power fears widespread hostility, situations of permanent conflict and the refusal to acknowledge the institutions (and to be identified by them).
Power fears the self-management and horizontality of our struggles and the informality of our relations.
Power fears the news of attack against dominion, be them politically motivated or not, which many sympathize with, but which the mainstream media rarely report. Following some police alchemy, therefore, some news published by certain [anarchist] papers become ‘evidence’ of the editors’ involvement in actions, no matter if this proves totally absurd at a more careful examination.
After all the charge against us and against the Florence comrades (previously used against the Lecce and Turin comrades) is absurd in itself: organized crime based on a rigid and closed association with its leaders, vice-leaders and soldiers, where open places become clandestine hideouts ‘because only the people running the place have the keys’ (following the same reasoning, then, the keys of libraries and public schools should be distributed to everybody), places used ‘to commit crimes’.
Again, nothing to be surprised at. As I have a lot of time here, I’ve been reading some Malatesta’s articles and I found a passage where he made a few considerations on the use of the ‘organized crime charge’ to hit anarchists: clearly it is no innovative thinking.
As I’m writing these lines, I learn from the local TV news (sadly the telly is always on in prison) that a site of the Northern League in Bologna has been damaged for the nth time. Yesterday the news broke of an attack against a site of the UIL [institutional union] in the San Donato neighbourhood [Bologna]. And then they say Bologna is a pacified city where the only ‘out-of-place voice is that of the insurrectionist anarchists’!
But investigators don’t really care if investigations like this one will come to nowhere. Their real goal is to harass the comrades with imprisonment and other judicial restrictions, to scare those who come close to the anarchists, and at the same time to try to create precedents in order to crash future forms of dissent.
I think this tendency deserves particular attention because it interests anyone who wants to start a struggle. These attempts must not go on in silence.
If we are frightened and pushed back by this kind of attacks, our enemy will advance and gain ground.
I believe the best thing to do in front of the advancing repression is to re-launch the struggle and to widen solidarity.
From this point of view [solidarity], we can’t complain as regards operation ‘Outlaw’ (this name is really laughably ridiculous not to be mentioned at least once). Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the letters, love and solidarity coming from Bologna, from all over Italy and from beyond the borders of this damned country.
With my head held high in spite of everything.
For anarchy.
Martino Trevisan, one of the comrades arrested in Bologna on 6th April (operation ‘Outlaw’) is currently detained in Vercelli (Via del Rollone 19, 13100 Vercelli, Italy).
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Lantin, Belgium - Prison escape

suie e cendres
LIEGE - This morning, a prisoner, the 28 year old Mohamed El Jabbari, escaped from the prison of Lantin, considered to be a high security prison. Four accomplices of the ex-prisoner put a ladder to the wall, climbed up and threw down a cord ladder. They made the guards back off by shooting in the air with machine guns. Mohamed run to the cord ladder, climbed over and disapeared with his accomplices. The cars probably used for the escape were found back later that day, destroyed by fire.
Mohamed was condemned for a series of armed robberies to several years of prison.
Brussels, Belgium - Five prison guards' cars burnt out

suie e cendres
3005/2011 - BRUSSELS - During the night of Friday to Saturday, unknown persons burned down five cars belonging the guards of the prison of Ittre on their parking lot in front of the prison. The five cars were completely destroyed.
In the afternoon, guards went on strike for several hours to protest against this violent act of revenge, saying that there working climate is becoming worse every day.
In an interview with a spokesperson of the Ministry of Justice and of the Union of the Guards, they are saying that guards get more and more harassed by prisoners, ex-prisoners, friends and family of prisoners. They say it is very frequently that a guard is recognized when he is not on duty, gets insulted and even beaten. Also threats are often made, which then lead to repressailles in front of their houses etc etc. The Union is saying that "a molotov against the house of a guard is no longer an exception" and the Ministry denounces the increase of intimidation and threats against the guards and the staff of the prison, quoting an exemple where "guards, doctors, directors and social assistents working in the isolation module of the prison of Bruges get insulted when they leave the prison, harrassed and systematicaly photographs are taken from them."
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